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Published byDerrick Andrews Modified over 8 years ago
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Steve Petersen Director, Office of Satellite Ground Services National Environmental Satellite Data & Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration April 12, 2016 Enterprise Ground Transformation at NESDIS
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Overview The NESDIS Ground Enterprise Today The Need for an Integrated Ground Enterprise (IGE) Organizing for Change Developing the Enterprise Architecture TOGAF Architecture Approach Transition and Sequencing Plan Early Enterprise Elements ESPDS Processing & Distribution CLASS Archive Pathfinders Future Way Ahead 2
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS NESDIS Ground Enterprise Fairbanks Ground Station – POES GOES/GOES-R (West) GOES/GOES-R (East) TDRS (Satellite) White Sands TrollSat Antarctic METOP-A,B (AM) Secondary Backup NOAA POES (AM/PM) CBU Fairmont SNPP/ JPSS-1 (PM) Non-NOAA Storage and Access (CLASS) Satellite Operations Data Products Ingest, Process and Distribute Non–Satellite Data CDA LEGEND Commanding & Telemetry Commanding or Telemetry GOES Re- Broadcast Direct Readout LEGEND Commanding & Telemetry Commanding or Telemetry GOES Re- Broadcast Direct Readout User Community NSOF CDA Svalbard Ground Station – JPSS Svalbard Ground Station – JPSS McMurdo Ground Station– JPSS D/L McMurdo Ground Station– JPSS D/L Wallops Ground Station GOES / POES Wallops Ground Station GOES / POES User Products Non–NOAA Satellite Data Non–NOAA Satellite Data 3
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Future Integrated Ground Enterprise Addresses Current Enterprise Limitations 4 POES & GOES legacy systems developed 20+ years ago Two new, highly-capable, stand-alone ground systems with modest interoperability and parts commonality High sustainment and O&M costs Inefficient use of government & contractor personnel Expensive to develop Lack of an enterprise approach to future capability development. Limited use of similar capabilities across missions Limited ability to leverage existing systems for new products / services Difficult and costly to integrate future missions Enterprise approach with flexible, agile concepts of operation that reduce costs and speed product / service deployment Integrating current & new infrastructure with common services for interoperability and improved utilization Improved parts commonality for more efficient use of resources Separate hardware and software sustainment activities, enabling hardware refresh and new capability insertions as opportunities and budgets permit Establishing well-defined, common business processes & procedures, and roles & responsibilities across all ground projects Today’s GroundIntegrated Ground Enterprise Never Buy Another Stand-Alone Ground System
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS NESDIS Perspective on Transformation Move to Integrated Ground Enterprise must be achieved while executing on existing missions and acquisitions / commitments –Simultaneously sustain current capability and transition two new ground segments to sustainment –Then integrate, modify and enhance capabilities Ground Enterprise Architectures Services (GEARS) Investments –While exploiting early opportunities to achieve progress on key challenges Challenges exist in processes, procedures, and workforce / culture –Existing workforce acquires and sustains with legacy system approaches Many small contracts, stand-alone acquisitions, hands-on software maintenance, limited systems limited architecture considerations –New systems (GOES-R, JPSS) need different approaches Potentially too complex for hands-on government software maintenance Integrated maintenance and sustainment Enterprise architecture and systems engineering influences on tech refresh –OSGS emphasis on systems engineering requires additional staff Realignment of current processes governing sustainment 5
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS OSGS Vision One integrated, cross-program, cross-NESDIS team creating and sustaining the Ground Enterprise Architecture Services (GEARS) OSGS Vision and Mission Guide NESDIS Transition to a Ground Enterprise Section 2 Strengthening NESDIS: A new organization, the Office of Satellite Ground Services (OSGS), will consolidate the development and sustainment of all NESDIS ground systems. OSGS will leverage common ground services and guide development of an enterprise ground architecture OSGS Mission Sustain Current Ops (GOES, POES, S-NPP, …) Enable Future Ops (GOES-R, JPSS, …) Create Enterprise Ground (GEARS = NDE, PDA, CLASS..) 6
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Mission: Create the Integrated Ground Enterprise 7 FOUR ELEMENTS: Concept of Operations Drafted in FY14, published in Feb 2015 TOGAF Approach - Enterprise Architecture Initiated in FY14 Released Published Business Architecture Sep 2015 Released Information Systems Architecture Mar 2016 Targeting Technology Reference Model Jun 2016 Transition and Sequencing Plan (T&SP) Released version 0.5 in Dec 2015 Targeting version 1.0 for Jul 2016 Existing Legacy, GOES-R, and JPSS services will be reused whenever feasible GEARS program of Investments focused on Return on Investment
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS IGE Concept Of Operations Guides IGE Development Section 5 Day-in-the-Life Satellite Operations Integration of a New Satellite Mission Integration of an External Data Product Adding a Unique Ad-Hoc Query I/F Transition of a NASA Research Satellite Mission to NOAA Operations New Data Product Requirement New Algorithm Development Algorithm Sustainment Calibration and Validation Support Automation of a Ground System Function Adding a New Common Capability to GEARS Enterprise management Shared infrastructure Mission isolation Hardware agnostic Location agnostic Acquisition approach agnostic Service oriented architecture Common services reuse Standards-based Automation capable Highly secure Illustrative Use CasesGeneral Attributes 8 Describing IGE Benefits to Stakeholders Across the Enterprise
