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Visit our website at ORGANIZATION CHART Airport Director Roy Sieger Line Attendant Danny Bowman Line Attendant Pete Celestino Line.

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Presentation on theme: "Visit our website at ORGANIZATION CHART Airport Director Roy Sieger Line Attendant Danny Bowman Line Attendant Pete Celestino Line."— Presentation transcript:


2 Visit our website at

3 ORGANIZATION CHART Airport Director Roy Sieger Line Attendant Danny Bowman Line Attendant Pete Celestino Line Attendant Bill Gordon Line Attendant Tom Stager Staff Assistant Julie Deily THE AIRPORT TEAM

4 OPERATIONS Fixed-Base Operator (FBO)


6 Airport Operation  The Airport is one of County’s enterprise funds (not supported by Ad Valorem taxes).  Operation of the Airport including salaries, operating expenses, repairs, and major projects are funded by internally generated revenues from sales of fuel, land leases and hangar rentals.  Total Revenue Generated:  $ 700,000 (FY 2000)  $1,445,000 (FY 2005)  $3,060,000 (FY 2006)  $3,128,000 (FY 2007)  $2,752,000 (FY 2008)  $1,582,000 (FY 2009)  $2,012,000 (FY 2010)  $1,956,429 (FY 2011)

7 Airport Statistics  Flagler County Airport has the busiest Contract Tower in the state of Florida and ranks 3rd in the Country of the 246 Contract Towers. It also ranks as the 65 th busiest of all public use airports in the nation.  Approximately 190,000 operations per year, a remarkable total for a General Aviation Airport.  Amount of aviation fuel sold:  390,000 gallons (FY 2005)  500,000 gallons (FY 2006)  600,000 gallons (FY 2007)  417,000 gallons (FY 2008)  243,000 gallons (FY 2009)  153,000 gallons (FY 2010)  219,000 gallons (FY 2011)  60 based aircraft, including 1 corporate jet, 2 turboprop aircraft and 3 helicopters.

8 Airport Economic Impact Florida Department of Transportation Economic Impact Model Results  Flagler County Airport generates approximately $120 million annually in total impact for the local economy.  The airport’s economic activity supports over 1,431 jobs with a total annual payroll of $40,751,800.00.  Calculated impact is similar to the Space Coast Regional Airport, Charlotte County Airport, and Craig Municipal Airport which have a comparable number of employees and itinerant operations.  This study quantifies the value of the economic benefits generated at airports throughout Florida, both individually and collectively.  The study was conducted on behalf of the FDOT and released March 2010. The study is available online at

9 Airport Economic Impact

10 Airport Businesses

11 Airport Tenants Airport Corporate Center - Edward Jones Financial - Doctor Trina Martin Family Practice - Cloudstar - My Info 911 - Flagler School of Dance Chanfrau & Chanfrau Command /Flagler Air Exchange East Flagler Mosquito Control District Enterprise Leasing Flagler County Emergency Services Fire Flight Helicopter Hangar Flagler County Emergency Services Fire Station #92 Four Star Aero Services Global Outreach Charter Academy High Jackers Restaurant Lunsford Air Consulting Maxwell’s Magnetos Triangle Air Business Park - AT&T - Blue Sky Yakrobatics - Hammock Communities - New Way Church - Palm Coast Gymnastics - Platinum Leasing - Ryan Aviation - TBD Partners - Waterline Industries

12 Air Traffic Control Tower  ATCT Details Opened October 2009 There are 246 FAA Contract Towers across the country. FAA funds the salaries of the Air Traffic Controllers. Tower was funded by FDOT at a cost of 3 million dollars. Staffed with one Tower Manager and six controllers (Ground, Local, and Local Assist). Operating Hours – 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 7 days a week 8 stories tall, each floor has a function.

13 Air Traffic Control Tower Operations


15 Completed Airport Projects  Airfield Marking - Remark runways & taxiways and replace airfield sign panels - FDOT $135,000 (80%), Airport $33,750 (20%)  Security Fence - Installed 11,696 LF of new security fencing - FDOT $270,000 (100%).  Security Surveillance System Upgrade - Maintenance of and upgrade to security camera system - FDOT $47,000 (100%)  Cell Phone Tower - Construction of 150-foot telecommunication tower - Private Investor (100%)  Environmental Assessment for Runway Safety Area Improvements - FONSI and ROD received on February 14, 2011 - FDOT $86,056 (80%), Airport $21,514

16 Security cameras capture operations on the airfield access points. Daytime or at night. Airport Security Measures

17 Telecommunications Tower Land Clearing Rebar Cage Tower Base Raising the Tower

18 Telecommunication Tower Major Tenant – AT&T

19 Current Projects  Design Phase of the Relocation and Extension of Runway 11/29 - $630,000 FAA $598,500 (95%), FDOT $25,200 (4%), Airport $6,300 (1%)  T-Hangar Project - $1,205,748 Design Phase $138,000 (FDOT $110,400 (80%), Airport $27,600 (20%) Construction Phase $1,067,748 (FDOT $1,067,748 (100%)  South Access Road - $1,526,258 Update the Design and Phase I Construction of the South Access Road FDOT $1,005,373 (66%), EDC $500,000 (33%), Airport $20,939 (1%)  Rehabilitation of Taxiway E - $1,573,000 FDOT $1,573,000 (100%)  Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) Replacement - $256,147 FDOT $256,147 (100%)  Aircraft Parking Apron Rehabilitation and Expansion Project - $906,537 FDOT $906,537 (100%)  Airport Master Plan Update - $166,580 FAA $149,922 (90%), FDOT $13,326 (8%), Airport $3,331 (2%)

20 Current Projects (cont.)  Design for Rehabilitation for Taxiways C and D - $130,870 FDOT $130,870 (100%)  Design for the Runway Safety Area Improvements - $112,000 FDOT $112,000 (100%)  Construction of Runway Safety Area Improvements - $400,000 FDOT $400,000 (100%)

21 Project Cost Summary FDOT Participation - $5,600,601 FAA Participation - $748,422 Economic Development (County) - $500,000 Airport Participation - $58,170 GRAND TOTAL - $6,907,193 Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Established to assist rural areas critical concerns Communities that meet the statutory definition of “rural” can request a wavier of match funding.

22 Airport Projects Diagram

23 Airport Industrial Park

24 Iroquois Canal Crossing for South Entrance Road


26 T-Hangar Construction Constructing Two T-Hangar Buildings, each containing Ten Units. This project will generate $76,800.00 in revenue annually.

27 Runway Safety Area (RSA)

28 Emergency Utilization Army National Guard H-60 Blackhawks Fire FlightWater and ice Distribution Point

29 Airport Accomplishments  “Wings Over Flagler” Warbird Airshow  FDOT Project of the Year for Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT)  Excellence in Airport Training Award from AAAE  Noise Abatement Procedures  Negotiating with Command Aircraft to remove salvage yard  New fuel vendor resulting in lower fuel rates  Selling Pilot Supplies, i.e. charts & publications

30 “Wings Over Flagler” Airshow  March 24 & 25, 2012  Approximately 7,500 people attended  Over 45 vintage and modern day military aircraft, including a C-130 were on display.  Expanded Kids Zone was huge success For more information visit

31 Aerobatic Box

32 Airport Advertising Airport Owners and Pilot Association (AOPA) Directory Fantastic Flagler (Chamber of Commerce) Destination Flagler Beach Fuel Websites:,,,,,

33 AIRPORT WEBSITE  For more information about the airport, visit our website at

34 This was our primary customer in the past …

35 …this is our current customer and the future.


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