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1 Active Travel Forum Welcome 10.00am 03 rd March 2016 Councillor Hinds Active Travel Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Active Travel Forum Welcome 10.00am 03 rd March 2016 Councillor Hinds Active Travel Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Active Travel Forum Welcome 10.00am 03 rd March 2016 Councillor Hinds Active Travel Forum

2 2 Today’s Agenda Welcome and Introduction: Councillor Lesley Hinds - 10.00am Update on Business from previous Forums – 10.05am Presentations and items for Discussion: Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme ▪ Update on 15/16 programme ▪ Proposed 16/17 programme 11.00 am – Coffee Break Cycle projects update ▪Roseburn to Leith Walk ▪Roseburn to Union Canal Format and Dates of Future Meetings Closing Remarks Close by 12.30pm Active Travel Forum

3 3 Business from Previous Forums ATAP 2016 Review: ▪The ATAP report and revised document was approved by Committee on 12 January 2016 ▪The document is available to view on the Council’s website at: Active Travel Forum

4 4 Bus Lane review Trade Waste Policy Greater consideration should be given to the allocation of funding dropped kerbs. Clarity regarding mobility scooters on buses Cllr Hinds to raise issue of widening footways at Warriston Crematorium at the Inverleith Active Travel Group Update on Cycle reports Update on the Community Links bids Business from Previous Forums

5 5 Community Links Bids - Construction

6 6 Community Links Bids - Design

7 7 Business from Previous Forums Update on schedule of repainting white lines in cycle lanes PlaceDescription Slateford RoadRefresh all cycle logo’s and cycle lane lines (both sides of road) FountainbridgeAround Evans Cycles and Tesco’s Ferry RoadRefresh all cycle logo’s and cycle lane lines (both sides of road) Westerhailes RoadBetween Bankhead Roundabout and Lanark Road Junction (both sides of road) Bruntsfield PlaceBetween Gillespie Crescent and Leamington Terrace

8 8 Presentations & Discussions Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Programme (JC/PN) ▪Update on 15/16 programme ▪Proposed 15/16 programme Walking and Cycling projects update (PN) ▪Roseburn to Leith Walk ▪Roseburn to Union Canal Active Travel Forum

9 9 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Update Update on progress for the 2015/16 programme ▪Programme is still in the delivery phase ▪Complete evaluation data is going to be available in June 2016 Planning the 2016/17 programme ▪Summary of the draft programme ▪Detail about each work package – any questions/comments are welcome at this stage ▪Discussion

10 10 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2015/16 Work Package Summary part 1 WP 1: Travel Planning ▪Council ▪Workplace travel planning consultants WP 2: Festivals and culture ▪Neighbourhood promotion in City Centre/Leith (“Walk Hack”) ▪Inverleith “Festival of Walking and Cycling” ▪“City Link Festival” ▪Fringe festival advertising ▪Edinburgh Festival of Cycling WP 3: Walking ▪GIS survey dropped kerbs ▪Public life street assessments ▪Street design guidance consultants ▪Technical street audits for SDG ▪Scoping/prep for Way finding ▪Promotion of the STARS school travel project ▪Cramond inter-generational school project

11 11 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2015/16 Work Package Summary part 2 WP 4: Branding and website ― Targeted online advertising of “On Foot by Bike” to specific groups & city-wide outdoor advertising ― Evaluation of its effectiveness and ideas for improving Cycling and Walking website WP 5: 20mph ― 20mph promotion, advertising and monitoring WP 6: Route marketing ― Led walks and led cycle rides for route promotion, “Dr Bike” Sessions ― Re-branding of new leaflets & updated maps ― Balance bikes distribution to nurseries WP 7: Mapping ― Improved journey planning

