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Entry Work: Analogy How was being an immigrant in Britain in the 1960s like being a bull in a china shop?

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Presentation on theme: "Entry Work: Analogy How was being an immigrant in Britain in the 1960s like being a bull in a china shop?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry Work: Analogy How was being an immigrant in Britain in the 1960s like being a bull in a china shop?

2 Topic 5: The Growth of Multiculturalism to 1975 By the end of the lesson you will be able to: 1.Explain who Enoch Powell was and why he is so infamous. 2.Judge whether he was to blame for racist behaviour in the sixties. Racial Controversy Enoch Powell

3 Artist’s Easel Read Source 1 on page 128 and draw an image or a selection of images to represent that text. The aim is that you could look at the pictures in a few weeks and remember what the text was about.

4 Source 1: Question Grid WhatWhen/W here? Which?Who?Why?How? Is Did Can Would Will Might Using Source 1 as a starting point create 7 questions (one for each row and column) which we can consider this lesson.

5 Your Questions What is the significance of Enoch Powell’s speech? When did he form these strong views about immigration? Who would support Enoch Powell? Why did Enoch Powell make the speech? How will Britain respond to this?

6 Ethnicity in the UK The 2011 census showed there were about 54 million people living in England and Wales. What percentage do you think considered themselves: a.White British? b.Mixed? c.Asian? d.Black? e.Chinese? What about in Sunderland? a.White British? b.Mixed? c.Asian? d.Black? e.Chinese?

7 Did you get any right? England and WalesSunderland White British Mixed Asian Black Chinese 83.35% 1.80% 5.87% 2.81% 0.82% 93.11 % 0.82% 2.06% 0.71% 0.28%

8 Enoch Powell Who? When? Why? Where? What? How?

9 Plan Next week – finish topic 5 7 weeks of revision – 1 week per topic – 2 weeks of exam technique 22 nd May = EXAM

10 BEFORE, BEFORE, AFTER, AFTER 1 year before 1 week before Now1 week after 1 year after

11 “Enoch Powell was a powerful figure who’s ideas were widely supported by ordinary British people.” Supporting argumentsCounter arguments

12 “Enoch Powell was a powerful figure who created much racial tension in 60s Britain.” Supporting argumentsCounter arguments

13 A Multicultural Society? By the end of the lesson you will be able to: 1.Define assimilation. 2.Explain how immigrants assimilated to British culture 3.Compare and contrast how different immigrant communities assimilated differently. 4.Judge how far Britain was a multicultural society by 1975


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