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The Continuing Work of Jesus. A Divine Appointment.

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Presentation on theme: "The Continuing Work of Jesus. A Divine Appointment."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Continuing Work of Jesus

2 A Divine Appointment

3 The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism 1. The Sovereign Leading of the Lord


5 The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism 1. The Sovereign Leading of the Lord Philips willingness to be used by God Philip responds with immediate joyful obedience

6 The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism 2. God’s Ways and God’s Plans are Supreme


8 The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism 2. God’s Ways and God’s Plans are Supreme God chooses to use us joined together with His methods to complete the great commission of making disciples of all nations God’s ways and plans are not bound by culture, race, language, economic status, or any other human boundary

9 The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism 3. The significance of baptism as an outward expression of our identity in Christ

10 A Divine Appointment  Two Lessons from Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch 1.Obedience to the leading of the Spirit and trust in the sovereignty of God 2.Always be prepared for your divine appointment

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