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J. Vieille 04/2010 ISA-88/95 Ontology project.

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1 J. Vieille 04/2010 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

2 Agenda ■Background ■ISA88 – ISA95 continuum ■Overview of the project ■Extracting ISA95 concepts ■Example 2 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

3 Background ■The ISA95 standard is well established as the prefered reference model for exchanging manufacturing related information  within a company, between its business and control systems ■Very practical and readily usable  Thanks to B2MML, its most common implementation specification ■Though ISA-95 addresses efficiently actual industry concerns  It seriously lacks of flexibility  Yet greatly improving with the comming update  It imposes a terminology without exposing a conceptual basis  Forces to give up the enterprise own language - ■ Sometimes a benefit for big companies ■ A big issue for small companies  All implementations widely differ depending on the interpretation of the unstated concepts in actual situations ISA-88/95 Ontology project3

4 Background ■ISA-95 vs ISA-88  ISA-88 was better at conceptualilzing its foundations, making it very flexible to address process control outside its original batch focus  Both standards largely overlap and seem mutually inconsistent and incompatible  an annoying issue for companies seeking to leverage these standards for advanced control and management of their operations. ■More sophisticated approach exist  Mainly published as ISO standards  Almost unknown in manufacturing IT  Not readily applicable and too abstract for a hurried community ■OPC UA  A risky challenge to transform OPC in a global manufacturing IT communication infrastructure  ISA-95 was mentionned from the beginning as a primer candidate ISA-88/95 Ontology project4

5 Background ■OPC Foundation and ISA France signed an agreement  To develop an ISA-95 (+ ISA-88?) companion standard for OPC UA  This triggered the dissection of ISA-95 to build a consistent, ontology based modeling ■2 CCM projects were launched  OPC UA implementation of ISA-95  Development of common ISA88/ISA95 ontology serving as a basis for the first item – the project presented here  This project is not dedicated to the initial one, it aims at  Leveraging other possible candidate standards  Possibly influencing the ISA88/95 committees to improve their work  Helping industry to take the most benefits of these standards by clarifying their concepts and allowing more flexibility regarding their expressiveness and applicability ISA-88/95 Ontology project5

6 Agenda ■Background ■ISA88 – ISA95 continuum ■Overview of the project ■Extracting ISA95 concepts ■Example 6 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

7 Background ■ISA has developed 2 successful standards  ISA-88, Batch control  ISA-95, Enterprise – control system integration ■ISA-88 and ISA-95 were developed from the same mindset  An extensive and practical experience  Exposing down to earth common understanding of manufacturing operations ■They are very consistent (separately) and relevant  Their applicability is demonstrated in practice ■Though their writting is convoluted, making room for interpretation  Experts argue and apply differently  Implementation is rather complex, expensive and disruptive. ISA-88/95 Ontology project7

8 ISA-88 and ISA-95 largely overlap Though this is not obvious at the first sight ■ISA-95 models can almost describe all ISA-88 models  ISA-95 models can be meta-models for ISA-88 models  ISA-88 models can be instances of ISA-95 models ■ISA-95 is open for a wide applicability  Extending from production to any resource intensive activity ■ISA-88 is more expressive and specialized  Speaks « Batch »  But can be conceptually applied widely  The current revision will significantly expand its native applicability  Part 5 will break from the « Batch » focus » ■ISA-88 addresses work execution more extensively  Sequencing, time series data, audit-trail, equipment connections are more precisely described than in ISA-95 ISA-88/95 Ontology project8

9 ISA-88/ISA-95 modelling overview Operation Process Management Physical Process Management Physical Process Control Equipment Control 9 ISA-88/95 Ontology project Product Asset Management ISA-88 ISA-95 Physical Asset ManagementHuman Asset Management ISA-88 + ISA-95 IT Asset Management TOGAF ITIL Inventory Asset Management

10 Information Elements DomainModelStdInformation elements Product AssetProcess Product ISA88 ISA95 Product Hierarchy Product Definition Inventory AssetMaterialISA95Material Resources Equipment AssetPhysical Equipment ISA88 ISA95 Equipment Hierarchy Equipment Resources Human AssetPersonnel- ISA95 Personnel Hierarchy Personnel Resources Equipment ControlProceduralISA88Functional Hierarchy Equipment Procedural Elements Physical Process ControlProceduralISA88Physical Processes / Procedural Elements Physical Process Transform Components Physical Process MngtSegmentISA95Segments Operation Process MngtOperation Activity ISA95Operation Processes Activities / Tasks 10 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

