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Station 1- Aquatic biome

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1 Station 1- Aquatic biome

2 Station 1- Aquatic biome
1. Define food chain. 2. Define food web. 3. The arrows in food chains/webs show flow of what? 4. If the top predators are removed, what will happen to the predator population? 5. Which organisms are the producers? 6. What is wrong with this food web?

3 Station 2- Trophic levels
1. Define trophic level. 2. In the desert biome, list the producer(s). 3. List the primary consumers. 4. At what level is the lizard in? 5. What would happen if the rat population decreased? 6. All energy originates from the ____.

4 Station 2-Desert

5 Station 3-The Tundra 1. How are food chains and food webs related?
2. How many trophic levels are there in this food web? 3. If the lemming population increased, which organisms would be effected and how? 4. How are bacteria and fungi classified? What is their role in the ecosystem?

6 Station 3-The Tundra

7 Station 4-Challenge 1. Which food chain correctly describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem? A. grass ->cow -> human B. caterpillar ->leaf -> human C. cow-> grass ->human D. leaf -> bird -> caterpillar 2. Rabbits eat grass and other plants to survive, but they do not eat animals. We classify them as _____________. 3. Put the following organisms in the proper order for a food chain in a meadow: hawk, sun, rabbit, grass, man 4. In a biomass pyramid, which level has the most biomass?

8 Station 5

9 Station 5 1. List and classify each organism as either producer, herbivore, or carnivore. Ex. Scorpion- carnivore 2. Which organism is considered the top predator? 3. Use the text book (p. 77) and define the TEN PERCENT RULE.

10 Station 6

11 Station 6 1. If all the phytoplankton are removed, what happens to the krill and zooplankton population? 2. If there is a major increase in seal hunting, which populations will be effected and how? 3.If krill were taken out of the food web, how would this effect the land animals?

12 Station 7 If 10% represents energy, then
what does the 90% represent in the Energy pyramid? 2. How is the 10% tranfered? Draw the pyramid and label the levels in the appropriate spaces: Secondary consumer, producer, tertiary Consumer, and primary consumer

13 Station 8 1. Using the textbook (p. 78), define biomass.
2. What are the 3 types of ecological pyramids? 3. Create a energy pyramid using grasses, grasshoppers, rats, and a snake. Start the producers with 10,000 Kcal. Show the 10% Rule as you move up the pyramid.

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