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Resist Meth: A Public Health Department, Advertising Agency, and Community Work Collaboration Das-Douglas, M. 1,2, Paquette, M. 1, Boland, M. 3 Leonard,

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Presentation on theme: "Resist Meth: A Public Health Department, Advertising Agency, and Community Work Collaboration Das-Douglas, M. 1,2, Paquette, M. 1, Boland, M. 3 Leonard,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resist Meth: A Public Health Department, Advertising Agency, and Community Work Collaboration Das-Douglas, M. 1,2, Paquette, M. 1, Boland, M. 3 Leonard, J. 3, Pappas, L. 3, and Colfax, GN. 1,2 1 HIV Prevention Section, AIDS Office, San Francisco DPH 2 Department of Medicine, UCSF. 3 Better World Advertising

2 Meth Use and HIV Risk ↑ Sex partners ↑ Unprotected sex ↑ Risk STDs ↑ Risk of HIV infection

3 Prior anti-meth campaigns












15 Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Men in the Resist Meth Target Audience (N=177) Demographic CharacteristicsN (%) Age 19-29 69 (39%) 30-3962 (35%) 40-66 46(26%) Sexual Orientation Gay166 (94%) Bisexual 11 (6%) Ethnicity White/Caucasian 112 (63%) Latino/Hispanic 25(15%) Asian/Pacific Islander 24 (14%) Black/African-American11 (6%) Other (Mixed Race)5 (3%) Education Post-Graduate35 (20%) College Degree101 (57%) Some College35 (20%) High School Diploma4 (2%) Some High School2 (1%) Income Less than $40,000/yr49 (28%) $40,000 to $79,000/yr73 (41%) $80,000 or more/yr55 (31%)

16 Table 2: Recall, Reach, and Repetition RecallN=177* “Any Crystal Meth Advertising Campaign in the past 6 months” 150/177 (85%) Describe the Campaign(n=150) 141/150 (94%) recalled Resist Meth; 9/150 (6%) recalled with prompting Reach Posters119 (69%) Bus Shelters115 (65%) Magazines43 (24%) Stickers43 (24%) T-shirts32 (18%) Chalk sidewalk stencils9 (5%) Repetition 1-5 times31 (17%) 6-10 times59 (33%) 11-20 times25 (14%) 21 or more times62 (35%)

17 Table 3: Understanding the Message Understanding of Message174 (98%) Agree with Message Strongly agree and agree149 (86%) Neutral9 (5%) Disagree and strongly disagree19 (11%) Liked the Campaign Liked very much and liked117 (67%) Neutral41 (23%) Disliked and strongly disliked 20 (11%) Agree that the Campaign was: Clear152 (86%) Memorable 149 (84%) Cool117 (66%) Empowering 81 (46%) Preachy25 (14%) Visited the website23 (13%) Discussed campaign with someone else57 (32%) Of those who hadn’t discussed it (n=120), how many planned to discuss w/ others? 17/120 (14%)

18 Table 4: Attitudes and Behaviors “Crystal Meth is a Problem Among Gay/Bi Men in SF”N=177 Strongly agree and agree140 (79%) Neutral18 (10%) Disagree and strongly disagree21 (12%) “Meth Use is Less Socially Acceptable in the community” Strongly agree and agree102 (58%) Neutral52 (29%) Disagree and strongly disagree23 (13%) “The Community is Coming Together to Confront the Meth Problem” Strongly agree and agree127 (72%) Neutral34 (19%) Disagree and strongly disagree16 (9%) “I am more likely to talk to a friend about meth” Strongly agree and agree105 (59%) Neutral50 (28%) Disagree and strongly disagree22 (12%) “I am more likely to get involved to deal with the meth problem” Strongly agree and agree56 (11%) Neutral72 (41%) Disagree and strongly disagree49 (28%) “I am more likely to seek out more information about crystal meth” Strongly agree and agree82 (46%) Neutral57 (32%) Disagree and strongly disagree38 (21%) “I am less likely to use meth” Strongly agree and agree103 (58%) Neutral48 (27%) Disagree and strongly disagree26 (15%)

19 Lessons Learned We collaboratively developed a campaign that increased community awareness and sparked discussion about meth use The campaign earned media attention with local television/radio coverage, national and international websites featuring Resist Meth, and an Excellence in Media award for Methifesto, the Resist Meth pamphlet

20 Next steps Customization efforts are underway for different geographic areas and communities (e.g. ex-users, current users, and friends& families of users) using similar SFDPH- community collaborative methods

21 Gracias! We’d also like to thank all the members of the SF community who provided input during the development and evaluation of the campaign

22 Any Questions? For further questions, pls. contact: Moupali Das-Douglas, MD, MPH

23 Extra Slides Methifesto





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