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For the first 15 years (1841- 1856), Don Bosco involves Diocesan Priests and Clerics, and Lay People to care for the boys at his Oratory.

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Presentation on theme: "For the first 15 years (1841- 1856), Don Bosco involves Diocesan Priests and Clerics, and Lay People to care for the boys at his Oratory."— Presentation transcript:


2 For the first 15 years (1841- 1856), Don Bosco involves Diocesan Priests and Clerics, and Lay People to care for the boys at his Oratory.

3 1841 Don Bosco establishes the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales. 1846 Mamma Margaret comes to help her son at the Oratory. She is later joined by her sister Marianne, Mrs. Rua, and Mrs. Gastaldi 1844 Fr. John Borel joins Don Bosco to help him; soon other Diocesan Priests and Clerics and lay people come to share this mission. Art. 2 Mrs. Rua Don Borel

4 For the next 20 years (1856-1876), he is very busy establishing the first 4 branches of his Congregation: calling on his own boys and the girls with the Sisters in Mornese, and on men and women at large, to commit themselves to the Salesian Congregation, by Vow or by Promise.

5 Art. 2 1856-72 Founding of the Pious Society of St Francis de Sales (SDB) 1864-72 Founding, with Mary Mazzarello, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) 1848-1876 Founding of the Pious Union of Salesian Cooperators (SSCC) 1876 Founding of the Association of the Devotees of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) and the beginning of the Alumni Association

6 He was wont to say: “I always needed everyone.” The Congregation saw rapid expansion during Don Bosco’s and Don Rua’s Rectorships – both in the Religious and Lay Vocations…

7 Salesians with Don Rua Nizza 1905 Cooperators in Sicily Sisters with Mother Morano “I always needed everyone.”

8 “Triple”: Don Bosco founded three Groups of persons who sought to commit themselves to their Apostolic Vocation by Vow or by Promise: SDB, FMA, SSCC. And, as a support to those in active apostolic life, like Mary’s mantle covering the entire Congregation, he founded ADMA to sustain the Church, and, especially, the Salesian Congregation, with prayer.

9 From the beginning, the SDB were entrusted by Don Bosco with the particular task of caring for the FMA, the Cooperators, ADMA, and the Past Pupils – in spiritual direction and guidance, especially as concerns the charism and the Salesian Spirit.

10 The Salesi an Famil y of the 1880s and early 1900s

11 In the beginning, life was pretty simple! All the branches of the Family were united in the common Mission… Salesian Brothers and Priests, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and Salesian Cooperators, not to mention ADMA, the many benefactors, and the young themselves!

12 “All for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.”


14 As time passed, numerous other Religious Orders and Lay Groups were founded in particular places, for particular needs, often by the Sons of Don Bosco, and sometimes in collaboration with his Daughters, and with the help of the Cooperators and other Friends so that today we have blossomed into a huge Family.

15 At present, there are 30 Official Groups on the Salesian Family Tree

16 1. Salesians of Don Bosco: (with novices and bishops) 15762 2. Daughters of Mary Help of Christians ** 14655 3. Salesian Co-operators * 30000 4. The Association of Mary Help of Christians 80000 5. Past Pupils of Don Bosco * 97357 6 Women Volunteers of Don Bosco 1308 7. Past Pupils of the FMA 130000 8.Daughters of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary** 378 9.Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart** 221 10.Apostles of the Holy Family** 69 11.The Sisters of Charity of Jesus** 990 12.The Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians** 1050 13.The Daughters of the Divine Saviour167 14. The Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary109 15.The Sisters of Jesus the Adolescent26


18 While this is a wonderful reality, Don Chavez was concerned that “without real communion there is the danger of a progressive impoverishment of the project of Don Bosco even to the extent of being unfaithful to it.”



21 With concern that the Family remain true to Don Bosco, Don Chavez took pen in hand, incorporating and building upon the works of his predecessors to produce The Salesian Family Charter – which is the most mature thought on our identity as one CHARISMATIC, SPIRITUAL FAMILY.

22 Introduction-Art. 1 Viganò Vecchi Chavez

23 Introduction-Art. 1

24 Sacred Heart Basilica, Rome, Jan. 2014

25 While having specific vocations, the Salesian Family recognizes in Don Bosco T he Common Father and Patriarch


27 While having specific vocations, the Salesian Family carries the same hallmarks of Don Bosco’s Charism



30 SFSD XXXII – Jan. 2014 – SDB Generalate Rome

31 Art. 3




35 The invitation comes from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Introduction-Art. 1 to the Founder, Don Bosco, who, accompanied by Mary Help of Christians, realized a worldwide movement of persons for youth. The Salesian Family is a revitalization and a natural outgrowth of Don Bosco’s original vision

36 Each Group of the Family must discover and foster its own individual identity while at the same time must strive to be united to the whole Salesian Family, valuing all the other Groups – this is the key to growth and apostolic effectiveness. Art. 10 Exchange of Gifts

37 Art. 3 Benchmarks of Fidelity to the Charism

38 Rector Major Successor of Don Bosco Supreme Moderator of the SSCC Center of Unity of the Entire Family Art. 13 Don Angel Fernandez Artime, SDB Under the Leadership of the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, who guarantees fidelity to the Charism Under the Leadership of the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, who guarantees fidelity to the Charism

39 TODAY’S INVITATION Introduction-Art. 1 In communion with the Church One Holy Catholic Apostolic

40 “I see this idea of the Salesian Family as a way to maximize energies. ” Mother Yvonne


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