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By: Lindsey Bryant According to the United States federal law known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, is registering, trafficking in,

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2 By: Lindsey Bryant

3 According to the United States federal law known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, is registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else (Wikipedia).

4  Did you know that domain names expire in 4 years?  This is how cybersquatters make there money. They watch out for the availability of domain names and then if/when they get a hold of them, they sell them back to the company and earn “big bucks.”


6  The first website that I looked at was very resourceful and though it is short provided a lot of information on cyber squatting.  This site gives a definition similar to the one that I gave in the beginning of this presentation.  On this website, I found out that Senator Spencer Abraham was the one who brought the attention to congress with the Anti- Cybersquatting Consumer Protection.  As of now, no legislation has been made regarding cybersquatting, but most cybersquatting cases end with punishment to the cyber squatter.

7  The next website that I viewed showed statistics on how many domains are active, deleted, expired, etc. The following stats are from April 26, 2011 and are websites that end  Active 94,770,359  Deleted 323,607,533  New 70,261  Expired 65,421  Transferred 110,874

8  An example of cybersquatting that this website used caught my attention.  Apparently, in 2001, Bruce Springsteen noticed that the domain name was taken. He tried to take legal action, but unfortunately for him this time nothing could be done.

9  In the article that I found, Kodak sued a man from Russia named Alexander Gundul.  Gundul, took the domain name and used it to promote his store.  The website showed cameras and other merchandise and when clicked on told the buyer the best place to buy the product, which he put as his store.  Gundul was to stop using the site and pay the US $93 for compensation.

10 * I chose this topic because when it was mentioned in class in the beginning of the semester it really just caught my attention. It really does seem like a good way to make money, and if it wasn’t so sneaky and illegal it would work. I personally don’t think that it should be illegal, if people want to spend all of their time looking at availability of domain names and then get them and sell them to companies that are willing to pay to get them back, they should be free to do so.

11 The reasons why I chose the websites used in this presentation is because they presented good information. Also, cybersquatting is a pretty simple thing to understand and it’s very self-explanatory. The article that I chose was one that I think is very captivating and also easy to understand.

12 If it wasn’t illegal, how many people would actually cybersquat? A) My answer for this question would probably be a lot more, especially in our current economic situation

13  news/article.php/479311/Kodak-Wins- Russian-CyberSquatting-Case.htm news/article.php/479311/Kodak-Wins- Russian-CyberSquatting-Case.htm  central/tech-term-tuesday-issue-9/ central/tech-term-tuesday-issue-9/  statistics/ statistics/   quatting.html quatting.html

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