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Unit I Review. Shoot for 2 What did Suleyman I do?  Created fair laws  Created fair taxes  Created the Devshirme system  Created the Jannisaries.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit I Review. Shoot for 2 What did Suleyman I do?  Created fair laws  Created fair taxes  Created the Devshirme system  Created the Jannisaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit I Review

2 Shoot for 2

3 What did Suleyman I do?  Created fair laws  Created fair taxes  Created the Devshirme system  Created the Jannisaries  Killed his son

4 Why did the Ottomans take over Constantinople?  B/c of its location. Whoever controlled it controlled trade between Africa, Europe, and Asia

5 How did the Ottomans take over Constantinople  First they tried using cannons  Then they tried to get closer but there was a chain  They used trees to put the boats on to get around the chain

6 Who was Timur the Lame?  An enemy of the Ottoman Empire.  He stopped the Ottomans from expanding

7 Why was Timur the Lame called that?  B/c he had a limp leg from getting shot in the leg with an arrow

8 How did Portugal think they could get to Asia?  By going around Africa

9 Where was the Mughal Empire?  India

10 What did Akbar do?  Religious freedom  Got rid of non-muslim taxes  Made fair taxes  Blended cultures and languages

11 What was the Devshirme system  When the Ottomans would take over Christian territories they would take the boys to be soldiers, educated them, fed them, and converted them to Islam

12 What did Shah Jahan do?  Built the Taj Mahal

13 What were the motivations to explore?  God, Gold, and Glory

14 Where was the Ottoman Empire?  Anatolia which is today Turkey

15 What country was the first to explore overseas?  Portugal

16 What was the Columbian Exchange  The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas

17 Who was the first Portuguese explore to try and make it to Asia? Why did he fail?  Bartholemu Diaz  He did not have enough supplies

18 Which Portuguese explorer made it Asia? Why was this important?  Vasco Da Gama  He found a sea route to Asia for trade

19 How did Spain think they could get to Asia?  Be sailing west across the Atlantic

20 Who was the first explorer to try to search for a sea route for Spain? Where did he end up?  Christopher Columbus  He ended up in the Carribeans

21 What did Francisco Pizzaro do?  Conquered the Incan empire

22 What technology allowed for overseas exploration?  Compass  Astrolabe  Caravel

23 How did the French make money in America?  By trading fur

24 What was the middle passage  The middle leg od transatlantic trade where Africans were sent to the Americas under horrible conditions

25 What was the Atlantic Slave Trade?  Buying and selling of Africans for work in Americas

26 What is capitalism?  Based on private ownership and investment

27 Why were Africans chosen as slaves  They were immune to disease  Unfamiliar with the land  And had good farming techniques

28 What was China’s official trading policy?  Only the government was allowed to trade with foreign countries

29 What goods were brought to the Americas  Cows  Chickens  Horses

30 What goods were brought to Europe?  Corn  Potatoes  Cocoa  Tomatoes

31 What did Cortes do?  Took over the Aztecs

32 Why was Portugal leading European in oversea exploration  Location  Navigation school  They want to cut out the Italians and Muslims

33 Why did Francisco Pizzaro conquer the Incan Empire?  To make $$$$ for Spain

34 What is an Astrolabe?  A tool used to tell you the latitude (how far north or south of the equator you are)

35 What was the purposed of Joint-Stock Companies  To make $$ off exploration by “pooling wealth”

36 What was the main economic activity in New France?  Fur trade

37 This sultan built the Taj Mahal for his wife  Shah Jahan

38 What type of policy did Japan have involving foreign trade?  Closed Country Policy

39 What were the positives and negatives of the Columbian Exchange?  Next goodsDisease  New landGuns  New foodSlave Trade

40 Who conquered the Aztec Empire?  Hernando Cortes

41 Who encouraged religious tolerance in the MUGHAL empire?  Akbar

42 The system where Christian boys were taken as slaves, converted to Islam, and turned into warriors  Devshrime System

43 The empire located in Anatolia  The Ottoman Empire

44 This empire was located in India  The Mughal Empire

45 The Ottomans were able to conquer this Byzantine city using cannons and military strategy.  Constantinople

46 Why was the Caravel and important development in navigation?  It was able to sail against the wind

47 This was the term for a warrior for Islam who belonged to a military society with a strict code of conduct  Ghazi

48 This guy interrupted the growth of the Ottoman Empire  Timur the Lame

49 This sultan created universal laws and a fair tax system in the Ottoman Empire  Suleyman I

50 Fly Swatter Review

51 Christopher Columbus Francisco Pizzaro Hernando Cortes Bartholomeus Diaz Vasco Da Gama

52 Mughal EmpireOttoman Empire

53 Timur the LameAkbar OsmanSuleyman I Shah JahanTaj Mahal

54 Devshirme systemJanissaries GhaziConstantinople CannonsCultural Blending

55 Caravel Astrolabe Compass

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