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CATALYST On a sticky, answer the following questions: 1. When you leave a bike outside during a rainstorm, what happens to the bike? 1. What is this an.

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Presentation on theme: "CATALYST On a sticky, answer the following questions: 1. When you leave a bike outside during a rainstorm, what happens to the bike? 1. What is this an."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATALYST On a sticky, answer the following questions: 1. When you leave a bike outside during a rainstorm, what happens to the bike? 1. What is this an example of? 1. What is a pothole? 1. How does a pothole form? USE VOCABULARY!

2 Agenda  Review – Weathering  Demo  Notes – Erosion (lined paper)  Demo?  Skittle Lab  debrief  Exit Ticket

3 Weathering  The breakdown of the materials of Earth’s crust into smaller pieces.

4 Weathering  Mechanical or physical - breaking a rock into smaller pieces WITHOUT changing composition  Chemical Weathering – breaking a rock into smaller pieces while changing the composition

5 Examples of Physical Weathering Frost Wedging- water freezes, expands and causes the rock to break Plant roots Burrowing of Animals Running water or Blowing wind

6 Examples of Chemical Weathering Water dissolving rock Iron and Oxygen react to form rust Acid Rain

7 Rate of Weathering (how quickly rock is broken down) 1. Climate More chemical weathering in HOT and WET climate More physical weathering in COLD and WET climate *not much weathering occurs in dry climates 2. Rock Composition The more soluble the minerals are that compose the rock the faster the rock will weather

8 Rate of Weathering (how quickly rock is broken down) 3. Topography Amount of surface area exposed Steeper slopes = more surface area exposed than flat land. More surface area = more erosion

9 Rate of Weathering  Each student gets a mint or a life saver  Weigh mint before _________g  Weigh lifesaver before _________g  Time 90 seconds then weigh the candy again  Look at the WEATHERING…… Mint ….. ___________g Lifesaver ….. ___________g

10 I can explain erosion. Erosion

11  The process by which weathered (broken down) rock is transported.

12 Forces of Erosion Water Glaciers wind Wind Gravity

13 Erosion’s affect on landforms 1. Build landforms (collection of sediment) Canyons Shorelines and dunes 2. Destruction of landforms reduce the size of hills and mountains

14 Shorelines Shoreline erosion: a natural process caused by wind, precipitation and wave action

15 Shoreline Stabilization 1. Hard structures constructed on the beach (seawalls and breakwaters). These shelter the shore from waves or absorb the impact of waves 2. Preserving the natural shoreline (not mowing the grass or cutting the trees along the shoreline) 3. Planting along the shoreline 4. Beach nourishment (creating a wider beach)

16 Human activities that speed up erosion 1. Clearing Natural Vegetation: destroys the roots of plants that provide significant shoreline stabilization. 2. Construction and development: less absorption of water and more runoff (more erosion)

17 68 Demo

18 What happened to her face??

19 ULcVdeqgE Bill Nye the Science Guy

20 Agenda  Notes – erosion  demo  Skittle Lab  debrief  Exit Ticket

21 Skittle Lab  Work with your neighbor  2 different color skittles  Water  Paper plate  COMPLETE LAB AND ALL ANALYSIS QUESTIONS WITH YOUR LAB PARTNER  Both students are writing Participation grade = lab/project grade in grade book Teacher walks around room

22 WHAT HAPPENED???? Skittle Debrief


24 pVk&list=PLXR_HtDPvlm8tvSbWQVwEKBdLmFb pBhMV&index=3 Science is soo cool!

25 4&list=PLt1aUKLIGINJSx63Drg5_3uIKvL0htdEj& index=2 Science is scary

26 onics/p_map_plate_layers_bath.html Review: Plates

27 Correct as a class. EXIT TICKET

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