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NUTRITIONAL AND EXERCISE PROGRAM 2-14 year old Emilio Prado|Camila Orta|Fernando Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "NUTRITIONAL AND EXERCISE PROGRAM 2-14 year old Emilio Prado|Camila Orta|Fernando Cruz."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUTRITIONAL AND EXERCISE PROGRAM 2-14 year old Emilio Prado|Camila Orta|Fernando Cruz

2 Daily calorie intake (quantity) ■Male recommended 1000-2000 calorie intake ■Female recommended 1000-1800 calorie intake

3 Special nutritional requirements for the age (vitamins, minerals) ■The best way to ensure 2 to 14 year old consumes enough nutrients is for him to regularly eat healthy foods from five major food groups: grains, dairy, protein, fruits and vegetables. ■Vitamin supplements are rarely necessary for toddlers who eat a varied diet. However, supplemental iron may be needed if your child eats very little meat, iron-fortified cereal, or vegetables rich in iron. ■Also vitamin D is essential for a healthy growth.

4 What types of groups of food should be avoided according to the age ■Slippery foods such as whole grapes; large pieces of meats, poultyry, and hot dogs, candy and cough drops ■Small hard foods such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, chips, pretzels, raw, carrots, and raisins. ■S ticky foods such as peanut butter and marshmallows

5 Aerobic exercise ■Aerobic exercise should make up most of the one hour you spend on physical activity every day Examples: ■Fast walking, hiking, jogging, or running ■House cleaning or yard work ■Dancing to music ■Playing tag or jumping rope ■Biking ■Tennis, hockey, or soccer ■Swimming ■Cheerleading, gymnastics, or aerobics

6 Anaerobic exercise ■Anaerobic exercise: any exercise that consists of short exertion Some examples: ■Sprinting ■jumping

7 Sleep recommendation ■School age children (2-14): Sleep range is 9- 11 hours because even though their bodies are still developing they are more mature and need less hours of sleep

8 Reference ■ stages/toddler/hic-Feeding-Your-Toddler stages/toddler/hic-Feeding-Your-Toddler ■ stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/Feeding-and-Nutrition-Your-Two-Year-Old.aspx stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/Feeding-and-Nutrition-Your-Two-Year-Old.aspx ■

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