11 Resources Personnel/Equipment/Material Equipment entity / Formula ISA88 & ISA95 overlap in Production Lifecycles 11 ISA-88/95 Ontology project 3. Operations 1. Product Dévelopment 2. Engineering Product Definition Recipe Segments PE/RPE Capability Segments EPE Schedule Batch list Segments / RPE Requests / Control Recipes

12 Agenda ■Background ■ISA88 – ISA95 continuum ■Overview of the project ■Extracting ISA95 concepts ■Example 12 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

13 Global objective ■To reveal the founding concepts of both standards  Expressed and described using their own terminology or sound derivation ■To map these concepts to existing  Upper level ontology standards providing a consistent basic semantic definition  Enterprise modeling language standards providing a wider understanding outside the ISA committees jargon ■To provide practical implementation specification  XML schemas  RDF/OWL ontology definitions ISA-88/95 Ontology project13

14 Main tracks TrackDescriptionObjective Lean8895.XSDDevelop an XML schema specification Initial concept exploration ISO19440Mapping on the GERAM concepts Validating / refining the concepts – Use case 1 Provide an XSD derivation ISO15414Mapping on RM OPD concepts Validating / refining the concepts – Use case 2 Provide an XSD derivation ISO15000-5Compliance to UN/Cefact Core Component Using Basic core component Applying CC Technical specification Applying design and naming rules ISO15926Mapping on ISO15926 concepts Validating / refining the concepts – Use case 3 Provide an XSD derivation 8895.OWLDevelop the OWL ontologyFormalize an ontology based on the acrued experience ISO11179Leverage the Master Data referencing approach Formalizing Concept / Representation separation, establishing a concept repository ISA-88/95 Ontology project14

15 Roadmap (1) #TrackFrom dateTo dateStatusTask 1Lean8895.XSD12/200903/2010CompletedInitial XML schema exercise 2Lean8895.XSD01/201003/2010CompletedConcept extraction 3Lean8895.XSD04/201005/2010OngoingConsistency checking and optimization 4ISO1944005/201006/2010PlannedISO19440 mapping Concept / XSD 5ISO1541406/201007/2010PlannedISO15414 mapping Concept / XSD 6Milestone07/2010Foundation work available for OPC UA 7ISO15000-508/201012/2010PlannedISO15000-5 – UN Cefact CC and design rules 8Milestone12/2010XSD Schemas usable for production, including nativce, ISO19440 and ISO 15414 parfumes ISA-88/95 Ontology project15

16 Roadmap (2) #TrackFrom date To dateStatusTask 9ISO1592601/201102/2011PlannedExplore ISO15926 applicability – refine upper level ontology 98895.OWL03/201106/2011PlannedDevelop OWL ontology 10ISO1117907/201109/2011PlannedExpress concepts and map OWL/XSD representations 11ISO1117910/201112/2011PlannedInstall master data repository ISA-88/95 Ontology project16

17 Participants NameCompanyNameCompany Bernhard GaulScale-upJakub BudzynskiCAS Bill BoslerTexas ConsultantJean VieilleControl Chain Group Bob MickARC Advisory Group Jean-Luc Delcuvellerie AREVA Brice CarnusThésameMariutz PostolCAS Christophe LourmeArcelor MittalMartin ZelmCIMOSA Costantino PiperoBeeondMichel KapustaLOGICA David LealCAESAR SytemsMichel Condemine4CE Industry François BuonomoArcelor MittalRafael BatresToyohashi University of Technology Hervé PanettoESIAL Nancy Université Swarandeep SinghABB Gilles GudefinLFB ISA-88/95 Ontology project17

18 Agenda ■Background ■ISA88 – ISA95 continuum ■Overview of the project ■Extracting ISA95 concepts ■Example 18 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

19 Layered conceptualization ■1 – ISA88 / 95 explicit concepts  Models, elements, attributes as declared in both standards  Understood among ISA88 or ISA95 experts  But not knowing they deal with similar concepts bearing different names  Not understood as is by any business :  A « Production Request » is the name imposed by ISA-95 for a concept sometime called Manufacturing Job, Production Order…  Translation / Mapping / Learning necessary ■2 – ISA88/95 implicit abstract concepts  Abstraction of ISA88/95 explicit concepts that can be  specialized to correspond to the very specific originating concept  or simply translated when it matches  To recreate the original standard concepts as instances of these abstract concepts ISA-88/95 Ontology project19

20 Layered conceptualization ■3 – Mapping to enterprise language concepts  ISA8895 abstract concept can inherit other standards corresponding concepts to enrich them regarding their semantic, lifecycle,  What is a segment? A sort of Business process (ISO19440), Process (ISO15414), Activity (ISO15926) ■4a – Mapping business concepts to ISA-88/95  Any company, software has its own terminology for well idetified business concepts  Using ISA88/95 natively imposes to adopt their terminology and specialized concepts (that also make them inconsistent)  Difficult interpretation of the standards and decision for their implementation – Good for consultants…  Adopt a foreign terminology – Adoption is challenging  Still, the re-engineered original concepts of both standards are available, though they are now based on common roots ISA-88/95 Ontology project20

