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Author Workshop Università La Sapienza 18 February 2013 Ralf Gerstner Executive Editor Computer Science Elisa Magistrelli Account Development Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Author Workshop Università La Sapienza 18 February 2013 Ralf Gerstner Executive Editor Computer Science Elisa Magistrelli Account Development Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author Workshop Università La Sapienza 18 February 2013 Ralf Gerstner Executive Editor Computer Science Elisa Magistrelli Account Development Specialist Italy, France, North Africa & Malta

2 Copywriting Taskforce 2 Agenda Who is Springer? Why should you publish? All about Journals All about Books Springer for Authors

3 Copywriting Taskforce 3 Who is Springer.. Springer is a global, leading, scientific publisher Springer publishes over 2.700 journals Springer is THE largest scientific eBook publisher in the world 21.6% of all Nobel Prize winners are Springer authors All winners of the 2011 Nobel Prizes in medicine, physics, chemistry and economics are Springer authors and editors More than 5.500 employees worldwide, in 86 publishing houses, in 21 countries Founded in 1842, we have 170 years of experience

4 Copywriting Taskforce 4 Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) book market

5 Publishing Scientific Research Ralf Gerstner Executive Editor Computer Science Università La Sapienza, 18 February 2013

6 Copywriting Taskforce 6 Agenda Why should you publish? All about Journals All about Books

7 Copywriting Taskforce 7 Why should you publish (and why in English) ? Present new and original results or methods Credibility of results by communicating with your peers. Enhance scientific progress by exchanging ideas. Recognition and career advancement. Research funding. Personal prestige, satisfaction and enjoyment. Why not just blog about it? Quality control through peer reviews Professional publishing services (Abstracting & Indexing) Global marketing and global visibility through state-of-the-art technology

8 Copywriting Taskforce 8 What do journal editors want? Good quality science! Topic that fits into journal‘s scope Original research Active research area (creates discussions and citations) Peer review with feedback Clear, concise writing Sufficient command of English language

9 Copywriting Taskforce 9 (N = 19,220 respondents, 5-point rating: 1=very important to 5=not important at all) Results 2009 How important are the following factors for you when deciding to submit a manuscript to a particular journal? Top 1 Box (very important; in percent) International scope Readership Quality of journal's papers The journal's reputation Electronic submission system Advanced online publication Impact Factor Prior experience with this journal Design / layout "Author pays" open-access model Quality of peer review Speed of publication Coverage by major A&I Editors / editorial board What do authors want ?

10 Copywriting Taskforce 10 What do authors want (cont.) Read the journal product page and READ THE JOURNAL. Talk to your colleagues / peers about their experiences with journals you are considering (did they get visibility and citations) Make use of the expertise of your Library staff. Is an Impact Factor important to you? Or are you more concerned about usage/visibility? Don’t miss the importance of social networking sites. Join other relevant online groups and forums. Use the digital libraries, Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) services, Online Archives, etc. Check publisher sites, you can often find useful information in the ‘for authors’ section. Avoid journals with no clear submission and reviewing process

11 Copywriting Taskforce 11 How to structure your article Title – This will be read first and also searched for. Does the title reflect the content of the paper? Try to keep the title short and to the point. Abstract – Summarize the objective and the results of your research in 75 to 200 words. Whoever reads your paper should be able to tell at a glance what the article is about and what the outcome is. Do not include anything that is NOT in your paper. Keywords – The words relevant as search terms in e.g. Google. Ideally they are not words from the title because the words in the title are automatically used as keywords already. Introduction – Explain (1) why the research was conducted, (2) what methodology was employed, (3) why you chose your particular methodology, and (4) how the methodology accomplished the hypothesis set out in your abstract. Methodology – This should be written clearly and concisely so that someone who wanted to conduct similar research would know exactly what it was that you did.

12 Copywriting Taskforce 12 How to structure your article (cont.) Analysis / results – Present the results clearly and carefully. Discussion – Discuss the project results here. If the results were not what you were expecting, this is where you can provide insights or speculations as to what happened and/or what you could have done differently. Conclusions – Write down your conclusions. Acknowledgements – Acknowledge the people and institutions that have made your research possible (grants, etc). References – Properly cite your referenced material; use the style of the journal. Supplementary materials – List any supplementary materials, appendices.

13 Copywriting Taskforce 13 How to submit – dos and don’ts Don’t start writing just a few days prior to the intended submission date Do ask your colleagues for proofreading and comments before you submit Don’t submit your paper to more than one journal at the same time, that would be violating publishing integrity. Do read the guidelines for the journal very carefully and make sure that you conform to these. Do prepare a cover letter which explains why you think your paper falls within the scope of the journal and which outlines the paper’s originality and/or significance (if asked for in the journal’s guidelines)

14 Copywriting Taskforce 14 Submission considerations – ethics The work described has not been published before. It is not under consideration anywhere else. Publication has been approved by co-authors and responsible authorities. Permissions obtained from copyright owners.