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS TOGAF Approach to Enterprise Architecture 9 Set the Foundation Generate the Architecture Use/ Implement the Architecture Plan the Transition TODAY
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Sample Artifact: Target Business Architecture Functional Decomposition 10
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Transition & Sequencing Plan (T&SP): Principles for IGE Transition Evolutionary Transformation – The goal is to achieve the IGE through incremental improvements consistent with the target architecture, rather than developing the whole solution and migrating existing systems (no “Big-Bang” Transformation) Infrastructure & Support Services First – Although significant Return on Investment is expected by moving to a common set of Mission Services for capabilities such as Flight & Ground Operations and Data Management Services, these capabilities are built on top of an operational infrastructure and support services Responsiveness to Stakeholders – Stakeholder participation (e.g., through the NESDIS Ground Enterprise Executive Board and Enterprise Architecture Working Group) guides the transition strategy 11
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Based on the degree to which a given system service is independent of mission-unique features: –Downstream services (i.e., Archive & Distribution) which are independent of the original satellite mission data are ranked High; –Spacecraft/Instrument specific services (i.e., Command & Data Acquisition & L1/SDR data processing) are highly dependent on mission specific details and are ranked Low; –Services such as Mission Operations, Ingest and Product Generation provide mission specific tailoring of capabilities that are common to all missions and are ranked Medium. Example T&SP Result: Return on Investment by Function Mission Function ROI Mission OperationsMedium Command & Data AcquisitionLow Mission Data RoutingMedium Data IngestMedium Mission Data Pre- ProcessingLow Product GenerationMedium Product DistributionHigh ArchiveHigh 12
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS T&SP Roadmap 13
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Sustainment Transformation 14
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Early Enterprise Element: Environmental Satellite Processing and Distribution System (ESPDS) Modernizes the NESDIS Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) –Includes Product Generation (PG), Product Distribution (PD), and Infrastructure segments Will be implemented at the primary and backup ESPC sites Provides a scalable and secure infrastructure as a foundational building block upon which all other system functions and services reside ESPDS uses a Service-Oriented Architecture providing these benefits: Extensibility: The loose coupling of services allows the ability to add new functionality to the system without impacting the existing capabilities Reusability: ESPDS services will be usable for future integration, benefitting future government systems Modularity: ESPDS services are able to be upgraded and replaced easily Cost: All of the above enable long term cost benefits 15 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Service A1 Service B Service C1 Service C2 Service A2
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS PDA provides a paradigm shift in the agency’s approach to managing real-time distribution of environmental satellite data: -Allows approved users to manage their data access details (product customization, selection and transfer method) -Provides the user with greater data discovery (via the online catalog) and OSPO with greater data organizational control -Enables OSPO to manage / monitor the user’s data volume usage and user’s access to product groups Data access reviewed and granted by the Data Access Review Board (DARB) – product groups and data volume allocations Early Enterprise Element: Product Access and Distribution (PDA) Operational Concept 16
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Early Enterprise Element: Comprehensive Large Array-data Storage System (CLASS) CLASS reduces cost growth associated with storing environmental datasets by: –Consolidating stand-alone, legacy archival storage systems, reducing the number of IT systems for NOAA to manage and customers to access. –Relieving data owners of archival storage- related system development and operations issues –Replication via NOAA Science Network (N-WAVE) 17 CLASS NGDC, Boulder CO CLASS NCDC, Asheville NC CLASS NSOF, Suitland MD Development Team Fairmont, WV Test and Integration Environment Operations Ingest Storage (Disk & Tape) Public Access Satellite Landing Zone Development Environment
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Early Enterprise Elements: Pathfinder Initiatives Goal Address immediate high-impact science and operational mission opportunities Achieve early progress toward moving to integrated enterprise Approach Leadership by OSGS Systems Engineering Performed in concert with other OSGS Divisions and NESDIS Offices Initiatives 18 Mission Support Services (MSS) Consolidate mission support capabilities not provided by the NESDIS Administrative LAN. Mission Science Network (MSN) Facilitate collaboration among scientists from STAR and NCEI. Enterprise Configuration Management Tool (ECMT) NESDIS-wide CM tool to improve tasking, ground system anomaly detection, reporting and resolution. Integrated Mission Monitoring Subsystem (IMMS) Way Forward Enable remote real-time 24/7/365 access to POES and GOES spacecraft health and safety data. Replace old Secure Remote Access Servers.
