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Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Description A thinning of the bone that makes it prone to breaking. Often seen in post-menopausal women.

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2 Osteoporosis

3 Osteoporosis



6 Osteoporosis Description A thinning of the bone that makes it prone to breaking. Often seen in post-menopausal women.

7 Osteoporosis Causes The process of breaking down the bone for replacement outpaces the process of the bone being built back up which leads to a thinning of the bone. This can be caused by lowered estrogen levels in women, lowered testosterone levels in men, and low calcium and vitamin D diets.

8 Osteoporosis Vitamin D and calcium supplements, drugs that raise estrogen levels, drugs that slow bone loss, frequent moderate exercise (help make bones stronger)

9 Arthritis



12 Arthritis Description Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. Often seen in older patients.

13 Arthritis Causes Depends on type. Osteoarthritis is causes by the wear and tear on the cartilage due to age, injury, frequent use, or infection. Rheumatoid is an autoimmune disorder where the antibodies attack the cartilage leading to the inflammation.

14 Arthritis

15 Really depends on the cause. Anti-inflammatory drugs, cold-packs, immune- suppressing drugs, PT, surgery

16 ACL injury


18 ACL Injury Description The knee gives out from under you and can no longer carry your weight well. knee can become swollen and painful more likely in females

19 ACL Injury Causes A tear of the ligament which connects the femur to the tibia. Often caused by the stress placed on the knee through sports.

20 ACL Injuries The ligament will not heal on its own. If it is minor, anti-inflammatory drugs, PT and exercises to build up the strength of the surrounding muscles. If it is severe (or a younger patient), surgery to replace the torn ligament.

21 Scoliosis




25 Scoliosis Description An abnormal curve of the spine from side-to-side. Often not painful, but can be. Most often diagnosed in adolescents. Also seen in elderly patients.

26 Scoliosis Causes Most cases, cause is unknown. Can develop from problems in other parts of the body, arthritis, or improper development of the spine.

27 Scoliosis Fix other problems in body, bracing, surgery, PT and chiropractics (older patients)

28 Rickets




32 Rickets Description Painful or tender bones, delayed teeth formation, abnormal bone formation, bow-legged

33 Rickets Causes not enough Vitamin D and calcium (diet, genetics, kidney problems). Vitamin D is needed to use calcium in growing your bones so without it, the calcium in not used to form the bones and they are thinner & much more flexible.

34 Rickets Vitamin D and calcium supplements

35 Sprain



38 Sprain Description A sprain is usually painful. The injured part often swells and turns black and blue. Takes place at a joint.

39 Sprain Causes A sprain is an injury to a ligament or to the tissue that covers a joint. Most sprains result from a sudden wrench that stretches or tears the tissues of the ligaments.

40 Sprain RICE. Rest (first 48 hours using crutches, splint), Ice (first 48 hours for 20 minutes every 3-4 hours), Compression (wrap it snuggly), Elevate (higher than heart)

41 Blount’s Disease




45 Blount’s Disease Description Bow-leggedness that becomes progressively worse with age often seen in children and adolescents associated with overweight individuals

46 Blount’s Disease Causes The inner part of the tibia under the knee fails to develop properly leading to a slanting of the bones to angle in. The failure of development is often cited as a result of the extra stress placed on it by the excess weight of the individual.

47 Blount’s Disease Bracing, surgery

48 Kyphosis




52 Kyphosis Description deformity of the upper portion of the spinal column that results in severe forward bending of the spine (hunchback)

53 Kyphosis Causes In children and adolescents, this condition may result from poor posture, misshapen vertebrae or problems during fetal development. In adults, this condition is often the result of another disease, such as arthritis, osteoporosis or cancer.

54 Kyphosis Exercises (if minor), bracing (moderate) surgery (severe)

55 Unit 3 Test MONDAY Axial And Appendicular Skeleton Identifying by name or location (including the spine) Anatomy of a bone Spongy bone, compact bone, medullary cavity, periosteum, diaphysis, epiphysis Bone Growth Osteoblasts, osteoclasts, primary and secondary ossification centers Bone Healing and Fractures 4 types of fractures Bodily responses to fractures Joints Skeletal Diseases There may be a few questions over Forensic Anthropology

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