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East & Southeast Asia. Japan Mongolia South Korea North Korea China Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "East & Southeast Asia. Japan Mongolia South Korea North Korea China Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 East & Southeast Asia

2 Japan Mongolia South Korea North Korea China Taiwan

3 Physical Geography Tectonic forces created: – Himalayas – Plateau of Tibet – Kunlun Shan (one of the longest ranges in China) – Altun Shan – Tian Shan (part of Himalayas) – Arakan yoma – Annamese – Pamir Mountains Fedchenko Glacier- longest glacier outside of the polar regions Covered with snow year round *Shan = mountain

4 Himalaya Mountains

5 Plateau of Tibet




9 Arakan Yoma

10 Annamese Mountains

11 Ring of Fire Lies along the Pacific Ocean rim Approx. 20% of the world’s earthquakes occur in SE Asia 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur in this region 75% of the world’s most active volcanoes lie in this region


13 Ring of Fire- Japan 10% worlds most active volcanoes ~1500 earthquakes every year Mount Fuji- Japan’s highest peak/volcano at 12,389 feet asl – Lies SW of Tokyo March 11, 2011- earthquake with a 9.0 magnitude (Killed about 16,000 people) – Strongest earthquake in Japan’s history – 5 th strongest earthquake in world – Shifted the Earth on its axis

14 Ring of Fire- Philippines and Indonesia Philippines – Mount Pinatubo- Early 90’s, 2 nd largest eruption in history Indonesia – Most active volcanoes in the Ring of Fire – Java Island – Part of Indonesia; 35 active volcanoes

15 Plains and Rivers Most of the population lives on river plains or along rivers

16 Human Geography This region makes up 11% of the land in the world 25% of the world’s population lives in this region. 20% of the world’s population lives in China – Uneven population in China East: 250 people per square mile West: Less than 25 people per square mile Dense in the lowland areas with mild and wet climates


18 Japan 4 main islands: Run North to South – Hokkaido – Shikoku – Kyushu – Honshu – largest, most populated 70% of Japan is mountains 30% is coastal plains

19 Islands are located in the subduction zone, where the Pacific plate has pushed under the Eurasian and Philippine plates: therefore, it is a hotbed for tectonic activity

20 Japan ½ the population of the US but is only the size of California Uneven population distribution Overall population density- 858 people per square mile Coastal population density- 5,800 people per square mile


22 Japan 126 million people 67% Urban Largest City- Tokyo (capital) 36.5 million Religion- Shintosim 84%, Buddhism 72% Language- Japanese Government- Constitutional Monarchy with a parliamentary government

23 Japan Imports 60% of its food Supplies 15% of the worlds fish 3 rd largest economy in world – (USA #1, China #2) Main natural resource- Fish

24 Japan – Climate Precipitation – 40-60 inches/year Typhoons – Eastern version of hurricane (summer-fall)

25 China 4 th largest country in world in land size – (Russia #1, Canada #2, USA #3) Largest country in world in population size – 1 billion people Largest cities: Shanghai 16.5 million, Beijing (capital) 12.2 million Language- Mandarin Chinese

26 China Majority of China’s population is rural but it still has cities with populations over 5 million. Restrictive residence laws so it controls urban growth More people in just it’s cities than the entire USA!

27 China Official Religion- Atheist (due to communist government) 47% urban Government- Communist State Economy- moving toward a market economy from a command economy – 2010- worlds largest exporter – Largest producer of rice in the world

28 Yangtze “Chang Jiang” River Longest river in Asia and 3 rd largest in world Chang Jiang means “long river” Headway-Plateau of Tibet Mouth-East China Sea 1/3 of China’s populations lives along the river

29 China’s Hydroelectricity Three Gorges Dam Located on Yangtze River When completed it will be the largest dam in the world; full operation by 2012

30 Yellow “Huang He” River 2 nd largest river in China; 6 th in world Mouth- Bohai Sea “Cradle of Chinese civilization” because it was the most prosperous region of early ancient civilizations Appears to be yellow from Loess

31 Agriculture Resources Chang River Region: – Paddy Fields: wetlands where rice is grown – Intensive Agriculture – using a great amount of human labor to farm a small amount of land – Double Cropping: Harvesting 2 crops in the same plot in order to add nutrients to the soil. Huang River Region: – Loess: yellowish, fertile soil, being eroded by the river – Summer: river overflows its banks *add nutrients to area surrounding the river

32 China’s Social Issues Censorship is strictly enforced – Google stopped operation for a period of time in protest Dissenters are not tolerated and can face jail time China controls Tibet even though they want autonomy and therefore China views the Dali Lama as a dissenter = bad news for the Dali Lama

33 Tiananmen Square 1989, Beijing China Protests led mainly by students and intellectuals in an attempt to incite political reforms on the communist government 241 dead, 7000 wounded (official from China)

