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FOODS/ NUTRITION 1 Disclosure Ms. Bagnall. How many of you eat food?

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Presentation on theme: "FOODS/ NUTRITION 1 Disclosure Ms. Bagnall. How many of you eat food?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FOODS/ NUTRITION 1 Disclosure Ms. Bagnall

2 How many of you eat food?

3 Course Description: Food & Nutrition 1 is designed for students who are interested in understanding principles of nutrition and in maintaining a healthy life style. Attention will be given to the selection and preparation of food as well as personal health and well-being.

4 Course Objectives:

5 Unit 1: Cooking Basics Applying skills in using kitchen equipment and kitchen management. Consistently demonstrating kitchen safety procedures and sanitation techniques

6 Unit 2: MyPlate Utilizing the Dietary Guidelines & MyPlate

7 Identifying sources, functions, and preparation techniques of vitamins & minerals Unit 3: Vitamins and Minerals

8 Unit 4: Carbohydrates Identifying sources, functions, and preparation techniques of carbohydrates & fiber

9 Unit 5: Protein Identifying sources, functions, and preparation techniques of proteins

10 Unit 6: Fats and Oils Identifying sources, functions, and preparation techniques of fats

11 Website! Class Website will be available to download assignments and look for deadlines. Go to Centennial’s Home Page and then find Ms. Bagnall under Faculty and Staff. Class Website will be available to download assignments and look for deadlines. Go to Centennial’s Home Page and then find Ms. Bagnall under Faculty and Staff.

12 Lab Fee $15 Pay to Front Office or Pay online Give me back receipt DUE: 9/5 $15 Pay to Front Office or Pay online Give me back receipt DUE: 9/5

13 Course Requirements: A composition notebook, ONLY FOR THIS CLASS! Pen and/or Pencil A Positive Attitude

14 Class Folder We use this in class everyday I encourage you to store your work in your folder, and keep it until after the semester.

15 Grading: Will consist of tests, quizzes, assignments, food labs, and class participation DescriptionPercentage of Grade Course Work Unit Packets Other Assignments 30% Lab Work30% Tests25% Participation Engaged/On-task General good behavior Works well with others Follows rules 15%

16 PAR Points P articipation/ Preparedness A ttendance/Attitude R espect/Responsibility

17 PAR Points: 15% You will get 3 PAR points everyday. So, 110 each quarter. In order to keep your 114 points, you must: Participate, Be Prepared, Be Attentive, Have a good Attitude, Respect the classroom/students/teacher, and Be Responsible. If you are not following a certain critical habits, I will keep track of it in my notebook. It will affect your grade. You will get 3 PAR points everyday. So, 110 each quarter. In order to keep your 114 points, you must: Participate, Be Prepared, Be Attentive, Have a good Attitude, Respect the classroom/students/teacher, and Be Responsible. If you are not following a certain critical habits, I will keep track of it in my notebook. It will affect your grade.

18 Absent Work/ Homework Most of your work for each unit will be in the Unit Packet. If you’re absent look in the Absent Box. Look under the appropriate Unit Tab, and see if there’s an assignment you missed. If you mostly rely on your Unit Packet you’ll be fine. If you miss a lab, use your recipe and make it at home. Fill out a Lab Make-up Sheet and turn it in for full points.

19 Students are Responsible for their own work, even when they’re absent!

20 Late Work Deducted 50% You have 2 days after the assignment is posted in the gradebook. Due Dates will be listed on the board Deducted 50% You have 2 days after the assignment is posted in the gradebook. Due Dates will be listed on the board

21 Hall Passes 2 Hall Passes for each quarter Must use these to use the restroom or exit classroom for any reason If you don’t use them, can turn them in for 5 points each If you are unprepared, you have to use your hall passes to go get your binder from your locker. 2 Hall Passes for each quarter Must use these to use the restroom or exit classroom for any reason If you don’t use them, can turn them in for 5 points each If you are unprepared, you have to use your hall passes to go get your binder from your locker.

22 Academic Integrity CJH and its teaching faculty demand a high level of scholarly behavior and academic honesty on the part of the students. Violations by students exhibiting dishonesty (cheating) while carrying out academic assignments or tests may result in no credit, U in citizenship, or other disciplinary action.”

23 Lab Privilege Participation in Kitchen Labs is a privilege. If you don’t keep up with the coursework, you don’t have the privilege to do the fun labs. Safety and learning are my #1 priority, and any behavior I deem inappropriate will result in loss of lab privileges. Participation in Kitchen Labs is a privilege. If you don’t keep up with the coursework, you don’t have the privilege to do the fun labs. Safety and learning are my #1 priority, and any behavior I deem inappropriate will result in loss of lab privileges.

24 Classroom Procedures Entering Classroom No moving around the room Sharpening your pencil Bathroom/Hall Pass Raising Hands

25 Interrupting during instruction time, takes away from everyone's lab time!

26 Coming into Class Bell Work- Self Starter

27 “Bell Work” Expectations You must write a full paragraph. This means at least 3 complete sentences. If you don’t, you will not get full points. There is no way to make up bell work when you are absent. THIS MEANS TRY NOT TO BE ABSENT!! You will receive 3 points for each bell work question. If you miss class a lot, your grade will hurt.

28 Bell Work means… You are to be seated, pencil ready, silently answering the question when the bell rings.

29 You will get docked PAR Points if…. You come in to class disruptive. You are not working on your Daily Journal when the bell rings. You are talking while writing in your journal.

30 “Bell Work” Expectations No answer is a wrong answer. This is just based on participation points. I will have a prompt up as soon as you come to class. Be ready to come in and answer prompt as soon as you sit down. Bell Work page will be kept in your notebooks. I will have you turn them in to be graded periodically.

31 Let’s Practice Taking Notes!

32 “Note Taking Position” Face the Teacher Pencils/ Packets ready LipsClosed

33 Critical Habits 1) Follow Directions the first time given.

34 Critical Habits 2) Be in your seat, prepared with all required supplies when the bell rings, or you will be marked tardy.

35 Critical Habits 3) Eliminate ridicule, sarcasm, snickering, and put downs.

36 Critical Habits 4) Ask permission before touching others or their possessions.

37 Critical Habits 5) Practice “Teacher Time”

38 Lab Rules We go over tomorrow.

39 Consequences for not following Rules 1) Verbal Warning 2) Stay after class and sign the book (Yellow warning slip) 3) Sign the book, 5 minutes before/after school or at lunch 4) Parent Conference 5) Administration/parent conference 1) Verbal Warning 2) Stay after class and sign the book (Yellow warning slip) 3) Sign the book, 5 minutes before/after school or at lunch 4) Parent Conference 5) Administration/parent conference

40 Tests & Quizzes There will be a quiz each week and a test at the end of each unit and it will be on the day that Unit Packets are due. There will be a final state test at the end of the class. There will be a quiz each week and a test at the end of each unit and it will be on the day that Unit Packets are due. There will be a final state test at the end of the class.

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