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ISIS Project Status Report May 18, 2006 Prepared by MAXIMUS, Inc Education Systems Division for the ABT Committee.

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1 ISIS Project Status Report May 18, 2006 Prepared by MAXIMUS, Inc Education Systems Division for the ABT Committee

2 1 Table of Contents The purpose of this document is to provide a high level progress report on the ISIS (LAUSDMAX) Implementation Project. The report will cover the following: –Project Timeline –Product Software Module Inventory –Project Status Scorecard –Project Accomplishments –Project Risks/Challenges and Mitigation

3 2 Project Timeline for ISIS Project – 2006-2007 We are here Phase 1.5 - Attendance and Grades functionality at 157 Secondary Schools Phase 2.0 - Functionality upgrade for Secondary and Continuation Schools Phase 2.5 - Full functionality upgrade for Elementary Schools Phase 2.0 Delivery Phase 2.0 functionality in Production Phase 2.5 Delivery Start Training Continuation Schools Rollout (Phase 1 functionality) Middle Schools Rollout High Schools Rollout System of Record Elementary & Adult Pilot Begins Master Scheduling 1/27/065/26/066/30/068/1/069/1/0610/23/0611/13/061/2/072/1/076/29/07 Elementary & Adult Pilot Ends 7/2/07 Elementary & Adult Ed Rollout Begins Elementary Rollout Ends Project Closeout 12/14/07 End to End Testing Conference Room & Parallel Pilots

4 3 Software Module Inventory

5 4 Project Status Scorecard Comments On-TargetCautionBehind Target Phase 1.5 Phase 2.0 Gifted/Talented Phase 2.5 Phases Status ScheduleScopeOverallResources Software version was delivered one month late to quality assurance & testing teams Reports bug fixes to support the Go-Live User requested software enhancements and continuation schools functionality completed Project plan and Fit/Gap is complete Requirements and Specifications in process On schedule for December 2007 completion Resources were temporarily diverted to resolve the grading problem in the live system Additional software enhancements based on user feedback Rapid solution to recent production issues Software release in the live system Implemented at 157 schools

6 5 Project Accomplishments Achieved implementation of Attendance, Grades, Substitute Modules –157 Secondary Schools, 20,263 users, 356,581 students Evaluation and integration of software enhancements received from teachers and user group participants Strong Teamwork –Integration and teamwork of LAUSD and MAXIMUS teams Delivery of the Phase 2.0 software suite Implementation and Training Plans in place for the Phase 2.0 Pilots Addressing unique LAUSD implementation and configuration challenges Updated Integrated Work Plan – Detailing activities for Conference Room Pilots, Production Pilots, Parallel Pilots, Secondary Upgrade, and Elementary School Deployments Collaborative Partnership

7 6 Program Risks and Challenges Risks & ChallengesImpactAssigned to and Mitigation Team Staffing Loss of team members to promotions and external opportunities Competitive marketplace for IT professionals Continuity of knowledge on the team Teams are carrying additional load Pressure on timeline Assigned to: Project Management Office Mitigation: Backfilling with contractors LAUSDMAX Software Modules Enhancements Scope requests continue to be reviewed Completion of reports Completion of User Acceptance Testing Significant time spent on evaluation and alignment of best practices Increased time to perform testing Combined impact of using these modules in an integrated environment creates issues with existing legacy system interfaces Assigned to: Project Management Office, Requirements Team Mitigation: Identify scope for future releases Focus on structured pilot and report completion Apply proven implementation strategy

8 7 Program Risks and Challenges Risks & ChallengesImpactAssigned to and Mitigation Complex requirements for Continuation, Options, Non-Public, Opportunity, and additional software enhancement requests Analyze complex and unique school type requirements and configurations Additional software enhancement review team functionality requests Potential schedule slip of the Phase 2.5 module development Additional workload for requirements team and development team Additional challenge for conference room pilots Standardize business processes Assigned to: Project Management Office Development Mitigation: Alignment of modules to support October and November 2006 rollout Apply lessons learned Rapid analysis of emerging details

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