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Selective Service Selective Service System is means by which United States maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription.

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Presentation on theme: "Selective Service Selective Service System is means by which United States maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selective Service Selective Service System is means by which United States maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription (draft)United Statesmilitary conscription Male U.S. citizens between ages of 18 to 25 are required by law to have registered within 30 days of their 18th birthday Selective Service registration is required for various federal programs and benefits, including student loans, job training, & federal employmentstudent loans Selective Service System provides names of registrants to Joint Advertising Marketing Research & Studies (JAMRS) program for inclusion in Consolidated Recruitment Database - distribution to Services for recruiting purposesJAMRS - names and addresses of over 14 million men are currently on file

2 World War I - Administration was entrusted to local boards in each community which issued draft calls in order of numbers drawn in a national lottery - Over 24 million men were registered & nearly 3 million inducted World War II - 1940 STSA instituted national draft in peacetime, requiring registration of all men between 21 - 45, with selection for 1 yr's service by lottery - After Pearl Harbor the STSA was further extended term of service to duration of war and requiring registration of all men 18-64 years of age - 50 million men from 18 - 45 were registered and 10 million inducted Cold War - During Korean War (1950-1953), Selective Service inducted 1,529,539Korean War - Nearly 3.5 million men served in the Vietnam theater of operations. From a pool of approximately 27 million, the draft raised 2,215,000 men for military service during the Vietnam era.

3 Minimum Wage: Lowest hourly, daily or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers.wage Background: Minimum wages were first proposed as way to control expansion of sweat shops in manufacturing industries of late 1800s – which employed large numbers of women & children and paying them substandard wagessweat shopsmanufacturing Sweatshop owners were thought to have unfair bargaining power over workers … minimum wage was proposed to make them pay more "fairly" Over time, the focus changed to helping people, especially families, become more self sufficient Today, minimum wages cover workers in lowest-paid fields of employment

4 Minimum Wage in 20 th Century 1933 - National Recovery Admin. (NRA) established to eliminate unfair trade practices, reduce unemployment, & set minimum wages/max. hours U.S. government agency established to stimulate business recovery during the Great Depression - as part of National Industrial Recovery Act Supreme Court invalidated act in 1935 because it gave quasi-legislative powers to executive branch. Many provisions appeared in later legislation

5 Potential Impacts Although minimum wage laws are in effect in a great many jurisdictions, there are differences of opinion about the benefits and drawbacks of a minimum wage.laws Supporters of the minimum wage say that it increases the standard of living of workers and reduces poverty. Opponents say that if it is high enough to be effective, it increases unemployment, particularly among workers with very low productivity due to inexperience or handicap, thereby harming lesser skilled workers.

6 Minimum Wage today is at The Fair Labor Standards Act sets federal minimum wage at $7.25 per hour - signed into law on May 25, 2007 increased the minimum wage over 2 yrs.Fair Labor Standards Act

7 Ohio is currently at $7.30 $7.25 for 14 & 15 year-olds and employees whose employers gross less than $267,000 per year. - $3.65 plus tips for tipped employees This rate is automatically adjusted annually on every Jan. 1 based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index.U.S. Consumer Price Index State minimum wage will increase to $7.40 on Jan. 1, 2011 - $3.70 for tipped employees

8 Driver’s License A driver's license is an official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle on a public roadway.operate As most adult citizens of the USA possess a valid driving licenses, the driving license has become the standard form of picture identificationidentification Eligible age varies substantially by state, but nationally by age 16 one can obtain a license after passing the requisite tests The laws relating to driver's licensing vary between jurisdictions: – In some jurisdictions, a driving license is issued after recipient has passed a driving test driving test – In others, a person acquires a license before beginning to drive – Different categories of license often exist for different types of motor vehicles, particularly large trucks and passenger vehicles – The difficulty of the driving test varies considerably between jurisdictions, as do factors such as age & required level of practice

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