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Congress of Student Organizations (CSO) Large Group Meeting January 30 7:00 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress of Student Organizations (CSO) Large Group Meeting January 30 7:00 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress of Student Organizations (CSO) Large Group Meeting January 30 7:00 PM

2 What is CSO? O Congress of Student Organizations  Leadership umbrella that serves Student Organizations  Resource for organizations on camps O CSO Commissioner and Members  Student organization resource and advocate  Voting members O Student Activities Office Staff

3 CSO Requirements O Enrollment on OrgSync  Portal needs to be completely filled out  Officer information updated as needed O One Large Group per Semester (Fall & Spring) O Service Hours (2/3 members must complete 2 hours)  Bison Service Challenge O Constitution (Renewed every 3 years) O Check organization mailbox weekly O Resource room needs to maintain cleanliness

4 Volunteer Network O Bison Service Challenge   Organizations need to have two-thirds (2/3) of their active members volunteer a minimum of 2 hours

5 Officer Eligibility O Undergraduate students must be enrolled in 9 credits and have successfully completed 9 credits the previous semester O Graduate Students must be full time according to their program O Must have a minimum 2.0 CUM GPA O Be in good conduct standing with the University O Complete CSO paperwork in order to hold leadership role O Appeals may be with the Dean of Student Life O See the Dean of Student Life website for more information ibility_for_participation_in_co_curricular_activities/ ibility_for_participation_in_co_curricular_activities/

6 Officer Transitions O Past Leader grants New Leader ‘Admin’ access under the People’s Tab in OrgSync O New Leader Needs to: out O Take Past Leaders out of the ‘Admin’ position and place them into ‘Members’ (People’s Tab) into O Place New Leaders into ‘Admin’ (People’s Tab) O Edit all Titles under People’s Tab to current position O Edit Settings Tab to update all current Leaders contact info and Club Information *VERY IMPORTANT*

7 Step #1 Step #2 Options: -Advisors -Officer (Admin) -Members

8 Student Activities Office Kim Bruemmer Assistant Director of Campus Activities 1. Calling Advisors 2. Checking Forms

9 Travel Policy O Each time your organization travels… O 1) Trip Leader must fill out the Student Travel Notification  On OrgSync (it is under the tab “forms”)  Once it is submitted, the Student Activities Office receives it O 2) Each student traveling must fill out: “Student Field Trip Informed Consent, Assumption of Risk and Release Form”  Found at NDSU General Counsel website   Each form must be turned into the Student Activities Office

10 Facilities Use Agreement/Event Risk Assessment Form O Reserving Space in Union or Festival Concert Hall – Union or Festival staff will help your organization through the process O Reserving any other spaces (including outdoors) – organizations need to fill out a Simplified Facilities Use Agreement (links can be found on Org Sync) O When planning an event off campus, please complete the Event Risk Management and Assessment (ERMA) Form (found on the Memorial Union website) O These forms require Advisor signatures. Please contact the Student Activities Staff for more information or assistance.

11 Create your own University Involvement Portfolio (UIP) O Gives you an edge for internships and jobs O Pair it with your resume O Your UIP is a demonstration of the qualities gained while involved in your organization(s) O Go to “My Tools” in your Org Sync Portal and click on the “ePortfolio” tab O From there, you can personalize your ePortfolio O Example:

12 Catering and Memorial Union Room Reservations

13 Catering Grant O Catering Grant  $12,000 per year O $150 per organization until funds are out  Apply Early! – Consider your needs vs. other’s needs.  Need at least 3 days to process with Union Dining Services.  Your MU reservation must be complete before applying for the grant.

14 Memorial Union Reservations O Temporary Organizations:  1 Hour Meeting Reservation  3 Flyers O Full Status Organizations (Status 3+):  6 Hours of Meeting Reservation  1 Major Event per Semester  3 Flyers O Eligible for catering grant. O Probationary Status (Status 1-2):  Restricted from any facility on campus  Set up a one-on-one with the CSO Commission  Any planned on or off campus events will be canceled

15 Public Relations

16 O Muddi Khoporah  Executive Commissioner of Public Relations O Matt Wagenius  Assistant Executive Commissioner of Public Relations

17 Public Relations O Send your email for Listservs:   Messages in by 5pm the day you would like them sent O Guidelines  CSO Status of: O 5- Send up to 5 Listservs per semester O 4- Up to 4 O 3- Up to 3 O 2, 1, or Probationary – None  One Email a week

18 You-are-Here Kiosks

19 O Poster guidelines: O 11x17 or 8.5x11 O No need to laminate O Place on our desk in the SG Office O No advertisements for alcohol

20 MAT Bus Advertisements O We are able to utilize the overhead advertising space on MAT Busses once again this year.

21 On-Campus Advertising O Memorial Union O Reservations O Booths & Cages O Window Clings O Outdoor banners O Poster Frames O Graphic Services O Large format printing O T.V. Advertisements

22 Student Government Finance Walter Lanza Preston Gilderhus

23 Introduction O Finance Commission O Funding of the Three Tiers  Tier I  Tier II  Tier III O Student Activity Fee Funds O Student Org Audit O Non-Competitive and Competitive Organizations O Printing Cards O Calculations O Getting Reimbursed O Budget Hearings

