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World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Most Important Things I Learned at 2014 CLC Reflections from San Francisco, New York and Zurich Chapters.

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Presentation on theme: "World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Most Important Things I Learned at 2014 CLC Reflections from San Francisco, New York and Zurich Chapters."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Most Important Things I Learned at 2014 CLC Reflections from San Francisco, New York and Zurich Chapters

2 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Top 5 Takeaways on Fundraising 1.Become comfortable with and use the new messaging of RtR’s evolution 2.Analyze feedback from your chapter’s event and incorporate the findings into your next event 3.Anticipate, maximize and integrate the plans around Destination Literacy into chapter’s plans 4.Remember that on average it requires that seven (7) touch points with donors before a donation is secured 5.Diversify fundraising (and awareness building) – can you leverage more channels more effectively?

3 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Top 3 Takeaways on Fundraising Events 1.Focus on the chapter’s return on investment 2. Capitalize on existing chapter network’s collateral and events 1.Adapt materials to reflect and speak to the local market 3.FOC: free of charge

4 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Top 4 Takeaways on Volunteer Management 1. Scalable model for independent events 2.Expectation management / clarity – role description 3.Segmentation of potential and existing volunteers – diversity, skills, availability 4.Database management – volunteer participation

5 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Top 3 Takeaways on Awareness Building 1.Create a media list for the chapter 1.Visibility of brand – easier to start the conversation when you can get the individual to ask you what RtR is about 1.Email signature – change on a regular basis to keep fresh and interesting to readers 2.Leverage communication strategy and editorial calendar to maximize the impact on social media

6 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Top 3 Takeaways on 2014 Strategic Planning 1.Identify the gaps in the chapter when it comes to awareness building and fundraising – what’s the market appetite? Does the chapter have the capacity to bridge those gaps now? 2.Identify and play to the strengths of the chapter under the current leadership – what are the three key things for our chapter to do and to do it well? 3.Evaluate, follow-up and improve on events – ask volunteers, guests, etc.

7 World Change Starts with Educated Children. ® Now what? 1.Stay connected – to your buddy, to the broader CLC 1.Be supportive of other chapter leadership 2.Celebrate successes and share learnings 3.Follow each other on Facebook and Twitter 2.Inspire and share relevant learnings with the broader chapter – messaging to the leadership and volunteers 1.Identify the best and most effective way to do that 3.Messaging (Destination Literacy) 1.New market model, new pricing model 4.Revisit chapter plan and strengthen the action items accordingly

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