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS NESDIS Transformation Summary Early Enterprise Element product generation, distribution, and archival activities are meeting all milestones, closely integrated with the JPSS, GOES-R, and legacy ground programs Transformation planning is well underway, addressing key enterprise architecture, concept of operations, and transition objectives in collaboration with JPSS, GOES-R, NWS and NOAA CIO Cost avoidance is a key objective that influences every aspect of our work 19 Never Buy Another Stand-Alone Ground System
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS 20 BACK-UP
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS IGE Architecture Acronyms ADMArchitecture Development Method CXOChief (anything) Office(r) DODAFDepartment of Defense Architecture Framework EAEnterprise Architecture EAMMFEnterprise Architecture Maturity Model Framework GAOGovernment Accountability Office GEARSGround Enterprise Architecture Services NESDISNational Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service OSGSOffice of Satellite Ground Services TOGAFThe Open Group Architecture Framework 21
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Acronyms ACIO: ADRS: AoA: API: ARB: ARM: BPMN: CBA: CBU: CDA: CDR: CFO: CHOPS: CLASS: CONOPS: COSI: CPIC: DITE: DMSP: DODAF: Assistant Chief Information Officer Ancillary Data Relay System Analysis of Alternatives Application Programming Interface Architecture Review Board Applications Reference Model Business Process Model & Notation Cost Benefit Analysis Consolidated Back-up Facility in Fairmont, WV Command & Data Acquisition Critical Design Review Chief Financial Officer Consolidated High-throughput Operational Products System Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Concept of Operations Common Operating System Infrastructure Capital Planning & Investment Control Development, Integration & Test Environment Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Department of Defense Architecture Framework 22
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Acronyms DSCOVR: EA: EAMMF: EAWG: ERB: ESPDS: FEA: GAO: GART: GCOM-W: GEARS: GOES: GPDS: GPEA: GPRA: HRIT/EMWIN: I&T: IDPS: IG: Deep Space Climate Observatory Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture Maturity Model Framework Enterprise Architecture Working Group Engineering Review Board Environmental Satellite Processing and Distribution System Federal Enterprise Architecture (Framework) General Accountability Office GEARS Architecture Review Team Global Change Observation Mission 1 st – Water Ground Enterprise ARchitecture Service Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GCOM Processing & Distribution System Government Paperwork Elimination Act (of 2003) Government Performance & Results Act (of 1993) High-Rate Image Transmission/Emergency Management Weather Information Network Integration and Test Interface and Data Processing Segment (for JPSS) Inspector General 23
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Acronyms IGE: IRM: IRMAC: JPSS: MODAF: NASA: NCGS-STP: NDE: NESDIS: NGE: NOAA: NSOF: NJO: NWS: OMB: OSAAP: OSGS: OSPO: PDA: POAM: Integrated Ground Enterprise Infrastructure Reference Model Information Resources Management Advisory Committee Joint Polar Satellite System Ministry of Defence National Aeronautics & Space Administration NESDIS Common Ground Services – Strategy & Transition Planning NPP Data Exploitation National Environmental Satellite, Data, & Information Service NESDIS Ground Enterprise National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration NOAA Satellite Operations Facility NOAA JPSS Office National Weather Service Office of Management & Budget Office of Systems Architecture & Advanced Planning Office of Satellite Ground Services Office of Satellite & Product Operations Product Distribution and Access Plan of Action and Milestones 24
Sustain Enable Create – OSGS Acronyms POES: RN: ROI: ROM: SEP: SEMP: S-NPP: STAR: SysML: TOGAF: TRM: TRR: UML: UPDM WX: Polar Operational Environmental Satellite Receipt Node Return on Investment Rough Order of Magnitude Systems Engineering Plan System Engineering Management Plan Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership Center for Satellite Applications & Research Systems Modeling Language The Open Group Architecture Framework Technical Reference Model Test Readiness Review Unified modeling Language Unified Profile for DODAF/MODAF Weather 25
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