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IF CLAUSES (CONDITIONALS)  The Zero Conditional (type 0) We use The Zero Conditionals to describe routine conditions that have the same result. For example,

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Presentation on theme: "IF CLAUSES (CONDITIONALS)  The Zero Conditional (type 0) We use The Zero Conditionals to describe routine conditions that have the same result. For example,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IF CLAUSES (CONDITIONALS)  The Zero Conditional (type 0) We use The Zero Conditionals to describe routine conditions that have the same result. For example, we use them that always have the same result. For example, we use them to describe general truths, scientific facts etc.  If you heat ice, it melts.  If you heat water to a hundred degrees, it boils.  If there is a power cut, the lights go out.  If you fire the gun, you kill him  If it rains, plants grow.  You get 5 in the exam if you answer all the questions in a correct way. If + The Present Simple + The Present Simple

2 TTTThe type 1 Conditionals  If it rains, we will get wet.  If I have enough money, I will buy this car.  If study hard, you will be a successful student.  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we may go for a picnic.  If you are careful, you won’t have an accident.  You will be at school in time if you get up early.  Your friends may come to your party if you invite them.  If you see Ali, can you ask her to phone me?  Don’t wait for me if I am late this morning.  I am going to the concert if I get a ticket.  If he doesn’t feel well tomorrow, he will stay at home. If + The Present Simple + will/ can/ may/ might/ be going to

3 UNLESS  If he doesn’t work hard, he can’t pass his exam. Unless he works hard, he can’t pass his exam.  You won’t catch the bus if you don’t leave immediately. You won’t catch the bus unless you leave immediately.  If you don’t pay the bill, you can’t leave the restaurant. Unless you pay the bill, you can’t leave the restaurant.  If you don’t have enough money, you can’t buy this car. Unless you have enough money, you can’t buy this car.  You will get wet if you don’t take your umbrella. You will get wet unless you take your umbrella. AS SOON AS AS SOON AS  As soon as I get home, I will phone you.  As soon as she prepares the food, she will invite us to the dinner.  I will inform you as soon as I learn exam results.  They will visit us as soon as they arrive in Istanbul.

4 TTTThe type 2 Conditionals Type 2 Conditionals are used to express an imaginary or improbable situation, which is unlikely to happen in the present.  If I had enough money, I would buy a Mercedes.  If he had some time, he would help us.  If you invited her to the dinner, she would be very pleased.  If I were you, I wouldn’t smoke.  You would feel healthier if you stopped smoking. Note: We often use “were” instead of “was” in type 2 Conditionals  If she were rich, she would wear expensive clothes.  If he weren’t ill today, he would go to school.  If it weren’t rainy today, we would have a picnic. If + past simple + would /could/ might

5 If + past perfect + would/could/might have Verb3  The type 3 Conditionals Type 3 conditionals express imaginary situations in the past; that is, they refer to past situations that did not happen.  If you hadn’t missed the bus, you wouldn’t have been late for work yesterday.  If he had called me earlier, I would have joined the meeting.  If you hadn’t been in a hurry, you wouldn’t have forgotten your keys.  If she had studied hard, she wouldn’t have got a low grade.  If you hadn’t been ill, you would have gone to the party.  Jason wouldn’t have broken his arm if he had been more careful.  Helen wouldn’t have got wet if she hadn’t taken her umbrella.

6 EXERCISES 1.If you………………………….(look) both ways before crossing the road, you wouldn’t have been knocked down. 2.If I…………………(be) you, I……………………...(phone) my mother tonight. 3.He had a terrible accident yesterday. If he………..…………………(stop) the car, he…………………………………..(not have) an accident. 4. I………………………..(give) some money to charity if I……………………… (win) a lottery, but unfortunately I don’t have much money. 5. I have got an important exam tomorrow. If I………………………...(study) hard, I………………………..(get) a high grade. 6. Unless we………………………….(leave) now, we……………………….(be) late. had looked werewould phone had stopped wouldn’t have had would givewon study will get will be leave

7 7. A: My friend phoned me yesterday. B: Your friend…………………………….. (not phone) if you……………………………(not meet) her in the street. 8. I wasn’t late for work today. If I…………………………….(not wake up) early, I……………………………………..(be) late for work. 9. If I………………………….(have) more time, I……………………….(tidy) the garden, but I have to go now. 10. John will probably phone me. If he……………………………(phone), I………………………….(tell) him your message. 11. If I……………………(be) you, I…………………………….(get) someone to help me. 12. A: Mum, Dad shouted at me. B:Well, if you…………………………………. (not be) naughty, he…………………………………..(not shout) at you. wouldn’t have phoned hadn’t met hadn’t woken up would have been hadwould tidy phones will tell werewould get hadn’t been wouldn’t have shouted

8 13. A : I failed my exam yesterday. B: Well, you………………………………. (not fail) if you……………………………(study) harder. 14. A: I have got a terrible headache. B: If I……………………….(be) you, I……………………...(go) to the dentist. 15. A: I am sorry. B: What for? B: If I……………………………(not leave) the door open, the cat…………………………………..(not escape). 16. Peter is very fat. If he…………………………….(do) lots of exercise, he………………………….…….(be) fit and healty. 17. Unless it………………………(rain), we………………………..(go) for a walk. wouldn’t have failed had studied were would go hadn’t left wouldn’t have escaped does will be rainswill go

9 18. A: Why are you so upset? B: Because it is all my fault. If I……………………... (not be) late, we……………………………………(not miss) the bus. 19. If we………………………….(be) in Antalya now, we…………………………. (have) a great time, but we are in Istanbul. 20. A: I dropped a glass and cut my finger. B: Well, if you………………………….. (be) more careful, you……………………………..(not cut) yourself. hadn’t been wouldn’t have missed werewould have had been wouldn’t have cut

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