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Steph agile BI Opinionated talk Isn’t Serious Agile Iterates Not about post-its Not about jargon Where’s the money? Move.

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Presentation on theme: "Steph agile BI Opinionated talk Isn’t Serious Agile Iterates Not about post-its Not about jargon Where’s the money? Move."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile BI Opinionated talk Isn’t Serious Agile Iterates Not about post-its Not about jargon Where’s the money? Move quickly Little & often Smoother processes Collaborative Gather the right info

2 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Steph Locke BI & R User group organiser Speaker Blogger: Twit: @SteffLocke I’m not too good with serious!

3 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Make more money, faster Objective Great goal for Your career Your team Your company

4 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Understand Iteration 1 Getting the fundamental concepts Know enough to get started

5 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Agile theory Iteration 1 Understand what agile is

6 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Agile theory None of these are “Instead Of” Yes to these as priorities! People Process Software Documentation Collaboration Rigid requirements Responsive Project plan

7 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Framework Solely focussed on value aka money generation Different “Agile” methodologies out there Generic view

8 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Components: Theory 12 Agile principals Where the effort should be put in People Process Tools Coping with change Quick to build Satisfaction / fitness metrics Continuous integration Code review Continuous learning Teach simplicity Face to face / virtual Productivity tools Coherent communication Quantified value Planning Continuous improvement Automation

9 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Components: Typical 12 Agile principals Where the effort is often put in People Process Tools Coping with change Satisfaction / fitness metrics Code review Continuous learning Teach simplicity Face to face / virtual Coherent communication Quantified value Planning Continuous improvement Quick to build Continuous integration Productivity tools Automation

10 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Reading material The Phoenix Project The Art of Agile Agile Data Warehouse Design Succeeding with Agile Business Intelligence Roadmap Read as much as you can Learn from other people’s mistakes and successes Isolate the bits that work for you

11 Steph Locke @SteffLocke BI Iteration 1 Understand what BI is

12 Steph Locke @SteffLocke BI: concept Viz Model Transform Data warehouse ETL Reporting Analytics Get & Tidy Transform @hadleywickham

13 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Viz Model Transform BI: time spent Data warehouse ETL Reporting Analytics Get & Tidy Transform @hadleywickham

14 Steph Locke @SteffLocke BI: value Data warehouse ETL Reporting Analytics @hadleywickham Get & Tidy Transform Viz Model Transform

15 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Definition of Done Iteration 1 Declare your agile service attributes Include only things that enable more money Interrogable(?) Revisable

16 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Strategy or tactics? Iteration 1 Strategy is how you make money Tactics deliver strategy Agile is a culture & process for selecting value-add tactics

17 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Dev cycle: typical TicketPrioritiseDevTestRelease Every exercise is big Gap between value & delivery also big

18 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Dev cycle: value Value / idea Prototype DevTest Deliver A prototype is worth a thousand meetings Get & use tools to reduce test dev/test time Priorities

19 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Start Iteration 2

20 Steph Locke @SteffLocke The wrong way… Iteration 2 How not to start

21 Steph Locke @SteffLocke A GRAND PLAN Lots of up-front thinking, discussion, documenting Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission Do?

22 Steph Locke @SteffLocke The horizontal silo Reporting Data warehouse ETLCubes Tackling an area at a time Forgets inter- dependencies Too big = will fail Too isolated = will fail

23 Steph Locke @SteffLocke The black box Same external behaviours as before Forgets People = will fail Lots of layers = will fail

24 Steph Locke @SteffLocke The better way… Iteration 2 Note better, not right Working towards being more effective, not perfect

25 Steph Locke @SteffLocke The best way to get a project done faster is to start sooner Jim Highsmith JFDI

26 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Recommendations Agile coaching can be valuable Plan to tackle A bit P,P,T Manual work PROTOTYPE! Better Quicker Value Before After

27 Steph Locke @SteffLocke It’s never about how you start – it’s always about how you finish The Rock

28 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Iterate Iteration 3:n Continue focussing on improving service and value- orientation Introduce tools when they add value Migrate over time

29 Steph Locke @SteffLocke To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill

30 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile BI Spend time on PPT in the right proportion Do the ones you can achieve Easiest, high value first People Process Tools Excel Template reports Unit testing (Semi-)automated documentation Training regimen Iterations Knowledge transfer CI CD? Comms Metrics governance Sign-off Code Review Value framework Triage Expectation setting Hot seating Failure tolerance Source control Self-discipline Centre of Excellence

31 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Recommendations Scale Throughput High value High impact Plan to tackle A bit P,P,T Manual work PROTOTYPE! Better Quicker Ideas Feedback Experience Value Before After Devolve capabilities

32 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Make more money, faster Objective People Processes Tools

33 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Top Tool Tips Which and how add value? Hurdle rate Learning curve Technical excellence

34 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile reporting Templating Testing Dynamic building Reusable Excel PowerBI R / Python SSRS AN Others € € € € €? SDLC SDLC? ?

35 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile data warehousing Automated deployment Source control Metadata driven Design patterns SSDT Redgate DLM Anchor modelling MSBuild Hadoop? € SDLC € € € €

36 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile ETL Metadata driven Dynamic Templating Design patterns BIML SQL PowerShell C# M € SDLC € € € €

37 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile cubes Design patterns Dynamic Metadata driven Tabular model MDS & BIML € SDLC €

38 Steph Locke @SteffLocke agile BI Cloud Online Open Azure Visual Studio Online Trello Atlassian stack (JIRA, FishEye etc) GitHub White board & post-its Lync / Skype for business

39 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Make more money, faster Objective People Processes Tools

40 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Steph Locke User group organiser Speaker Blogger: Twit: @SteffLocke I’m not too good with serious!

41 Steph Locke @SteffLocke Say Thank you to:  Volunteers – they spend their free time to give you this event  Sponsors – they spend their money to give make this event free

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