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RESUME DATABASE ACCESS. INDEX Introduction Getting Started Resdex Subuser Page Search Forms a) Advance SearchAdvance Search b) EZ SearchEZ Search c) IT.

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Presentation on theme: "RESUME DATABASE ACCESS. INDEX Introduction Getting Started Resdex Subuser Page Search Forms a) Advance SearchAdvance Search b) EZ SearchEZ Search c) IT."— Presentation transcript:


2 INDEX Introduction Getting Started Resdex Subuser Page Search Forms a) Advance SearchAdvance Search b) EZ SearchEZ Search c) IT SearchIT Search d) My SearchMy Search e) Role SearchRole Search Search Result Page Search Agents Personal Folders E-mail Templates Search Settings Reports

3 Introduction  “ RESDEX” : - Resume Database Access facility allows you to directly search & recruit candidates from Naukri’s database of over 23.5 Million Resumes which is growing at a fast rate.

4 Getting Started Login to RESDEX : You can login to RESDEX and other products through our online interface accessible on or Login is also available from “Recruiters Login” link on our home Type a Username and Password.

5 Resdex Sub User Page

6 Search Forms Advance Search : This is the most comprehensive search form that encompasses all the parameters in Full Resume, Role and Basic Search into one single Interface. In addition to this, you can search by employment details such as Company Name & Designation, search by Educational Institution details such as UG and PG institutes & use additional filters for hiring needs such as Women Candidates. EZ Search: Searches by 4 parameters i.e., keyword, location, experience & salary. IT Search: Searches specific IT skills with the relevant experience in that respective skill. My Search : Create your own search by selecting the desired fields. Role Search : Searches by Roles/Designations within an Industry OR Functional Area. Search Result Sort Options : You can sort your search result by relevance, freshness or activity. You can choose this option on search form before you enter the search form. Relevance Sort: Option to displays resumes in the descending order of relevance. Freshness Sort : Option to display resumes in the descending order of freshness of profiles. Activity Sort : Option to display active candidates in the descending order to activity on site. Search result is displayed by page with each page containing maximum 80 Resumes. You can select the number of Resumes per page as, 20, 30, 40, 60 or 80.

7 Search Form –1) Advance Search Choose candidates within a particular distance from each of the specified locations in the search When you use ‘OR’ For example: Upon selecting Candidate’s Current Location as Mumbai OR Candidate’s Preferred Location Mumbai, we will show you resumes of two kinds of candidates: 1. Candidates currently in Mumbai 2. Candidates not in Mumbai, but prefer to move to Mumbai When you use ‘AND’ For example: Upon selecting Candidate’s Current Location = Dubai/UAE AND Candidate’s Preferred Location = Mumbai, we will show you resumes of those candidates who are currently in Dubai/UAE but prefer to work in Mumbai.

8 Advance Search Contd. The ‘EZ Keywords’ splits the Keywords in our Advanced Search form into three using which, user can create complex queries by entering the skills likewise in the textboxes. Any- will search for resumes containing at least one of the keywords mentioned in this box All- will search for resumes containing all the keywords mentioned in this box Exclude- exclude resumes containing any of the keywords mentioned in this box For Example: Any: “Marketing Manager”, “Brand Manager”, “Product Manager” All: “Promotion”, “Pricing”, “Product Mix”, Exclude: “FMCG”, “Consumer Durable” The above search query will look for resumes with the keywords (“Marketing Manager” OR “Brand Manager” OR “Product Manager”) AND (“Promotion” AND “Pricing” AND “Product Mix”) WIHTOUT (“FMCG” OR “Consumer Durable”)

9 Search In SEARCH IN : Indicates the portion of a resume to be searched using keywords. Entire Resume : This searches across the resume inclusive of the text resume. Please note that fields such as name, mobile number, address and dropdown/menu options in the resume form are not searched inspite of getting highlighted in the resume. In most cases these details are also mentioned in the Text Resume which results in them appearing searchable at times. Resume Synopsys: The difference between Resume Synopsys & Entire Resume is the search on “Text Resume”. Resume Synopsys excludes the text resume, thereby giving weight age to most relevant information alone. This is similar to basic search and can be used for generic positions to avoid junk that appears in the text resume. Resume Title : Resume title searches only the title part of the resume that appears at the beginning of the resume below the name & address. This is most restricted option suitable if you are searching for specialized roles in common areas Resume Title + Key Skills : Searches only the key skill portion + Resume title. Please note that this does not search the IT Skills Part mentioned Search in “Entire Resume” for a FULL Resume Search, “Resume Synopsys” for Basic Search. “Resume Title + Key Skills” for key skill or key specialization search. “Resume Title” for search on the key specialization alone i.e. “one line description” of the candidate. Employer & Designation Search helps search on Current and/or Previous Employer OR Designation.

