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The Essentials of Fall 2012 Barbara Quintiliano Falvey Memorial Library x95207 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Essentials of Fall 2012 Barbara Quintiliano Falvey Memorial Library x95207 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Essentials of Fall 2012 Barbara Quintiliano Falvey Memorial Library x95207 1

2 What is a documentation style? documentation style  “A documentation style is a standard approach to the citation of sources that the author of a paper has consulted, abstracted, or quoted from.  “It prescribes methods for citing references within the text providing a list of works cited at the end of the paper formatting headings and margins” The Writer’s Handbook The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin 2

3 Elements of a journal citation Article title authors journal title year volume issue inclusive paging subtitle 3

4 Notable features of APA 6 th Style for journal article references  NEVER use authors’ first and middle names. Initials ONLY.  Ampersand (&) required before the name of final author Gifford, E. J., Wells, R., Bai, Y., Troop, T. O., Miller, S., & Babinski, L. M.  More than 7 authors? Use first 6 authors, then an ellipsis (...) and the FINAL author (et al. is INCORRECT.) Gifford, E. J., Wells, R., Bai, Y., Troop, T. O., Miller, S., Babinski, L. M.,... Rossi, L. O.  Indent 5 spaces under the first line. 4

5 From database to APA 6 th Style Gifford, E.J., Wells, R., Bai, Y., Troop, T.O., Miller, S., & Babinski, L.M. (2010). Pairing nurses and social workers in schools: North Carolina’s school-based child and family support teams. Journal of School Health, 80(2), 104-107. 5 The above reference in APA 6 th -style:

6 One more detail: the DOI number DOI (digital object identifier) -- a unique number that identifies an electronic resource, usu. a journal article. It is required as the last element of a citation in APA 6 th style. 6 Gifford, E.J., Wells, R., Bai, Y., Troop, T.O., Miller, S., & Babinski, L.M. (2010). Pairing nurses and social workers in schools: North Carolina’s school-based child and family support teams. Journal of School Health, 80(2), 104-107. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2009.00472.x

7 Finding the DOI  The databases that you search will usually include the DOI with each reference, if available.  If the database does not include the DOI, you can search for it by using the DOI Lookup: 7 The DOI usually appears on the first page of a journal article.

8 8 Example of a reference from the database CINAHL showing the DOI number

9 9 If the DOI is not provided by the database and cannot be found using the DOI Lookup, search Google for the homepage of the journal and copy the URL for that page. Example on next slide...

10 Here’s a citation with no DOI Hover mouse over journal abbreviation to get its full title. Do a Google Search for the journal’s website. Copy the URL of the homepage. 10

11 11 The citation will look like this in APA 6 th style: Rabbit, A., & Coyne, I. (2012). Childhood obesity: The nurse’s role in addressing the epidemic. British Journal of Nursing, 21(12), 731-735. Retrieved from

12 Elements of a book citation title subtitle authors city of publication, state*, publisher, year edition (if other than the 1 st ) 12 * APA 6 th style now requires adding the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the state following the name of the city.

13 A book citation in APA 6 th style What do you notice about the formatting of the title and subtitle? 13

14 Elements of a Web document citationURL author title Date (of creation or latest update) 14

15 A Web citation in APA 6 th style National Human Genome Institute. (2011, October 13). Frequently asked questions about genetic testing. Retrieved from If you cannot find a date of creation or update, use (n.d.) 15

16 List of References- Items listed alphabetically by first author Items listed alphabetically by first author If there is no author, begin with title of article. Add date after title.If there is no author, begin with title of article. Add date after title. (2002). 16

17 Documenting your sources  Sources that you use must be documented in the text AND in your References list at the end of the paper  Sources that you use must be documented If you use an exact quotation If you use the information but paraphrase it (= put the author’s ideas into your own words) 17

18 Basic format for in-text citations Last name of author(s) Year of publication For an exact quotation you also add the page number(s) For paraphrased information, page numbers are also recommended. 18

19 Basic style of in-text citations for a quotation: As researchers have explained, obesity was once considered “either a moral failing or evidence of underlying psychopathology” (Yanovsky & Yanovsky, 2002, p. 592). Research and Documentation Online RES5e_ch09_s1-0009.html 19

20 Another style for attributing an exact quotation: Research and Documentation Online 20

21 An example of in-text citation for paraphrased information: Two of the medications—fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine—were withdrawn from the market because of severe side effects (Yanovski & Yanovski, 2002, p. 38). See the APA Style Manual or Research and Documentation Online ( for more guidelines on in-text citations. 21

22 But what if I used an electronic source and don’t have any page numbers???  Whenever possible, download the pdf version of a journal article, as page numbers will be provided.  Suggestion: if you are paraphrasing or citing from a web document, you can number the paragraphs: Research and Documentation Online RES5e_ch09_s1-0009.html Several other drugs were classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as having the “potential for abuse” (Hoppin & Taveras, 2004, Weight-Loss Drugs section, para. 6). 22 However, you should always check with your course instructor.

23 Resources American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Available at the University shop and for consultation at Falvey: REF BF76.7.P83 2010 The Basics of APA Style ® Research and Documentation Online – APA section 23

24  Software that will create your list of references for you and also do in-text references  Access at the Falvey homepage under Databases A-Z  RefWorks tutorial: 24

25 Need help? Barbara Quintiliano X95207 (610-519-5207 25

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