34 Chinese Alligator Giant Panda Chinese Paddlefish 3 animals only found in China (extinct elsewhere)

35 Taiwan Political status is disputed because since 1949, China has claimed ownership 23 million people 98% Han Chinese ethnicity “native Taiwanese” Language- Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Religion- 93% Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism

36 South Korea 49 million people 83% urban Largest city- Seoul (capital) 9.7 million Religion- Christianity 26% Language- Korean (English is widely taught in school) Government- Republic One of the worlds top 20 largest economies

37 North Korea 24 million people 60% urban Language- Korean Government- Communist State Large amounts of money is spent on the military

38 The Korea’s 2 countries created 1 peninsula There are no active volcanoes

39 Vegetation Terraces – vegetation or crops being grown on the side of a mountain Rice – staple crop

40 China: largest producer of rice in the world Indonesia & Thailand: produce more rice per capita or per person Fish is a large part of the economy Fish Farming: growing fish in tanks for mass selling or export (aquaculture)

41 Climate Affected by monsoons – Winter: Dry, cold – Summer: Humid, rainy Subtropical Climate: in Taiwan & SE China Humid Continental Climate: in NE China Dry Highland Climate: Western China – Affected by rain shadow effect – Winters: -50 F – Summers: High temps cause fires


43 Myanmar/Burma Vietnam Laos Cambodia Thailand Singapore

44 Vietnam 90 million people 30% Urban Ho Chi Minh City 5.9 million; Hanoi (capital) 2.6 million Religion- Buddhist 9% Language- Vietnamese (English 2 nd language) Government- Communist State


46 Thailand 66 million people 34% Urban Bangkok (capital) 6.9 million Religion- Buddhist 94% Language- Thai (English 2 nd language) Government- Constitutional Monarchy


48 Cambodia 14 million people 20% Urban Phnom Penh (capital) 1.5 million Religion- Buddhist 96% Language- Khmer Government- Constitutional Monarchy


50 Laos 6 million people 33% Urban Vientiane (capital) 799,000 Religion- Buddhist 67% Language- Lao Government- Communist State


52 Myanmar/Burma 54 million people 34% Urban Rangoon (capital) 4.2 million Religion- Buddhist- 89% Language- Burmese Government- Military Regime


54 Singapore 4.7 million people 100% Urban Religion- Buddhist 43% Official languages Mandarin, English, Malay Government- Parliamentary Republic Economy- Free market economy which is extremely successful

55 Singapore Very strict laws: – Spitting in public places - $1,000 fine for first timers and $2,000 for repeat offenders – Not flushing public toilets - $150 and up to $1,000 for repeat offenders – Littering - $1,000 on first offense and up to $2,000 for repeat offenders – Drug trafficking – can get the death penalty – Vandalism – can get jail time and caning


57 Mainland Southeast Asia: Landforms Laos is landlocked (completely surrounded by land) Mountains Plains and Plateaus

58 Mainland Rivers and Deltas 4 major rivers: – Irrawaddy – mouth Bay of Bengal – Choa Phraya – mouth; Gulf of Thailand – Hong (Red) – mouth; Gulf of Tonkin – Mekong – mouth; South China Sea Characteristics: – Fertile, alluvial soil – Heavy farming area – Dense population – Heavy transportation

59 Irrawaddy River System Largest river in Myanmar Most important river for transportation Mouth- Andaman Sea Irrawaddy Dolphin (threatened)

60 Choa Phraya River Mouth- Gulf of Thailand Runs through Thailand including the capital city Bangkok Delta used to grow rice

61 Hong (Red) River “Mother River” Flows through Vietnam; including capital Hanoi Mouth- Gulf of Tonkin Reddish-Brown Silt gives the river its name

62 Mekong River 10 th longest in world; 7 th longest in Asia Headway- Plateau of Tibet Mouth- South China Sea Runs through Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam

63 Mainland: Climate Tropical and Subtropical climate dominate the region Precipitation is very high Monsoons – bring wet/dry seasons – Wet – floods common – Dry – fires or drought common


65 Straits and Seas make this area ideal for transportation and trade Islands were created from tectonic activity Located within the Pacific Ring of Fire; therefore, earthquakes and volcanoes are common

66 Indonesia Archipelago 245.8 million people Jakarta (capital) 9.1 million people Religion- 86% Muslim Language- Bahasa Indonesia (moderate form of Malay) Government- Republic


68 Malaysia Peninsula and Island, formed from tectonic plate movement 28.7 million people 72% Urban Kuala Lumpur (capital) 1.4 million people Religion- Muslim 60% Language- Bahasa Malaysia Government- Constitutional Monarchy Contains over 2,000 islands


70 Philippines Archipelago 101.8 million people Manila (capital) Religion- Roman Catholic 81 % Language- Filipino Government- Republic


72 Tropical Humid Tropical Wet/Dry Highland Climate

73 Endemic Species- native to a certain region Komodo Dragon Javan Rhinoceros Orangutan

74 Island: Natural Resources Malaysia and Indonesia – Rubber trees Brunei and Indonesia – Oil and natural gas

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