10 Advance Search Contd.

11 Now search resumes from top ranked Engineering and Management colleges across the country. After selecting one of the above options, you can click on the ‘View Top Ranked Colleges’ link appearing below the selected courses container to view the names of the colleges that will be searched

12 Advance Search Contd. Select if you are looking for women candidates only Sort by relevance, freshness or Activity find candidates who have not been active on the site for some time now but could be relevant to your requirements

13 2) EZ Search Search engine which empowers you to search for candidates using a single textbox. EZ search intelligently reads the search query in the textbox and searches for “any of the keywords” in “Location(s)” with “Experience” and “salary”. It searches on any or all of the below four fields: Keywords, location, experience & salary like, “sales, Mumbai, 3-5yrs, 3-5lakhs”

14 IT search caters to the users targeting the candidates with specific set of IT skills and with the relevant experience in the same. For e.g, If you are looking for a candidate with 4yrs & above exp in Java & also, 2yrs and above exp in J2ee. Now you can easily search for the candidates using the IT search. The form, as displayed below, allows users to specify up to 5 skills with relevant experience in each skill. 3) IT Search

15 My search gives you an option to Customize your search and options to add / remove the search parameters defined on this page Create your search form by selecting and deselecting the fields from here. 4) MY Search

16 Select the fields required in search form MY Search Cont.

17 Select from the below listed functional areas to check appropriate roles (maximum 7 roles are allowed) and proceed to “Additional Filters” or “Search” 5) Role Search

18 Role Search Contd.

19 click on a designation or company name to view resumes with that designation or which are from that company respectively. Search Result Narrow down the result from these two options a.Search within results b.Refine search results last 30days views of a Resume by Recruiters which portrays the popularity of a resume in simple numbers. displaying the date when the Resume was viewed, on a Mouse-Over

20 Search Result Save search/Search Agent: Saves the search form/criteria, so that the user need not to fill the form again for searching the same profile.

21 These agents can be modified, deleted and also can be shared among sub- users to enable teamwork on common requirements Search Agents (Saved Searches)

22 Set Time Period for Alarms : You can set daily or weekly or monthly frequency for e-mail alert based on your requirement. Eg, a company can configure alert for resumes from competition that get added/modified on a daily/weekly/ monthly basis. Helps in configuring automatic e-mail alerts on updations that happen on the search result against a chosen search agent. In simple words, it would help in fetching an e-mail alert on the no. of resumes that have been added/modified on a given criteria in specified report duration. Alerts would be sent to the e-mail id registered under the sub-user. Get Alerts on Search Agents

23 Allows you to save, view and manage resumes for future reference. You can mail & download resumes in word/excel format. Personal Folders

24 E-mail Templates 4) Mailing templates are used to send mails to the candidates.

25 Mass Mailing A mass mailers can be sent by clicking on send mail under Contact Client’s Job Postings which are currently live can be attached with the mail by clicking this option

26 Search Forms Settings Recruiters can now change the following default setting as per their convenience. 1)iMatch enables keyword mapping to enhance the search results by automatically including similar keywords to the search. For Example: “Manager” using iMatch ON will also search for resumes having the keywords – Mgr, Mngr etc. 2)If you don’t want the automatic suggestions in keywords, make Keyword suggestion option Off.

27 Reports Resume Views : Indicates resumes clicked and opened. Resumes Downloaded from folders: Number of CV’s downloaded into excel from folders. Resumes Downloaded in word: Number of CV’s downloaded into the word format. Mails Sent : Number of e-mails sent to candidates through the RESDEX Interface. Resumes Forwarded : Number of resumes forwarded to e-mail ids. Click to View: Number of click’s on “click to view” phone number. 1) Database Usage Report

28 IP Address : Computers use IP addresses to locate and talk to each other on the Internet, much the same way people use phone numbers to locate and talk to one another on the telephone. IP Tracking helps users to check usage by sub-users, login time, date and login location (using Internet Tools). Past usage of RESDEX from any Static IP can be tracked and identified against the user’s details. Using technology, un authorized usage can be tracked and prevented. Reports 2) User Login:

29 3) Contacted Candidate MIS: Allows sub-users to download the resume MIS of the candidates who have been e-mailed using RESDEX Interface within last 7 days. Useful to track and follow up with candidates. Reports

30 Thank You For Any Queries Please contact Swati Kumar at

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