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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGIES for ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONING (Indoor Air & Surface Cleaning Technology) TECHNOLOGIES for ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONING (Indoor Air & Surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECHNOLOGIES for ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONING (Indoor Air & Surface Cleaning Technology) TECHNOLOGIES for ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONING (Indoor Air & Surface Cleaning Technology)

2 The Genuine Space Technology Air/Surface Purification System Develop for NASA

3 Tested by the most highly respected labs in this industry Kansas State University University of Cincinnati SGS Midwest Research Institute Proven Technology


5 Why Use MCI Technology? Kills Microorganisms 24/7 –Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, Mildew –EPA Regulated as On Site Generator –“This state of the art technology may be as significant an advance in infection control as the development of antibiotics” – Dr. James Marsden Kansas State University Removes & Controls Allergens & VOC’s From The Air –Dust, Smoke, Mold, Pet Dander -- Mode Of Transmission For Obligate Parasites –VOC’s From Paint, Glue, Plywood, New Carpet, Chemicals –Qualifies For Up To 4-5 LEED Points!

6 Why Use MCI Technology? Removes & Controls Persistent Odor Problems –Restrooms, Sewer Gases, Waste/Garbage, Smoke, Kennels, Pet Odors –Healthcare – Incontinency, Cancer, Colostomy, Burn Wards, Morgues –Building Restoration – Fire, Water, Drug Houses

7 How MCI Kills Microorganisms MCI Technology generates a hydrogen based “positive and negative multi-polar and bi-polar ion” mass Positive and negative ions break down cell membrane proteins on bacterial surfaces – instantaniously This method causes structural damage to bacterial surfaces only (denaturing the micro-organism) killing the microorganisms. Multi-polar and Bi-polar ions do not affect the DNA or RNA structure of the microorganism. This “effect” makes it safe for around humans.

8 0 OH OH- Broad Spectrum UV Light OH- H2O2H2O2 Photocatalytic Process Bipolar Ion Multi- polar Ion Bipolar Ion Multi- polar Ion H2O2H2O2 O2O2 Hydroxyls 0 OH HydroxidesOH- Super Oxides O 2 - Hydrogen Peroxide H 2 O 2 Ozonide Ions O 3 - Ozone O 3 Hydroxyls 0 OH HydroxidesOH- Super Oxides O2-O2-O2-O2- Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2H2O2H2O2H2O2 Ozonide Ions O3-O3-O3-O3-Ozone O3O3O3O3

9 Bacteria Cells Ruptured (After exposure to Multi-Polar and Bi-Polar ionization - -TEM photo ) REF: Aachen Univ - Germany TEM photo of bacteria cells after exposure to Multi-Polar Ionization Enterococcus- is a nocosomial microbe transmitted most commonly by healthcare workers whose hands have become contaminated, either from feces, urine, or blood. Or spread indirectly via hand contact with open wounds or by touching contaminated surfaces, where the bacterium can survive for weeks- - internal medication resistant infections can result. It is not transmitted through the air.

10 MCI Technology Kills: Virus –H5N1 & H5N8 Avian flu virus –MNV Norovirus –Coxsackie –Polio –Corona –MS2 Enterobacteria Phage Bacteria –Staphylococcus Aureus –MRSA (Methicillin-Resistent Staphylococcus) –Pseudomonas Subtilis –Stephtococcus Subtilis –Listeria Monocytogenes –E-Coli –Bacillus Subtilis

11 MCI Technology Kills: Bacteria Continued –Serratia –Candida Albicans –Enterococcus –Sacina –Micrococcus Fungi –Cladosporium –Stachybotrys Chartarum (Black Mold) –Penicillium –Aspergillus –Alternaria –Mucorales Allergens –Mite allergens –Pollen –Particulates

12 Customer Benefits Disinfects surfaces and air 24/7 reducing nosocomial infection rates –Does not replace normal cleaning procedures. Protects employees, customers, visitors and quests from allergens', viruses, bacteria, and mold improving air quality and reducing absenteeism Increase shelf-life of fresh food, reducing spoilage up to 65% (huge savings over a years time) – Food Handling, Processing and Storage Areas Eliminates broad range of odor issues Assists in obtaining LEED Certification of Facilities