12 12 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Eligibility Criteria Promoting increase in active/sustainable transport Aligned with national, regional, local policy in Scotland Targeted to specific populations Match funding available Develops/continues partnership working Added value from continuing SCSP 2015/16 projects and/or new approaches/ideas Deliverable in the short term Impact can be measured in evaluation plan To consider when planning the 2016/17 programme: ▪Aim of reducing carbon emissions due to short car journeys ▪Areas of health inequalities ▪Areas of low bicycle use/walking

13 13 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Proposed Programme - Work Package Summary WP 1: Travel Planning WP 2: Street design WP 3: Active Travel Marketing WP 4: 20mph WP 5: Encouraging active travel in less affluent areas WP 6: Bike Hire

14 14 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 1 – Travel Planning ▪Council Travel Plan Continuing to update the sustainable travel plan Encouraging active travel to/from work, and for work purposes Aiming to lead by example in encouraging employees to travel sustainably for work ▪External organisations’ travel plans Continuing this year’s workplace travel planning programme Building on contacts, which have been made this year

15 15 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 2 – Street design ▪Street design guidance staff training Continuing this year’s work to roll out new approach to designing streets ▪Taking way-finding project to full development Continuing from the scoping/feasibility study undertaken this year ▪Completion of GIS dropped kerb/guardrails survey Continuing to build this resource, with a final phase, phases 1- 4 were completed this year as part of SCSP ▪‘School streets’ evaluation and promotion of further phases Continuing this year’s promotion of the project, which temporarily closes off streets at school gates

16 16 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 3 – Active Travel Marketing ▪Future marketing action plan for walking and cycling/’On Foot by Bike’ Including a plan for stakeholder working for the next three years, e.g. with the NHS, Sustrans ▪Car-free day Coinciding with European Mobility Week in September ▪Locality-level projects to promote walking and cycling e.g. Inverleith Festival of Walking and Cycling, which would take place in either June or September ▪Improvements to mapping Creation of one city centre cycling/walking map ▪Promotion of ‘QuietRoutes’ and other routes Creation of a plan for promoting the concept of QuietRoutes, as part of the On Foot by Bike campaign

17 17 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 4 – 20mph ▪20mph promotion, advertising and monitoring The City Centre/Rural West launch will be June/July 2016 The North area launch is planned to be in November 2016 The South Central/East launch is planned to be in January 2017

18 18 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 5 – Encouraging active travel in less affluent areas ― Led walks and led cycle rides ― These formed part of the 2015/16 programme ― Cycle training in schools ― This would be a new project for SCSP 2016/17

19 19 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work package 6 – Bike Hire ▪Development of a cycle hire scheme Scoping and procurement work

20 20 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places 2016/17 Work Package Summary WP 1: Travel Planning ▪Council ▪Workplace travel planning consultants WP 2: Street design ▪Street design guidance staff training ▪Taking way-finding project to full development ▪Completion of GIS dropped kerb survey ▪‘School streets’ evaluation and promotion of further phases WP 3: Active Travel Marketing ▪Future marketing action plan for walking and cycling/’On Foot by Bike’ for next three years ▪Car-free day ▪Locality-level projects to promote walking and cycling – e.g. Inverleith Festival of Walking and Cycling ▪Improvements to mapping ▪Promotion of ‘QuietRoutes’ and other routes WP 4: 20mph ▪20mph promotion, advertising and monitoring WP 5: Encouraging active travel in less affluent areas ▪Led walks and led cycle rides ▪Cycle training in schools WP 6: Bike Hire ▪Development of a cycle hire scheme

21 21 Summary Update on progress for the 2015/16 programme ▪Programme is still in the delivery phase ▪Complete evaluation data is going to be available in June 2016 Planning the 2016/17 programme ▪Summary of the draft programme ▪Detail about each work package ▪Presentation of the complete proposed programme for 2016/17

