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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Evolution Early Ideas/Basics Natural Selection Evidence of Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution Speciation and patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Evolution Early Ideas/Basics Natural Selection Evidence of Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution Speciation and patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Evolution Early Ideas/Basics Natural Selection Evidence of Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution Speciation and patterns of Evolution 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Topic 1: 200 Question: What makes a group of organisms a species? Answer Ability to reproduce and have fertile offspring

4 Topic 1: 400 Question: Provide two ways to define evolution Answer Change over time. Decent with modification.

5 Topic 1: 600 Question: What would Ms. Desamours say to someone who said, “Psh! Evolution? Evolution is just a theory!!” Answer Educate yourself on the scientific definition of a theory and get back to me.

6 Topic 1: 800 Question: Describe the three theories of geologic change Answer Catastrophism Gradualism Uniformitarianism

7 Topic 1: 1000 Question: What were some of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s ideas on evolution? Give an example. Why was he wrong? Why is he so significant if he was wrong? Answer Inheritance of acquired traits. Ground-breaking ideas for his time. Darwin tweaked his ideas to get his more accurate theory of evolution.

8 Topic 2: 200 Question: Natural selection selects for traits that… Answer (The answer here!)

9 Topic 2: 400 Question: Provide an example of a trait that is adaptive Answer (The answer here!)

10 Topic 2: 600 Question: How are adaptations related to natural selection? Answer Provide organism with an advantage in a particular environment allowing nature to select for the traits of the most fit individuals.

11 Topic 2: 800 Question: What is fitness? Biologically, at the end of an organism’s life, what is the key indicator of a success? Is the most fit organism a perfect organism? Explain. Answer Ability to survive and reproduce. Surviving offspring. No. Evolution does not work toward perfection. Nature can only act on given traits.

12 Topic 2: 1000 Question: Draw the effect that parasitic wasps and woodpeckers have on gall fly larvae. What kind of selection does that represent? Answer (The answer here!)

13 Topic 3: 200 Question: What is a fossil? How do they provide evidence of evolution? Answer (The answer here!)

14 Topic 3: 400 Question: How do vestigial structures provide evidence of evolution? Give an example. Answer They are structures that serve little no use in the current form of the organism but were necessary to an ancestor.

15 Topic 3: 600 Question: Your friend, who hasn’t taken biology said to you one day, “You know, we evolved from chimpanzee’s.” What would you say in response? Answer We did not evolve from modern chimps. We share a common ancestor with chimps and all living things. Chimps are closest to humans genetically sharing 96% of the same DNA.

16 Topic 3: 800 Question: Which provides evidence for common ancestry, homologous or analogous structures? Explain. Answer Homologous. Despite differing appearance or function, they are composed of the same structures implying common ancestry.

17 Topic 3: 1000 Question: How does embryology provide evidence of evolution? Answer (The answer here!)

18 Topic 4: 200 Question: What is gene flow? Answer Movement of alleles from one population to another

19 Topic 4: 400 Question: Changes in allele frequencies due to chance that cause a loss of genetic diversity is known as… Answer Genetic drift

20 Topic 4: 600 Question: An oil spill killed off 65% of a species of arctic bird. The result this would have on their gene pool and allele frequencies is known as…. Answer Bottleneck effect

21 Topic 4: 800 Question: Come up with an original example of the founder effect. How might the founder effect lead to speciation? Answer isolation

22 Topic 4: 1000 Question: Provide and example to explain sexual selection. Why are females typically more “choosy” than males? Answer Because reproduction is generally more costly for the female.

23 Topic 5: 200 Question: Name three types of isolation that can lead to speciation. Answer Reproductive, behavioral, geographic, temporal

24 Topic 5: 400 Question: Provide an example and explain coevolution Answer Evolution in response to another organism. Lizard/bird vision. Crab/snail

25 Topic 5: 600 Question: Describe the type of isolation the is closely linked to sexual selection Answer Behavioral. Mating preference.

26 Topic 5: 800 Question: Explain the difference between convergent and divergent evolution. Provide examples of each. Answer (The answer here!)

27 Topic 5: 1000 Question: Analogous structures are often examples of what kind of evolution? Homologous? What is adaptive radiation? Answer Convergent, divergent. Tree of life

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: There is a population of 186 rabbits with two alleles for the texture of their tails. 102 rabbits have cottony tails (C), 84 have short silkily (S) tails. Give the probability of the offspring of these rabbits being homozygous dominant, heterozygous and homozygous recessive. Use the Hardy-Weinberg equation p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1 Answer … (The answer here!)

29 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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