13 Used at the Liberty Bell Visitors Center Used in the U.S. Pentagon Products and Technology Over 5,000,000 Purifiers Sold

14 Pentagon letter after machines were used: “ I witnessed a tremendous improvement in the air quality that they made in the offices” Technology Cleans Up Pentagon After 9/11

15 The Cost of Failed Disinfectant Protocols Hospital Nosocomial Infections 6 th leading cause of death in United States with up to 70,000 patients deaths per year Adds $34.7 - $45 billion per year to medical costs Sources – CDC, APIC and medical journals Food Illness, Contamination & Spoilage September 2007 Foodbourne illness causes 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths/year – Source - CDC October 2007 The TOPPS Meat Company, the largest maker of frozen hamburger patties in the USA, will close it’s business after 67 years of operation because of e-coli contaminated hamburg patties. Food Processing & Handling operations causes bacteria contamination which creates food spoilage and shorter shelf life. Can cause up 3- 5% profit loss

16 We Are Effected By What Others Do Around Us MCI Technology Can make a difference!

17 The World’s First Sneeze Machine

18 78% Reduction 3 feet

19 Active Technology Germicidal UV Lamps Passive Technology VS. Filtering

20 Passive Technology Filters, Electrostatic Filters and UV Lights require that the air passes through or by it in order to work. Filters remove large particles but not the small. Particles smaller than 1 micron cause the majority of health issues and not affected by air flow dynamics. They can remain in the air for up to 511 days increasing the risk of illness. MCI technology fills the treated space removing and killing microorganisms in the air and on all surfaces 24/7. Any re-contaminated surfaces are immediately acted upon to kill the microorganisms once the area is saturated with the MCI Technology.

21 A PARTICULATE STUDY* It Stays Around For A Long time ! Particulate Diameter um Settlement Time per foot 0.001511days 0.0151 days 0.10.51 days 1.01.04 hrs 2.042 sec 5.06.77 sec 1014.5 sec 100.175 sec *Danish Building Research Denmark - Alireza Afshari **Science News; 7-18- 2009 ; pg 26-29 Very small particulate is NOT effectively transported by air movement ! These are the “BAD” guys that ‘Hang Out” Way Too Long ! **Sizes 0.01 um and smaller Found to invade blood stream and cause phyicial symptoms = Blood pressure Atherosclerosis Stroke Diabetic disease Cell aging Loss of cancer protection Genetic damage Avg Diameter Human Hair Thus, filters have no chance of removing these submicron particles.

22 97% Of Weight ( 28+52+11+6= 97%) But not a big health threat ! But 98.5 % Of Particle Count is < 0.5 um A big health threat Don’t Be Fooled ! It’s the “Small Sizes” < 0.5 um that are Numerous & Dangerous ! 300-400 million/m3 Typical Air Particle Size Distribution 98.5 Most filter mfgs. spec their product on “weight” not “count”.

23 “Microbe” SIZE COMPARISONS - - 100 um = 0.004 inches Human hair diameter = 100 um (um) ( Size Matters )

24 Why MCI Technology ? 1.TELSA; A Journal of Modern Science; 1st Qtr 1997, pg 3 2. Asthma Support Newsgroup; Feb ‘98 C leaning E fficiency R ange T ypical H ousehold P ollutants Particle Size in Microns Visible With Naked Eye Visible with Microscope Visible with Electron Microscope 100um 10u 1.0u 0.5u 0.1u 0.01u 0.001u S tandard F ilters H igh Q uality HEPA F ilter E lectronic A ir Filters; ( Pop & Zap type) BiPolar I ons & O xidizer T REATED A IR P ollen B acteria A tmospheric and H ousehold D ust C ooking S moke and G rease T obacco S moke and I ts G ases M old S pores V iruses Red Blood Cell Polio Virus NOTES: 1. Typically only 50% -70% of air ‘ reaches ’ filters of any type 2. 1 mu =.000039 inch Dust Mite Feces C at D ander H uman H air Most Dangerous Particle Sizes A sbestos D ust Skin Cell If you can move them to filter !

25 All Buildings & Facilities ice machines guest rooms meeting rooms rest rooms restaurants lounges offices Portable Solutions

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