22 22 Coffee Break 11.00am – 11.15am Active Travel Forum

23 23 Cycle Project Updates 1. Roseburn to Leith Walk 2. Roseburn to Union Canal

24 24 Roseburn to Leith Walk - Project Overview

25 25 Timeline to Date Early 2014 - ▪Feasibility study undertaken Late 2014 / 2015 – ▪ optioneering and development of feasibility designs Spring 2015 – ▪early stakeholder engagement including route options. October 2015 – ▪report to Transport & Environment Committee re. decision to proceed with consultation. November 2015 to February 2016 ▪Consultation

26 26 Consultation Awareness raising –Leaflets to 10,000 addresses (residential and businesses) in areas near the proposed route –Emails to stakeholder organisations –On street advertising –Media briefings and social media advertising. –Local community council briefings Public drop in sessions –East End, Haymarket and Roseburn (2).

27 27 Consultation Responses Feedback Questionnaire responses – 2365 Emails and letters (individuals)– 398 Stakeholder submission – 22 Lothian Buses, First Buses local community councils, mobility access groups and taxi operators Online petitions - both supporting and opposing

28 28 Consultation Key issues Positives Excellent direct cycle routes Genuinely suitable for people of all abilities Pedestrian crossings and continuous footways Concerns Congestion Pedestrian/cycle interaction especially at ‘bus stop bypasses’, Charlotte Sq and Princes Street Loss of bus priority Loading and parking impacts Taxis at Haymarket

29 29 Roseburn Area Key Issues/ Concerns ▪Loading bays ▪Traffic Impact ▪Retail Impact ▪Air Quality Positive Comments ▪Direct Route ▪Safe space for cycling ▪Additional Pedestrian Crossings

30 30 West Coates Area Key Issues/Concerns ▪Loss of westbound bus lane ▪Westbound congestion ▪Loss of Bus Stop Positive Comments ▪Safe space for cycling ▪Improved Pedestrian Facilities

31 31 Key Dates February/March 2016 ▪Consultation review and reporting March to June 2016 ▪Review and revise proposals inline with consultation responses ▪Further engagement with stakeholders and local community August 2016 ▪T&E Committee seek approval for final design and to begin TRO Process September 2016 to March 2017 ▪TRO & RSO Process Spring 2017 onwards ▪Construction – subject to necessary approvals and funding

32 32 Roseburn to Union Canal - Project Overview - 1

33 33 Roseburn to Union Canal - Project Overview - 2


35 35 Section 1 Sauchiebank & Mid Calder rail line

36 36 Section 1 Sauchiebank & Mid Calder rail line

37 37 Telfer Subway

38 38 Telfer Subway removal

39 39 Key Dates February 2016 ▪Consultation review and reporting March – June 2016 ▪Major Planning application – advance ‘PAN’ submission ▪Development of proposals in advance of planning application ▪Further consultation related to planning application, greenspace proposals and possibly Telfer Subway July 2016 – March 2017 ▪Planning Application – 6months for approval ▪TRO process for Dalry Road, Russell Road & West Approach Road ▪Report to T&E Committee Spring 2017 onwards ▪Construction subject to approvals funding

40 40 Future Forum discussion topics/updates? Prioritisation of pedestrians at crossings The cycling budget allocation and what level of funding should be available for walking The use of cobbles/setts around the city Bikes and public transport discussion/update Movement along and across busy streets Walking promotion in Edinburgh: Update on data collection from Lothian buses on popular/unpopular bus stops to see if the surrounding walking routes can be improved. Presentation from Abellio Scotrail Briefing from Licensing Team on controlling Street Furniture e.g. ‘A’ boards Density of red chips in cycle lanes, including information research into red/green colour blindness for chips. Equality Act implications for street design

41 41 New URL for website Contains dates for future meetings and documentation of previous meetings.

42 42 Future Format of Forums It was agreed at the September Forum that the November and March Forums will remain in a joint format. Should we continue this format for the forthcoming Forums? Active Travel Forum

43 43 Future Forum Dates 2 nd June 2016 4 th Sept 2016 1 st Dec 2016 Active Travel Forum

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