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Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IET Academic Accreditation April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IET Academic Accreditation April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IET Academic Accreditation April 2016

2 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Agenda  Learning Outcomes – AHEP 3  Documentation and criteria for IET visits  The Pre-visit Process  The Visit  The Post-visit Process  ADAMS workshop

3 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Learning Outcomes AHEP 3

4 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians AHEP Third Edition  Published by the Engineering Council on 20 May 2014  All accredited programmes should align with AHEP 3 from September 2016  AHEP 3 will be used for all IET accreditation visits from September 2015

5 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians AHEP Third Edition  Six key areas of learning:  Science and mathematics  Engineering analysis  Design  Economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context  Engineering practice  Additional general skills The weighting given to the six broad areas of learning will vary according to the nature and aims of each programme.

6 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians AHEP 3 Example - Engineering analysis

7 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IEng – Bachelors Degrees and Bachelors (Honours)  Ability to monitor, interpret and apply the results of analysis and modelling in order to bring about continuous improvement.  Ability to apply quantitative methods in order to understand the performance of systems and components. *  Ability to use the results of engineering analysis to solve engineering problems and to recommend appropriate action.  Ability to apply an integrated or systems approach to engineering problems through know-how of the relevant technologies and their application. * * Denotes modified from AHEP 2

8 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians CEng – Bachelors (Honours)  Understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to analyse key engineering processes.  Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques.  Ability to apply quantitative and computational methods in order to solve engineering problems and to implement appropriate action. *  Understanding of, and the ability to apply, an integrated or systems approach to solving engineering problems. * * Denotes modified from AHEP 2

9 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians CEng – Integrated Master’s  Understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to undertake critical analysis of key engineering processes. **  Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques. **  Ability to apply quantitative and computational methods, using alternative approaches and understanding their limitations, in order to solve engineering problems and to implement appropriate action. *  Understanding of, and the ability to apply, an integrated or systems approach to solving complex engineering problems. **  Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies.  Ability to extract and evaluate pertinent data and to apply engineering analysis techniques in the solution of unfamiliar problems. * * Denotes modified from AHEP 2; ** Denotes new addition

10 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians CEng – Master’s other than the Integrated Master’s  Ability both to apply appropriate engineering analysis methods for solving complex problems in engineering and to assess their limitations. *  Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies.  Ability to collect and analyse research data and to use appropriate engineering analysis tools in tackling unfamiliar problems, such as those with uncertain or incomplete data or specifications, by the appropriate innovation, use or adaptation of engineering analytical methods. * Denotes modified from AHEP 2

11 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians NEW IET guidance on meeting AHEP learning outcomesIET guidance on meeting AHEP learning outcomes Available in welcome pack Range of degrees accredited by IET is very broad – learning outcomes will vary according to the nature of the subjects studied. NOT prescriptive, attempting to define programme content or attempting to stifle programme innovation!

12 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Other key reference points for academic accreditation  The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies  Foundation Degree Benchmark Statement  Available from the QAA website:

13 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Documentation and criteria for IET visits

14 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Programmes accredited by the IET - CEng MEng programmes “This programme is CEng accredited and fulfils the educational requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer.” Bachelors programmes accredited for CEng “This programme is CEng accredited and fulfils the educational requirements for Chartered Engineer when presented with an accredited MSc. In addition, the programme meets the educational requirements for registration as an Incorporated Engineer.”

15 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Programmes accredited by the IET - CEng MSc programmes “This programme is CEng accredited and fulfils the educational requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer when presented with a CEng accredited Bachelors programme.”

16 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Programmes accredited by the IET- IEng Bachelors programmes accredited for IEng “This programme is IEng accredited and fulfils the educational requirements for registration as an Incorporated Engineer.” Foundation Degree programmes accredited for IEng “This programme is IEng accredited and fulfils the educational requirements for registration as an Incorporated Engineer when presented with an IEng accredited Bachelors programme.”

17 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Accreditation based on: Output Standards Teaching and learning process Assessment strategy Human and material resources Quality assurance Entry to the programme and how the breadth of intake is supported Accreditation Criteria

18 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Submission for Accreditation Departments are required to use ADAMS to upload data requested (will look at this later).ADAMS Uploading can be completed on an ongoing basis (e.g. examination papers can be uploaded each year) and saved to the database. Once the Department considers the submission is complete, need to “submit”. ADAMS will check for completeness and give a list of omissions if necessary.

19 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Submission for Accreditation Once submitted successfully, further changes cannot be made ahead of the visit. The submission will then be run so that data is presented in a format suitable for accreditors. Departments will be able to see this view which follows the traditional format of accreditation submissions.

20 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMS Submission  Modules  Programmes  Supporting Information  To be completed in consultation with the ADAMS submission guidance and instructions in ‘blue boxes’ submission guidance  ‘Data unavailable’ options The submission requirements draw on pre existing documentation and data.

