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Erasmus Mundus Conference “Climate Change” Hydrogen Ironmaking A. Ranzani da Costa F. Patisson D. Wagner Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Nancy-Université Nancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus Mundus Conference “Climate Change” Hydrogen Ironmaking A. Ranzani da Costa F. Patisson D. Wagner Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Nancy-Université Nancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus Mundus Conference “Climate Change” Hydrogen Ironmaking A. Ranzani da Costa F. Patisson D. Wagner Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Nancy-Université Nancy - France 26-27 Fev 2009 Budapest

2 Importance of steel Steel  one of the most important structural material in the world. Automotive industry, construction, mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, computers, electronics. Infrastructure projects  road, bridge, rail Essential for the high standard of living in the developed world and for the growth of emerging economies.

3 Steel Production Steel production (2007)   1.3 billion tons worldwide. Steel consumption (2015)   1.8 billion tons. BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China)  dynamically expanding their economies and infrastructures. Steel Environment friendly material can be recycled indefinitely no loss of quality. 40% of steel produced is recycled from scrap Use in durable products/infrastructure not enough scrap available.

4 Ironmaking today – Blast Furnace (BF) Power Plant: BF Off gases  Steam/Electricity BF followed by BOF and CC 1850 kg CO 2 /t steel Coke Plant: Coal → Coke Pellet / Sinter Plant Raw ore → heat treatments/additives → Sinter/pellets (better properties) Molten ore+Coke Pig iron BF Off gases: CO 2 /CO/H 2 /N 2 Coke + Sinter  1500 o C 2 C + O 2  CO Fe 2 O 3 +3 CO  2 Fe + 3 CO 2

5 CO 2 Emissions x Climate Change CO 2 Emissions  Climate Change  Natural disasters The best European steel plants are operating at the limits of what is presently technically possible. Breakthrough technologies for steelmaking industry

6 ULCOS ULCOS (Ultra Low CO 2 Steelmaking) Project Aim: design new steelmaking processes able to reduce by more than 50% the CO 2 emissions of the steel industry as compared to the current benchmark route (integrated plant, BF-CC) Launched by the major European steel companies Supported by European Commission 48 partners, 59 M€ budget, 5-year duration

7 Context: the European program ULCOS todaySep 04Sep 09Fev 06

8 SP10 - Top Gas Recycling Blast Furnace with CCS (TGRBF CCS) off gases separation (VPSA or PSA) CO 2 to CCS Recycled CO to BF Coke + Ore CO 2 Concept: off gases separation (VPSA process) CO  recycled back into the furnace (reducing agent) less amount of coke needed. CO 2  CCS Pure O 2 injection instead of preheated air No N 2  best for CCS Top Gas CO 2 /CO/H 2 Molten Ore + Coke Pig Iron

9 SP11 - HISARNA with CCS CONCEPT: Melting cyclone + Ore Smelter in one vessel Coal preheating and partial pyrolysis in a reactor Melting cyclone (ore melting + pre- reduction) Smelter vessel (Ore → Iron final reduction) Hot coupled process Ore melted and reduced without any intermediate gas treatment, cooling or dedusting. Flexible process: Partial substitution of coal by biomass, NG or H 2 Twin Screw reactor (coal preheating) Coal CO 2 Melting cyclone (ore melting) Ore fines Off Gas (CO 2 ) Converter (ore reduction)

10 SP 13 - Alkaline Electrolysis CO 2 CONCEPT: transformation of iron ore into metallic Fe and O 2 using only electrical energy and low temperature. No need of coke ovens, melting or reducing vessels (BF, converters, shaft furnace). CO 2 leanest process of steelmaking. No iron is presently produced industrially by electrolysis. Most innovative route currently being studied in ULCOS. Electrolysis of other metals (Al, Ni, Zn) already in industrial scale. Aqueous solution of NaOH (110°C) Current from A to C Fe 2 O 3 ore suspended in the alkaline solution Capture of O 2 Fe +3 → Fe reduction (Fe layer) 2O -2 → O 2 oxidation (O 2 bubbles out)

11 H 2 for Iron and Steelmaking Main route defined Generation of hydrogen Ore Pre-reduction with H 2 Production of liquid metal in an EAF liquid steel DRI Iron ore H2H2 WP4.1 WP4.2 Casting HRC Rolling SP4 Low CO 2 Emissions: from 200 to 400 kg CO 2 /t steel Nancy-Université H 2 O electrolysis NG Reforming

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