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GEOMETRY Spring 2005 Released Test. 1.The measures of some angles are given in the figure. What is the value of x? 1.65 2.70 3.80 4.85.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOMETRY Spring 2005 Released Test. 1.The measures of some angles are given in the figure. What is the value of x? 1.65 2.70 3.80 4.85."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOMETRY Spring 2005 Released Test

2 1.The measures of some angles are given in the figure. What is the value of x? 1.65 2.70 3.80 4.85

3 2. The figure shows line l intersecting lines r and s. In the figure, ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are - 1.Alternate interior angles 2.Alternate exterior angles 3.Corresponding angles 4.Consecutive interior angles

4 3. The Department of Transportation wants to extend the intersecting road across the highway, as indicated by the dotted line. What should x be to ensure that the intersecting road and the new construction form a straight line? 1.35 ° 2.55° 3.105° 4.125°

5 4. The polygon shown is convex. The sum of its interior angle measure is - 1.900° 2.1,260° 3.1,620° 4.2,520°

6 5.Which statement would be sufficient to prove that line l is parallel to line m? 1.AC ⊥ m 2.AB ⊥ l 3.AC ⊥ l 4.AB ⊥ AC

7 6. In this diagram, line d cuts three lines to form the angles shown. Which two lines are parallel? 1.a and b 2.a and c 3.b and c 4.No lines are parallel

8 7. Quadrilateral QRST is placed on a coordinate grid as shown. What coordinates for S make QRST a parallelogram? 1.(8,6) 2.(8,10) 3.(12,6) 4.(12,10)

9 8. Which condition will guarantee that line l parallel to line m? 1. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 3 2. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 6 3. ∠ 6 ≅ ∠ 5 4. ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 5

10 9. The drawing shows a compass and straightedge construction of - 1.A perpendicular to given line from a point not on the line 2.A perpendicular to a given line at a point on the line 3.The bisector of a given angle 4.An angle congruent to a given angle

11 10. Which point would be on a line perpendicular to l through T? 1.W 2.X 3.Y 4.Z

12 11. To which point should a line segment from A be drawn so that the resulting figure is a rectangle? 1.W 2.X 3.Y 4.Z

13 12. XYZ is similar to STR. XY 6 and ST = 12. If the perimeter of STR is 38, then what is the perimeter of XYZ? 1.19 2.38 3.52 4.76

14 13. Let p represent √11 = z, and let q represent z is a rational number. Which is a representation of the statement below? If √11 = z, than z is not a rational number. 1.p → q 2.~p → ~q 3.p → ~q 4.~q → ~p

15 14. According to the Venn diagram, which statement is true? 1.All isosceles triangles are also equilateral triangles. 2.All equilateral triangles are also isosceles triangles. 3.Some equilateral triangles are also isosceles triangles. 4.No isosceles triangles are equilateral triangles.

16 15. Which of the following statements represents a valid argument? 1.If a > b and a > c, than b > c. 2.If a> b and b > c, then a > c. 3.If a < b and a < c, then c < b. 4.If a > b and a > c, then a > b + c.

17 16. Given: ∠ AXY ≅ ∠ ABC ∠ AYX ≅ ∠ ACB Which is a true proportion? 1.AX/AB = AY/AC = XY/BC 2.AX/XB = AY/YC = XY/BC 3.XB/AX = YC/AY = BC/XY 4.AX/AB = AC/AY = XY/BC

18 17. Given: AD and BC intersect at X AX = XB CX = XD Which congruency statement is true? 1. ∠ ACX ≅ ∠ BXD 2. ∠ ACX ≅ ∠ DXB 3. ∠ ACX ≅ ∠ BDX 4. ∠ ACX ≅ ∠ DBX

19 18. Which list could not be the measures of lengths of the three sides of a given triangle? 1.5 cm, 12cm, 15 cm 2.2 ft, 6ft, 5 ft 3.11 mi, 4 mi, 12 mi 4.12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd

20 19. In the drawing of triangle XYZ, which angle has the least measure? 1.All angles have the same measure. 2. ∠ XYZ 3. ∠ ZXY 4. ∠ XZY

21 20. If m ∠ A 65°, m ∠ B15°, m ∠ C100°, which list order from shortest to longest? 1.AC, AB, BC 2.BA, BC, AC 3.BA, AC, BC 4.AC, BC, BA