15 Copywriting Taskforce 15 How to measure quality - numbers Impact Factor: number of citations divided by the number of articles Google Scholar and h-Index: number of citations of the most cited papers in relation to the number of citations of the least cited papers Microsoft Academic Search CiteSeerX How to measure quality - other factors Acceptance rate Quality and duration of peer review Speed of publication Global distribution and long-term archiving

16 Copywriting Taskforce 16 Impact Factor There is much debate over Impact Factors in the scientific community, particularly with regard to the fairness of the system. However, there is no doubt that an Impact Factor is seen as a benchmark of quality of the journal in many academic communities. Formula: Number of citations in 2011 to articles published in 2009 + 2010 2011 IF = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total citable articles published in 2009 + 2010 ISI Impact Factors are calculated from monitoring about 8,000 journals. SCOPUS Impact Factors are calculated from monitoring about 16,000 journals.

17 Copywriting Taskforce 17 H-Index The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications. The h-index reflects both the number of publications and the number of citations per publication.. The h-index can be manually determined using citation databases or using automatic tools. The index works properly only for comparing scientists working in the same field; citation conventions differ widely among different fields

18 Copywriting Taskforce 18 What is peer review, why is it important and how to deal with the feedback Peer review is the process of having other experts in the field evaluate your article, your research and methodology, to determine if your paper is suitable for publication. Peer review is employed to maintain a high quality standard of published papers and to provide credibility. Nearly every manuscript requires revisions, often two or three revisions. Consider peer review feedback as advice to help you improve your article. Address all comments carefully. Minor revision does not guarantee acceptance after revision. Do n’t be disappointed if you receive a rejection. Don’t start arguing or fighting about review comments.

19 Copywriting Taskforce 19 How Springer helps you through the submission process Online Article Submission – Online submission and review system primarily used are “Editorial Manager” or “ManuscriptCentral” (depending on the journal). Authors have their own account on to track their submissions. MyPublication –In MyPublication you can set your administrative preferences like whether you wish to publish the article Open Access or through traditional publication. Whether the article contains color figures or not and here you can order off-prints and a poster for your article. Article Tracking - Article Tracking helps you through the production process in 7 steps, you will receive email notifications and be informed you when you are required to do something such as approve proofs. Article Tracking will inform you once the article is published ‘online first’ and when it is published in print. Satisfaction Survey – you will be asked to complete a short survey to help us to improve our services.

20 Copywriting Taskforce 20 What is ‘Online First’ and why is it important Once the article has been accepted and is ready for publication, it will immediately be published online. This is called ‘Online First’. The article has a DOI number (a Digital Object Identifier) and can now be read and cited. For example: DOI: 10.1007/s10681-012-0632-1 What the article does not yet have are page numbers and an issue number. This will only be assigned once it is included in the next available or appropriate issue. Once the issue has been compiled it will be published in print. Manuscript accepted Typesetting & Author Forms Proof to author (and editor) Proof correction Select available OnlineFirst articles Published OnlineFirst Compile issue Publish issue online Print and distribute issue Article workflow Issue workflow

21 Copywriting Taskforce 21 What is Open Access? The article is universally available, FREE to the reader. Copyright remains with the author. Author grants publisher the license to publish the article and indentifies the publisher as the original publisher. Author also grants any third party the right to use the article freely, as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified. Creative Commons: “The author or copyright owner irrevocably grants to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the research article in its entirety or in part.” Publication fee is paid by the author or by some third party.

22 Copywriting Taskforce 22 Open Access vs Traditional Publishing Traditional journals are subscription based, and provide access to subscribers only: Reader pays. Open Access journal have no subscription barriers: Author pays. Open Access allow authors to retain copyright over the work. Traditional journals request copyright is assigned to the publisher or journal owner, but allow – to use all or part of the work in other publications or for educational or research purposes – to post an electronic version on the final authors’ version on the author’s website and/or in an institutional repository (note: different publishers have different policies!)

23 Copywriting Taskforce 23 Different types of books Proceedings – Proceeding are collected papers from a conference – comparable to journal paper Briefs (Short Books) – Narrow Topic, research-oriented, between journal and “full” book Contributed volume – Editor(s), multiple chapter authors, developing topics Monographs – Single author, high quality, research-oriented description Textbooks – Written for a specific education course, comprehensive overview Reference Works (Encyclopedia, Handbook or Atlas) – Comprehensive and complete, many contributors, short descriptions – A-Z format

24 Copywriting Taskforce 24 Academic books have a different purpose from academic journals An academic book is a complete scholarly work on a specific topic Book chapters fulfill a similar role to review articles, with books representing a collection of manuscripts on related topics By contrast, review articles published in journals are usually unrelated to all of the other articles in the same issue Book includes large bibliography, recommended readings, summaries, exercises, index Books vs. Journals

25 Copywriting Taskforce 25 How Springer helps you to publish a book Proposals are externally reviewed. Springer provides style guides and detailed writing instructions. Springer carries out all the typesetting, formatting, etc. Springer Editors guide you through the process. Publishing with Springer is free of charge. Complementary copies for participating authors and editors. 33% discount on all other Springer books All books available as eBook and/or traditional print (POD = Print on Demand). eBook includes Kindle, epub, iTunes, Google Books When you submit a book (proposal) Submit proposal to Publishing Editor Book proposal review Submit manuscript Print proofs: minor changes and corrections Editing, typesetting and formatting Book published! Invite authors, prepare manuscript

