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Outline  Developments/fixes in the last year  Introduced in release 10.1 and patches (also to 10.0)  Planned for release 10.2 and ongoing …  Currently.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline  Developments/fixes in the last year  Introduced in release 10.1 and patches (also to 10.0)  Planned for release 10.2 and ongoing …  Currently."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline  Developments/fixes in the last year  Introduced in release 10.1 and patches (also to 10.0)  Planned for release 10.2 and ongoing …  Currently under development and scheduled for inclusion in the December release this year 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA 2

3 Geometry 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA 3

4  Fixes in G4Cons  Fixed typo in GetPointOnSurface() in the call to GetRadiusInRing(), responsible for occasionally wrong reports when checking for overlaps  Fix in DistanceToIn(p,v) for points on the Surface, to resolve rare error reported in unit testing by the OpticalEscape test  Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPOlygoneFacets() in G4ExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles  Addressing problem report #1703#1703  Fixes to G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra  Fixed precision problem in calculation of DistanceToSide() in G4PolyconeSide  Fix in SetOriginalParameters() for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra, in case of presence of 'rings' structures. Addressing problem report #1705#1705 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA Fixes/updates to solids - 1 4 10.0.p03, 10.1 10.0.p04, 10.1.p01

5  Fixes in G4Para  Fixed calculation of Normal for sides in DistanceToOut(p,v) and ApproxSurfaceNormal(p)  Addressing problem report #1736#1736  Fixed DistanceToOut(p) and Inside(p) in G4Sphere for sphere cut in theta for point (0,0,0) and for cases when Start/End angle have not to be taken in account (STheta==0 || eTheta==pi)  Fix triggered by analysing setup provided in problem report #1702#1702  Added wrappers for Utrap, UExtrudedSolid, UGenericTrap and UMultiUnion 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA Fixes/updates to solids - 2 5 10.1.p02 10.1

6  Fixes in UCons  Corresponding fixes in G4Cons in GetPointOnSurface() and DistanceToIn(p,v)  Fixes in UPolycone  Correction in Capacity() for iteration over the number of sections and in SurfaceArea() in case opening-angle is less than 2*pi  Fixes in InsideSection() for openPhi when StartPhi is negative, in Init() for Polycone defined from ZPlane[0]>ZPlane[N], and in DistanceToOut() for points starting on internal surface  Fix in InsideSection() for points(0,0,z).  Corresponding fix in G4Polycone for SetOriginalParameters() and DistanceToSide() in UPolyconeSide  Fixed approximation in Extent() for UTet  Fix in UTrap for SafetyToIn/Out() for reverted calls 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA Fixes/updates to USolids - 1 6 10.0.p03 10.0.p04, 10.1, 10.1.p01 10.0.p04, 10.1 10.1.p01

7  Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPolygoneFacets() in UExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles  Fixes in USphere  Corresponding fixes in G4Sphere in DistanceToIn(p) and Inside(p) for sphere cut in theta  Corrected string returned as type-ID by GetEntityType() to conform to shape kind in: UExtrudedSolid, UMultiUnion, UQuadrangularFacet, UTessellatedSolid, UTrap, UTriangularFacet and UVCSGfaceted  Renamed ExceptionSeverity struct to UExceptionSeverity and related tags in UUtils to avoid clashes with Root  Added Utrap, UExtrudedSolid, UGenericTrap and UMultiUnion 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA Fixes/updates to USolids - 2 7 10.1.p01 10.1.p02 10.1

8  First replacement of shapes with vectorised versions from VecGeom  Box, Tubs, Cons, Polycone, Polyhedra, Trap, Trd, Sphere, Orb  Additional shapes: Torus, Paraboloid 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA More on USolids … Expected for release 10.2 8  See detailed presentations on VecGeom in parallel session 4B  Removal of internal USolids module  Drop-in replacement of original G4 solids by using versioned external VecGeom/USolids library

9  Corrections in G4Navigator in the computation of exit normal and fix for the calculation of stored step endpoint, for steps that do not hit a boundary  G4ErrorPropagationNavigator : added GetGlobalExitNormal() method to match the update of G4Navigator interface made back in release 9.5. Revised implementation of ComputeStep()  Addressing problem report #1679#1679  Fix in G4PathFinder to pass to equation of motion relevant properties of current particle (latest charge state, PDG spin value, momentum and rest mass of current particle)  Fix in calls to ComputeSafety() to correctly use length as argument  Addressing problem report #1696#1696  Enabled ComputeStep() in navigation helper classes (Normal, Voxel, and Parameterised) to recognise invalid points outside the mother volume  Improved diagnostics in G4NavigationLogger  Improvements in G4PropagatorInField to enable identification of first and last step in a volume, when tracking in a field  Addressing old problem report #1032#1032 29 September 201520th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA More fixes/updates Navigation 9 10.0.p04, 10.1 10.0.p04, 10.1.p01 10.1.p01 10.1.p02

10  Introduced pool G4NavigationHistoryPool for storage and reuse of navigation history levels collections  Disabled use of G4EnhancedVectorAllocator in G4NavigationHistory accordingly  Reduced memory churn vs. use of standard allocator and full copy of vector collections  Reduced use of malloc()/free() within vector collections  Use of G4Allocator for dynamic allocations of G4NavigationHistory objects  Simplified implementation in G4NavigationHistoryPool to make use of simple stack of free entries  Pre-allocate size of vectors and inlined GetLevels()  Also addressing problem report #1730#1730 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA New allocation strategy for navigation history data 10 10.1 10.1.p02

11 More expected for release 10.2 … 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA 11  Enable parameterisation by solids type in MT mode  Feature currently not supported when running in MT mode  Enabled use of divisions in MT mode  Proper treatment of rotation-matrices in division classes in G4VDivisionParameterisation  Addressing problem reports #1743 and 1750#17431750  Fixed logic error in G4MultiLevelLocator::EstimateIntersectionPoint() for keeping consistent candidate intersection  Addressing cases of negative steps and convergence problems with field observed in ALICE 10.1.ref09

12 Persistency 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA 12

13  Added implementation for import/export of Multi-Union structures  Usable only for USolids classes  Updated GDML schema for ‘multiUnionNode’ entity (GDML version 3.1.1)  Correction to G4GDMLReadMaterials::MixtureRead() to revert order of reading (first elements then materials) for mixtures by fraction; corrects referencing for cases when elements and materials may carry the same name (case reported by ATLAS)  Fixed typo in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() for the case of repeated displacements of the reference solid in the same Boolean operation (issue reported by ATLAS)  Extended GDML reader/writer to support import/export of regions/cuts as auxiliary data (GDML version 3.1.2) 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA GDML module 13 10.1 10.0.p04, 10.1 10.2.Beta

14  More on GDML:  Fixed export of reflected volumes  No redundant duplicated logical volumes in the store after import of geometry  Added missing “dichroic” surface model for optical property  Added support for writing and reading copy-numbers associated to placements  Updated GDML schema (GDML version 3.1.3)  Object persistency:  Restore detector-description objects persistency functionality  Broken since migration to MT; expected for release 10.2  To be brought up to date with Root-6 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA More on persistency… 14 10.2.Beta 10.1.p02 10.1.ref08

15 Thanks! 29 September 2015 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Batavia (Illinois), USA 15

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