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Operant Conditioning Full Review

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1 Operant Conditioning Full Review

2 Positive Reinforcement
You receive a kiss for bringing your girlfriend flowers. Getting pleasure from a stimulating conversation with a great colleague. smoking a cigarette brings a dopamine release in the brain - that good feeling you get Give your child dessert when they eat their vegetables. Feeling good after working at a soup kitchen. You get your allowance only after you complete your weekly chores. You receive a merit raise at work for doing your job well.

3 Negative Reinforcement
Wearing a helmet, pads, etc. to avoid a sports or recreational  injury.  Put gas in your car to avoid a break-down. Ducking your head to avoid hitting it on a low doorway. Removing a super wedgie to eliminate discomfort Being nice to your brother to avoid super wedgies Follow the laws to avoid jail. Taking out the garbage to quiet a nagging significant other. Studying for an exam reduces stress

4 Positive Punishment You receive a detention for being tardy to class.
Receiving a ticket for speeding in your car. Someone frowns when you tell a joke. Snapping your wrist with a rubber band when you bite your fingernails. Tasting bitter nail chemical when you try to bite your nails. Hurting your head when you don't duck in a low doorway. Jail - Being forced to live in a small smelly room.

5 Negative Punishment Removing door from bedroom hinges after child slams it in anger. - remove privacy Removing video game play time Repo man takes a car for failure to make loan payments. Jail - remove freedom to do as you please Teenager loses their cellphone for talking back to mom.

6 Partial Reinforcement Schedules

7 Continuous – every time = reinforcement
Fixed - Constant Variable – Unpredictable Interval – Passage of Time Ratio - Number

8 Fixed Ratio Getting a snack after reading every 30 pages
A hotel maid takes a 15-minute break after cleaning 10 rooms A blueberry picker receives $1 after filling three pint boxes. A dog receives a treat after it turns around four times. Subway (or other frequent buyer program) rewards card: get XX stamps, get XX free When a student graduates (regardless of how long it takes, once they earn XX hours, they will receive their diploma).

9 Variable Ratio Scratch off lottery tickets Slot machines
A charitable organization makes an average of 10 phone calls for every donation it receives.  A professional baseball player gets a hit approximately every third time at bat A writer sells stories only occasionally. A woman asks men at a dance club to dance with her. A person plays the lottery in hopes of winning. A boxer has to hit his opponent a variable number of times before a knockout.

10 Variable Interval Checking cell phone for text messages when phone is on silent Checking the front porch for a newspaper when the deliverer is extremely unpredictable. Checking the mail for a letter from a friend Clicking "Get Mail" in outlook. Your teacher gives pop quizzes.

11 Fixed Interval Checking the clock as the end of class nears.
A student receives grades at the end of every semester. Metro train/bus schedule. Getting a gift on your birthday (what behavior is being reinforced?) Picking up the paper in the morning after it has been delivered at the same time every day. Checking the refrigerator to see if JELL‑O is ready.

12 Great website

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