26 Copywriting Taskforce 26 a short (3-5 pages, no special format) description of the planned book, its aims & scope, main emphasis, main target group (and how this group will benefit from the book), prerequisites needed to understand the book, and its relation to other publications in the area (if there are any). a table of contents, incl a rough page estimate and a short summary of the main chapters (like for a conference paper). some information about the book authors/editors if it's an edited book, a list of contributors, and if their contributions are already confirmed or still have to be asked for. some information about your intended writing schedule, i.e. by when you plan to make a manuscript version available for review and copy-editing. How to prepare a book proposal

27 Copywriting Taskforce 27 Summarizes the current state of the field Presents various research streams in a balanced manner Describes the limitations of individual studies Provides possible developments for the field Proposes research that will advance the field Shows a presentation style tailored to the target audience Includes helpful additional features like recommended reading, index, exercises, etc. What makes a good manuscript?

28 Copywriting Taskforce 28 Springer for Authors SpringerLink Author Academy Journal Advisor

29 Copywriting Taskforce 29 Free online tools SpringerLink (link) – over 5,5 million documents. Through your library an through Open Access publishing you have access to a great deal of them!link (link) – who, from where, has published what on SpringerLink? Search by author, country, institution or subject and see where the research is coming from. AuthorMapper allows you to explore patterns and trends and to locate other experts in your fieldlink (link) – how is a specific term used in context; in a sentence in any of the work published on SpringerLink?link (link) – what is the LaTex code for the mathematical equation published on SpringerLink?link (link) – shows article nd book chapter downloads as they hapen, about 3 downloads every second, what are the most downloaded articles is a journals, what are the ‘hot‘ keywords?link Author Academy (link) – this guide contains dozens of pages offering detailed advice on how to publish a journal article, how to prepare a book manuscript and what about peer Review and what it means to an Authorlink Facebook page (– where you can read about our events, you can see pictures and where you can have a direct contact with us. Journal selector ( ) - Simply enter an abstract, description, or any scientific text. Journal Selector will match the text to journals that have published relevant papers.

30 Copywriting Taskforce 30 THE OLD Field identification available on every page AZ list of resources Accessing the expertises

31 Copywriting Taskforce 31 THE NEW or

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36 Copywriting Taskforce 36 Springer for Authors A number of years ago Springer established a marketing department that would only be concerned with the needs of our authors. Many tools are at your disposal, to name a few: Author Homepage (link) – dedicated page on to answer to all needs you, as an author, may Author Academy (link) – a dynamic platform to answer all questions you may have as a new or as an experienced AuthorZone (link) – a regular newsletter full of tips and interesting news for our authors. Follow the AuthorZone on facebook ( or Twitter (!/authorzone).link!/authorzone Rights & Permissions (link) – Do you want to do more than just cite another publication? Do you wish to re-use published material? You may want to check with the Rights & Permissions department what the possibilities

37 Copywriting Taskforce 37

38 Copywriting Taskforce 38 Author Marketing @ Springer Step by step guidance with article submissions. Once your work is published, you will receive a congratulation email with tips & tools for self promotion, such as a PDF flyer for your book. Your work available e-first -> instantly available worldwide. Your book available in print by Print on Demand -> never ‘out of stock’ or ‘out of print’ again’. Satisfaction Survey to help us to improve our services. Strength is in numbers: one of the largest publishers in the world means more visibility, more scientist will have access to your work! More than 5,500 people around the world are focused on publishing YOUR work. Springer attends more than 650 conference a year. Dedicated ‘Author Marketing’ team. Dedicated sales teams, selling directly to the Academic, Government and the Corporate market, but also working with subscription agents and (online) booksellers such as Amazon.

39 Copywriting Taskforce 39

40 Copywriting Taskforce 40 Language editing with Edanz Edanz is an external company, independent of Springer. Using an editing service is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of acceptance for publication. Edanz will charge authors directly for these language polishing services, please visit their website for more information (link).link Edanz works with expert scientific editors; English editing for scientists, by scientists. Edanz aims to provide services to raise your chances of acceptance and to ensure clear communication of your research. Edanz can help you with: – language editing, development of your abstract and with writing an effective cover letter – advise on your journal selection – an expert scientific review of your manuscript (similar to a peer review) before you submit to your target journal – interpreting the peer review comments, and assess whether the changes you have made are sufficient to satisfy a peer-reviewer

41 Copywriting Taskforce 41 Author Academy

42 Copywriting Taskforce 42 Springer Author Academy

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46 Copywriting Taskforce 46 LaTex

47 Copywriting Taskforce 47 http://springer.journal-advisor.com (Beta version!)

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49 Copywriting Taskforce 49 Facebook:

50 Copywriting Taskforce 50 Questions? Comments or questions about books? About free tools? Elisa Magistrelli Account Development Specialist Ralf Gerstner Executive Editor – Computer Science

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