21 Layered conceptualization ■4b Mapping business concepts to ISA88/95 upper level concepts  Instead of mapping known business concepts to many specialized, overlapping, conflicting ISA88/95 concepts  Map on upper level reduced set of concepts  Specialization is handled in transactions  Or develop custom business compliant meta-model from ISA88/95 upper level concepts  Matching the prefered, business relevant terminology  Leveraging specialized enterprise knowledge, no longer limited to predefined common situations ■4c Harmonize enterprise language  By adopting more global and enteprise wide standards such as ISO19440 and ISO15414  Possibly means renaming and enriching ISA88/95 upper level concepts ISA-88/95 Ontology project21

22 Example: Interpretation of a « Process » ISA-88/95 Ontology project22 Production Order Business Process (ISO19440) Control Recipe (SAP) Manufacturing job (4) Business concepts Process (ISO15414) Segment Execution Segment Requirement Operation Request (3) Enterprise Language Standards (1) ISA-88 ISA-95 Control Recipe (ISA-88) Recipe Entity (ISA-88) (2) 8895 Upper level concepts Activity (ISO15926)

23 Current Lean8895.xsd development ■The following slides present the current design of the conceptual XSD file and corresponding concepts as they emerge from this work.  At this stage of the development 23 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

24 ISA-88/95 terms not used alone AssemblyLevel BillMasterData CapabilityOperations ConceptPublished ConfidenceReference DefinitionRelationship DependencyScope EndStart ExecutionStatus FactorString InformationTime InstanceType ItemUse Key 24 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

25 ISA-88/95 Simple abstract concepts Non enumeratedEnumerated DescriptionAssembly.Relationship DurationAssembly.Type IDCapability.Type Operations.Definition.IDData.Interpretation ReasonEquipment.Herarchy.Level Resource.Bill.IDLifecycle.Status Resource.Bill.Item.IDOperations.Type Resource.IDResource.Concept Segment.IDResource.Relationship.Type Time.EndResource.Type Time.PublishedResource.Use Time.StartSegment.Dependency.Type UnitOfMeasureSegment.Status Value.KeySegment.Type Value.StringValue.String.Type Version 25 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

26 ISA-88/95 Complex abstract concepts Capability.ScopeSegment.Reference HeaderSegment.Dependency HierarchySegment Hierarchy.LevelSegment.Capability Hierarchy.ScopeSegment.Definition LifecycleSegment.Execution Resource.ReferenceValue Resource.Bill.ReferenceOther Information Resource Resource.Capability Resource.Instance Resource.Bill Resource.Bill.Item 26 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

27 ISA-95 instantiated from ISA-88/95 abstract concepts ISA-95 conceptInstance of ISA8895 concepts personnel class Resource personnel class property Value person Resource person property Value qualification test specification Test.Specification qualification test result Value equipment class Resource equipment class property Value equipment Resource equipment property Value equipment capability test specification Test.Specification equipment capability test result Value ISA-88/95 Ontology project27

28 Ontology: ISA-95 concepts ISA-95 conceptInstance of process segmentSegment.Definition process segment parameterValue personnel segment specificationSegment.Definition personnel segment specification propertyValue equipment segment specificationResource.Reference equipment segment specification propertyValue material segment specificationResource. Reference material segment specification propertyValue material segment specification assemblyResource. Reference process segment dependencySegment.Dependency Material Requirement PropertyValue 28 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

29 Agenda ■Background ■ISA88 – ISA95 continuum ■Overview of the project ■Extracting ISA95 concepts ■Example 29 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

30 Ontology and schemas ■Complex concepts are precisely defined to allow their logical implementation in actual messages ■The following figures present the XML definition of data structures defining concepts progressively  Value as « Level 1 » abstraction  Segment as « Level 2 » abstraction  Instancing Value  Segment execution as « L3 abstraction »  Deriving Segment  Operation request as a business concept  Instancing Segment Execution 30 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

31 Complex abstract concepts L1 Value = placeholder for a valuation Notes: 1.Consolidates existing ISA-88 and ISA-95 descriptions 2.Might be expanding be the ongoing ISA-95 revision for multidimensional values 31 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

32 Complex abstract concepts L2 Segment = an activity 32 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

33 Complex abstract concepts – L3 Segment execution = the execution of an activity 33 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

34 Business concept Operations request = The requirement to execute an activity 34 ISA-88/95 Ontology project

35 35 Thank You !

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