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1 Emerging Measurements (EMCO). Is a high tech company specializing in physical measurements needed for improved performance, efficiency, safety, and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Emerging Measurements (EMCO). Is a high tech company specializing in physical measurements needed for improved performance, efficiency, safety, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Emerging Measurements (EMCO)

2 Is a high tech company specializing in physical measurements needed for improved performance, efficiency, safety, and durability for government, industry, and research applications with an emphasis on laser induced fiber optic diagnostics. Emerging Measurements – Who Are We?

3 3 Company History Company was formed in November of 2011 Company was formed in November of 2011 Made up of Scientists and Engineers who are Leaders and Innovators in a Variety of Application Areas Made up of Scientists and Engineers who are Leaders and Innovators in a Variety of Application Areas Steve Allison, Al Akerman, David Beshears, Mike Cates, John Mckeever, Matt Scudiere Steve Allison, Al Akerman, David Beshears, Mike Cates, John Mckeever, Matt Scudiere Combines more Than a Century of Experience Largely at ORNL Combines more Than a Century of Experience Largely at ORNL

4 Company History – Funding to Date Received Phase I SBIR for the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Jul 2012 Received Phase I SBIR for the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Jul 2012 ATA (AEDC) contract for Thermographic Phosphor Measurements in a Jet Engine Oct 2012 ATA (AEDC) contract for Thermographic Phosphor Measurements in a Jet Engine Oct 2012 NASA Grant to Evaluate the Potential of Using High Power LEDs and Laser Diodes as a Small Low Cost Excitation Source Oct 2012 NASA Grant to Evaluate the Potential of Using High Power LEDs and Laser Diodes as a Small Low Cost Excitation Source Oct 2012 NASA VIPR Project Mar 2013 NASA VIPR Project Mar 2013 Metrolaser Turbine Engine Probe Development Sept 2013 Metrolaser Turbine Engine Probe Development Sept 2013 NASA Field Test Assistance Oct 2013 (projected) NASA Field Test Assistance Oct 2013 (projected) 4

5 5 Product/Market First Product: Thermographic Phosphor LabKit Designed to be Used for Physics Labs First Product: Thermographic Phosphor LabKit Designed to be Used for Physics Labs For teaching Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy Concepts For teaching Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy Concepts Market is Physics Departments at Market is Physics Departments at Universities Throughout the World Universities Throughout the World

6 6 Product/Market Developing Products to Serve the Turbine Industry (Jet Aircraft and Power Production) Developing Products to Serve the Turbine Industry (Jet Aircraft and Power Production) Measure Hot Section Blade and Vane Temperatures to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Emissions Measure Hot Section Blade and Vane Temperatures to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Emissions Market is the Aircraft Industry and Power Production Industry Market is the Aircraft Industry and Power Production Industry

7 7 Partnerships/Alliances Developed Teaming Relationships with General Electric (provides Test Bed), Honeywell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NASA Glenn, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Metro Laser, Mo-Sci Corporation, Developed Teaming Relationships with General Electric (provides Test Bed), Honeywell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NASA Glenn, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Metro Laser, Mo-Sci Corporation, Propulsion Instrumentation Working (PIWG), Electric Power Research Institute, University of Tennessee, University of Virginia, University of Memphis, Penn State University, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Connecticut Propulsion Instrumentation Working (PIWG), Electric Power Research Institute, University of Tennessee, University of Virginia, University of Memphis, Penn State University, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Connecticut Membership on NATO AVT Panels – Symposium staff 2015 Membership on NATO AVT Panels – Symposium staff 2015 ISA Leadership positions – VP and Chairmanship 60 th IIS – London 2013 – Standards Committee activities ISA Leadership positions – VP and Chairmanship 60 th IIS – London 2013 – Standards Committee activities

8 8 Company issues/challenges Developing a Strong Marketing Plan Developing a Strong Marketing Plan Increasing our Work Force Increasing our Work Force Continuing to Develop Strong Professional Relationships/Partnerships Continuing to Develop Strong Professional Relationships/Partnerships

9 What is Phosphor Thermometry ● Phosphor thermometry is an optical method for surface temperature measurement. ● Phosphors are fine white or pastel-colored inorganic powders which efficiently emit light. Certain characteristics of the emitted light change with temperature, including brightness, color, and DECAY TIME. The latter is most commonly used for temperature measurement. ● A thin layer of phosphor is applied to the surface whose temperature is of interest.

10 Typical Phosphor Characteristics ● Inert and in some cases they are ceramics ● Easily applied by paint or air brush – in other instances by plasma or E-beam deposition ● Emit light in narrow band which may fall anywhere from the mid-infrared to the ultraviolet. Most thermographic uses have been using visible emitting phosphors ● Decay time may range from a few nanoseconds to minutes.

11 Phosphors for Engine Health Monitoring ● Phosphors can also be used for Engine Health Monitoring – Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) can be coated with a Phosphor and then inspected after operation to determine the health of the TBC – This can be done in a test cell environment or could eventually be use as a maintenance inspection for verifying TBC condition – The Air Force is considering developing and using the Phosphors for this purpose

12 Example Fluorescence

13 Schematic for Decay Time Measurements with LabKit

14 Amplitude and Decay Change with Temperature

15 Phosphor Calibrations - Wide Temperature Range ● Phosphors are available for addressing temperatures ranging from 10 to 2000 ° K. ● Figure to the left from online Phosphor Thermometry Tutorial

16 Laser Diode Excitation for High Temperature Thermometry using GAP:Cr Central fiber is delivery fiber Surrounding fibers collect fluorescence

17 Lab Results

18 CO 2 Laser Burner Rig – Setup #1 Initial setup – Laser Diode Based Phosphor Thermometry system takes CO 2 burner rig measurements at NASA GRC to 900 °C

19 NASA GRC Burner Rig Measurements



22 Fluorescence detected to ~900 C w/setup #2

23 Burner Rig Results

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