22 21. A windlass is used to pull a boat to the dock. The rope is attached to the boat at a point 7 feet below the level of the windlass. What is the distance from the boat to the dock when the rope is 25 feet? 1.25 ft 2.24 ft 3.18 ft 4.7 ft

23 22. The parallelogram has the measurements shown. Which is closest to the length of the altitude, h? 1.19.63 2.8.91 3.8.67 4.6.81

24 23. For the triangle represented by the drawing, which is the length of XY? 1.7.5 √2 2.7.5 √3 3.15√2 4.15√3

25 24. In rectangle ABCD, which of the following pairs of segments are not necessarily congruent? 1.BD and AC 2.AB and CD 3.BC and DC 4.BE and CE

26 25. The town plaza in a certain town is a parallelogram. The town’s planning committee has decided to build a fountain at the center of the plaza. This sketch shows the corner points when placed on a coordinate grid. Which coordinates show where the fountain will be located 1.(2, 0.50 2.(O.5, 2) 3.(3, 1.5) 4.(1.5, 1)

27 26. Quadrilateral ABCD is parallelogram. Which of the following must be true? 1.AB = AD 2.AC = BD 3. ∠ A ≅ ∠ D 4. ∠ B ≅ ∠ D

28 27. ABCD is a rhombus. What is the measure of ∠ CBD? 1.50° 2.60° 3.70° 4.75°

29 28. If each interior angle of a regular polygon measures 120°, how many sides does the polygon have? 1.14 2.12 3.8 4.6

30 29. Which angle measure below is not a possible measure of an exterior angle of a regular polygon? 12345 1.36° 2.40° 3.45° 4.54°

31 30. In the figure, what is the measure of ∠ C? 12345 1.70° 2.90° 3.100° 4.110°

32 31. TV is a diameter of circle Z. What is the value of x? 12345 1.4 2.6 3.8 4.10

33 32. If AP = 8 and PC = 4, what is the measure of AB, the diameter of this circle? 12345 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8

34 33. TW is a diameter of circle X, and TW is parallel to UV. If the measure of is 25°, what is the degree measure of ? 12345 1.115° 2.130° 3.155° 4.210°

35 34. This is a scale drawing of a tent where 1 centimeter represents 0.5 meter. What is the height of the tent at its highest point? 12345 1.10 m 2.5 m 3.3m 4.2.5 m

36 35. Which represents a two-dimensional view from directly above the figure? 12345 1. 2. 3. 4.

37 36. To the nearest gallon, what is the volume of a cylindrical water heater 1.4 feet in diameter and 4 feet tall? (1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons) 12345 1.34 gal 2.46 gal 3.59 gal 4.132 gal

38 37. A spherical paintball measures 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Approximately how much paint is in it? 12345 1.1.77 cm3 2.7.07 cm3 3.9.42 cm3 4.14.13 cm3

39 38. Which proportion can be used to find the value of PR if XMQ is similar to PRS? 12345 1.20/15 = 14/PR 2.10/5 = 7/PR 3.14/20 = 15/PR 4.15/20 = 14/PR

40 39. When standing upright, Gary knows his eyes are 6 feet above ground level. To determine the depth of a well, he stands in the position shown. Using the given measures, how deep is the well? 12345 1.12 ft 2.14 ft 3.16 ft 4.18 ft

41 40. The coordinates of the midpoint of AB are - 12345 1.(5,3) 2.(-5, 3) 3.(2, 5) 4.(-2, 5)

42 41. Parallelogram ABCD is placed on a coordinate grid as shown. What is the approximate length of diagonal AC? 12345 1.3.0 units 2.5.4 units 3.9.0 units 4.10.6 units

43 42. Triangle A’B’C’ is - 12345 1.A translation of triangle ABC across the y-axis 2.A 90° clockwise rotation of triangle ABC about the origin 3.A reflection of triangle ABC across the y-axis 4.A reflection of triangle ABC across the x-axis

44 43. How many different lines of symmetry does a square have? 12345 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4

45 44. Which is most likely the slope of the line graphed? 12345 1.-4 2.-3/2 3.-2/3 4.4

46 45. Hexagon ABCDEF is apparently symmetric with respect to - 12345 1.Point P only 2.Line m only 3.Line l only 4.Both lines l and m only

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