24 Finance Commission O Financial arm of Student Government O Make recommendations to the Senate on how to distribute the Student Activity Fee (SAF) O Ensure fairness and consistency O Commission is bound by Finance Guidelines  Available online on OrgSync O Senate is not bound by Finance Guidelines

25 Student Government Finance Funding of the Three Tiers

26 Tier I Organizations  Important services to the entire student body  Continued and prominent existence for an extended period of time  SAF dollars allocated based on percentages outlined in the Student Government Code O Athletics O Campus Attractions O Campus Recreation & Intramurals O Performing Arts O Media Advisory Board O Memorial Union O Student Government

27 Tier II and III Organizations O Tier II  Must be recognized by CSO  Must allow any student to be involved  Must be in good CSO standing to receive a budget  SAF dollars allocated based on recommendations from the Finance Commission  Budgets can be found on OrgSync O Tier III  Must be recognized by CSO  Have restrictions on who may be involved  E.g. Greek Life, honor societies  Only eligible for SP’s & RR’s

28 Student Activity Fee Funds O Annual Budgeting Process O Contingency Fund O Allocated to ensure funding for Tier II’s unforeseen expenses O Extension of budgeting O Special Project Fund O Allocated to ensure funding for projects and events that benefit the entire student body O First come, first serve and based on merit O TORFF Fund O Allocated to ensure funding for temporary orgs O Standard operating expense budget only O Reserve Fund O Generally not used by student organizations O Large projects that benefit the entire student body O Rollover from previous years

29 Student Org Audit O To make sure the Student Activity Fee is being properly utilized within student organizations O For Tier II organizations that have received funding from Student Government O Random selection of organizations each year O Process is almost finalized (Voting tonight) O If your organization is selected, expect an email soon.

30 Student Government Finance Non-Competitive and Competitive Tier II Organizations

31 Non-Competitive Org Budget O Standard operating expenses O One non-competitive conference for six people  Travel  Lodging  Registration O Additional requests

32 Competitive Budget O Standard operating expenses O Funding for the five least expensive away games and five home games  Travel for away games  Lodging for away games  Registration for both home and away O Funding for a team and a half O One level of dues O Practices

33 Printing cards! #1. Make sure you have submitted a budget #2. Fill out the Printing Card form on OrgSync under “Forms” #3. You will receive an email notifying you that your card is ready to be picked up from Student Government office. #4 Funds will expire on June 30 th, 2014 O Use at Go Print Stations Allow 3 business days for completion

34 Student Government Finance Calculations

35 O Travel  Mileage determined using MapQuest  Rates determined by Enterprise rates  Vehicle Assignment O Sedan – 4 passengers O Minivan – 6 passengers O Passenger Van – 12 passengers O Truck – 4 passengers

36 Calculations O Lodging  Lodging rate calculated from US General Services Administration (GSA)  If the location is not listed, $83/night is used  Washington, D.C.: $169  Denver, CO: $109  River Falls, WI: $83  Rooms are allocated 4 people to a room with no regard to gender  GSA rates varies from month to month

37 Calculations O Registration Fees  Deductions will be taken out for food O Dues  Must be league approved  One level, normally the lowest cost O Practices  Group must justify the practice  No travel or lodging

38 Items not funded O Expenses for non-students (coaches) O Food or drink O Equipment that will not remain with group O Insurance for any purpose O Others can be found in Finance Guidelines

39 Reimbursement Request O Be sure to attach all receipts! O Be sure to sign the reimbursement form O Our official means of communication is E-MAIL O O Check your NDSU email address

40 Budget Hearing Budgeting for next school year (7/1/14-6/30/15) Tier II organizations with status of 3, 4 or 5 o Percentage deductions Budgets due Sunday, Feb. 2 nd @ 6:00pm Email to The NDSU email addresses of your OrgSync officers are official means of communication Help with budgets – Student Gov. Office (MU) o Walter– MW: 1-2pm o Preston– T/TH: 2-3pm

41 How to Get a Budget O Standard Operating only Subject Line: “(Org Name) STANDARD OPERATING” Email to $175 budget

42 How to Get a Budget Competitive or Non-Competitive O Competitive – funding for competition O Non-competitive – funding for conference O Both – funding for Standard Operating plus additional requests Visit for budget templates Email to

43 Budget Hearings Who: Finance Commission and Senators Where: Meinecke Board Room When: Feb. 4, 5, 10, 13, 18, 25 from 5-10pm What to Expect What to Wear What to Bring o Detailed information on events (meals included, start times, etc.) o More than five home, five away events o Tri/Dual College o Uniforms or special equipment

44 Other Reminders O Dining Services Grant – Through Dining Services (MU Food Court) $150 O Submit reimbursements as soon as you have valid receipts with $0 balance O Original budgets from FY14 are online at

45 Finance Conclusion O This is not a complete listing of all Finance Guidelines O The Guidelines provide consistency and fairness to all organizations O Please feel free to e-mail us or stop in the office!

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