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The Cell Theory  All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Cellular Structure and Function  The cell is the basic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Theory  All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Cellular Structure and Function  The cell is the basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Theory  All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Cellular Structure and Function  The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms. Chapter 7  All cells come from preexisting cells.  Cell division

2 Important People and Events Robert Hooke – First coins the term “cells” –Saw first cells in cork Anton van Leeuwenhoek – discovers single- celled organisms Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch – pioneered study of bacteria Development of scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 allows scientists to see atoms

3 Cellular Structure and Function Light Microscopes  Utilizes a series of glass lenses and visible light to magnify an image  Magnifies images up to 1,000 times the actual size 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Chapter 7

4 Electron Microscopes Cellular Structure and Function  Utilizes magnets to aim a beam of electrons at a cell to produce an image  Magnifies images up to 500,000 times the actual size 9560x 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Chapter 7

5 Prokaryotic Cell  Essentially a simple structure Cellular Structure and Function  Contains a plasma membrane  Does not contain membrane-bound organelles 11,000x 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Chapter 7 Prokaryotic Cells are usually bacteria and other unicellular organisms.

6 Eukaryotic Cell  More complex structure Cellular Structure and Function  Contains a plasma membrane  Contains membrane- bound organelles 400x 7.1 Cell Discovery and Theory Chapter 7 Eukaryotic Cells make up organisms such as animals, plants, algae and yeast.

7 Plasma Membrane  Thin, flexible boundary between the cell and its environment 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Cellular Structure and Function  Allows nutrients into the cell  Allows waste to leave the cell Chapter 7

8 Selective Permeability Cellular Structure and Function  The plasma membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell. Plasma Membrane  Controls the amount of a substance entering the cell  Controls the amount of a substance leaving the cell 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

9  The plasma membrane is composed of the phospholipid bilayer. Cellular Structure and Function  A phospholipid molecule is composed of a glycerol backbone, two fatty acid chains, and a phosphate group. 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

10 Fluid Mosaic Model Cellular Structure and Function  The phospholipid bilayer allows other molecules to “float” in the membrane. Other Components  Proteins  Cholesterol  Carbohydrates 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

11 Proteins Cellular Structure and Function  Transmit signals inside the cell  Act as a support structure  Provide pathways for substances to enter and leave 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

12 Cholesterol Cellular Structure and Function  Prevents fatty acid tails from sticking together 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

13 Carbohydrates Cellular Structure and Function  Identify chemical signals 7.2 The Plasma Membrane Chapter 7

14 Tue., November 29 th FOCUS QUESTION: HOMEWORK: CLASSWORK / OBJECTIVES: Journal Go over study guide Notes Ch. 7.3 Cell Organelle Chart Name and describe two types of microscopy. Work on Cell Organelle Chart TURN IN: Study Guide 7.1 + 7.2

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