21 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMS Submission Module level Module level  Details  Learning outcomes mapping  Assessment  Marks  Project management (for major projects only)

22 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMS Submission Programme level Programme level  Details  Structure  Learning outcomes commentary  Entry data – is moving to supporting information  Progression data – will be aligned to funding KPIs

23 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMS Submission Supporting Information Supporting Information  Industry  Admissions  Assessment  Staffing  Resources  QA  Features  Action Plan

24 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IET Academic Accreditation Information Pack Information Pack  Available in welcome pack  Brings together all of the key guidance and regulations governing IET academic accreditation  In effect from 2015-16 academic year and will be subject to annual review

25 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians IET Academic Accreditation Information Pack  Articulates ‘Accreditation Requirements’ – expectations for an accredited degree programme and ‘Guidance’ – considered good practice  NEW Guidance on Threshold Academic Standards

26 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Example – Accreditation Requirement

27 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Example – Guidance

28 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Pre-visit Process

29 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Overview University invites IET to accredit programmes Visit (2 days) Submission prepared (3 Months) Action Plan ( 1 Month) AAC Our reading and visit preparation time (8 weeks)

30 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Don’t give us too much information. Keep it focussed (answer the question!). Use the blue boxes within ADAMS and the submission guidance to help you. Giving us the right information in advance will reduce the information requested at the visit. Be clear, concise and logical. Progress reports are available Submissions

31 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Keep to agreed timescales to avoid cancellations. Full submission is due 8 weeks before the visit date. Accreditors need time to read and absorb the submission. Hints & Tips

32 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Allow plenty of time to gather and enter data onto ADAMS. Plan well in advance; appoint a senior member of staff to co-ordinate preparations for the visit; involve others; DELEGATE! Ask IET staff for help if you want it. Ensure that programme structure, content and regulations meet the required standards. Ensure submissions and visit arrangements are coordinated for cross Departmental submissions. Hints & Tips

33 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Ensure that infrastructure (laboratories, library and computer facilities) is adequate and ensure planned tour shows relevant facilities. Ensure that quality procedures are in place and utilised. The onus is on HEIs to demonstrate criteria are being met. New evidence cannot be considered after the visit. Hints & Tips

34 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians The Visit

35 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Day One 1230:1300IET Staff arrive and to be available for questions from the Department 1250Remaining members of panel arrive 1300:1400Working lunch. To include brief presentation by HoD overviewing Department and programme philosophy (max 20 minutes) and informal meeting with department staff. 1400:1500Panel tour of laboratories 1500:1730Private panel meeting 1730:1800Chair and IET Staff private meeting (to refine discussion topics list) Informal meeting between panel and industrial board members (note that it is not appropriate for University Staff to attend this meeting) 1800:1830Chair & IET staff to communicate with HoD on discussion topics for meeting with department staff the following morning 1830Panel departs to hotel 2000Private panel dinner

36 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Day Two 0850Panel arrives at department 0900:1000Meeting between students and panel members 1000:1200Meeting between department staff and panel members 1200:1230Private panel working lunch 1230:1530Private panel meeting – all staff to be available for questions (if required) 1530:1600The panel chair communicates the panel’s findings, and the recommendations they will be making to the IET’s Academic Accreditation committee, to department staff 1600Panel departs

37 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Scoring system Each criteria and each section is awarded a score:  1 Unacceptable  2 Unsatisfactory in most areas  3 Satisfactory is most areas  4 Acceptable Scoring is not numeric and is not an average Scoring is linked to the period of accreditation

38 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Recommendations to AAC Whether accreditation should be awarded Backdating Input Year based Subject to production of a satisfactory action plan Subject to agreement by the Academic Accreditation Committee

39 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Post-visit Process

40 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Factual check Report approved by panel Sent to Department within 2/3 weeks Keep feedback to points of accuracy Start work on the Action Plan

41 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Action Plan For all items scored less than 4 Submit within one month from receipt of report Considered by Committee along with the report A common requirement (the norm!)

42 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Action Plan

43 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Successful Action Plans… Respond to each action plan item in the report Have dates and people assigned to each action Include dates which are timely but realistic Commit to action not to reviews Can be used to negotiate with central University functions Have appropriate evidence attached e.g. revised aims and programme learning outcomes Are not rejected by the Committee

44 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Accreditation is normally awarded for 2, 3 or 5 years. Reviews or monitoring visits required if awarded less than 5 years. ‘First Output’ review required for new programmes where final year output not available during visit. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee that accreditation will be granted. Possible outcomes

45 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians The end of the process Decision letter Certificate EngC database at EngC Logo available EUR-ACE label available IET logo available

46 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians

47 The end of the process Feedback form. Extensions. Keep us informed of major change. Implement the action plan. Annual Reporting and keeping ADAMS up to date.

48 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Type of accreditation visit IET visits Joint visits EAB (Engineering Accreditation Board) visits Visits to partner institutions Visits aligned with internal periodic reviews

49 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Thank you

50 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMSADAMS workshop

51 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians ADAMS view for HEIs

52 Professional Home for Life ® for Engineers and Technicians Coming Soon  Check on data inputted into Module- Marks – now available  Check on edit / delete / withdraw a module or programme associated with an activity (or not) – now available  ‘Data unavailable’ options in entry routes (UG and PG) – now available  Progress check against modules, programmes and supporting information – now available  Minor bug fixes - ongoing

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