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Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 1 Formation seminar Guidelines 2015/2016 Year CXI.

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Presentation on theme: "Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 1 Formation seminar Guidelines 2015/2016 Year CXI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 1 Formation seminar Guidelines 2015/2016 Year CXI

2 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 2 A test Rotary Constitution Article 2 What does it say?

3 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 3 Article 2

4 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 4 We are talking of: 1.The Club and his president 2.The Rotary International 3.The District

5 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 5 1. Il Club Rotary The Club is the basis of Rotary organization

6 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 6 The Club is effective if … Sustains or increases its membership base Implements successful service projects in its own community and communities in other countries Supports the Rotary Foundation both financially and through participation to programs Develops leaders capable of serving in the Club and in Rotary beyond the Club level

7 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 7 The Club accepts some obligations: Meets regularly Implements sustainable projects Attends District activities: –Assembly and Conference –Training seminars, forums and meetings –Governor’s official visit Pays regularly the dues

8 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 8 The Club structure Board –President –(Vice President) –Past President –President-elect –Segretary –Treasurer –Sergeant-at Arms –(Directors) Committees –Membership –Service progects –Rotary Foundation –Youth –Professional activities –Public Image –Administration –…others

9 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 9 Remember Standard is not the same for all: “Club at members dimension” but, always: “Rotary Club” Brave in innovation Flexible in choises Tolerant with diversities Cooperative in activities Attentive to the real needs

10 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 10 Get rid of resistance to change If we keep behaving the same way, we will always get the same outcomes

11 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 11 The President of the Club Is trusted by the members, due to his good reputation Knows Rotary rules and Club’s Constitution and Bylaws Has time and enthousiasm Has an experience of the Club’s dynamics because he has extensively served in other roles Is eager to do and to learn Leads the Club with the right leadership

12 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 12 Like any other leader: Knows all hisMembers Proposes challenging goals, but feasible Is updated on what happens in his Club and in Rotary Is an example of rotarian ethics Includes, motivates, delegates, listens, encourages Is engaged with friendship and a light touch but following the protocol

13 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 13 2. The Rotary International ̴ 34.000 Club’s Presidents ̴ 8.000 Governor Assistants 534 District Governors 1 RI President ̴ 1.250.000 Members

14 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 14 RIP 2015/16: K.R. "Ravi“ Ravindran Degree in economics Founder and CEO of Printcare PLC, a Publicly-Traded Company, world leader in tea packing. Is Director in the Board of other Companies and philantropic foundations. Is founding President of Sri Lanka Anti Narcotics Association, the biggest anti narcotics organization in Sri Lanka. President 2015/2016 Rotary Club of Colombo SRI LANKA

15 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 15 The presidential theme 2015/16 “ You all received many gifts. And now you have this big gift: a year for using all your talent, knowledge, capability and efforts to become a gift to the world "

16 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 16 A personal interpretation The gift is exchange An universal way for creating human relationships Entails freedom and trust in other people Rotary gives back more than you give Be a gift to the world

17 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 17 Presidential priorities “We must restart from basic values of our organization: the emphasis on the high ethical values in all aspects of our life” “We must reposition our image that lost its significance in many sides of the world” “A future without polio is a gift we promised to the children of the world. And we will keep our promise.”

18 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 18 Presidential Citation Mandatory activities Membership development and retention Giving to the Rotary Foundation Online tools adoption Humanitarian service New generations Public image

19 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 19 3. The District A district is a group of clubs within a geographical boundary established by the RI Board pursuant to the bylaws for RI administrative purposes. The activities and organization of a Rotary district shall exist solely to help the individual club advance the object of Rotary. Code of Policies 17.010.1 Rotary International Constitution

20 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 20 The Governor The Governor is the officer of RI in the District, functioning under the general supervision of the RI Board. The Governor leads and supports the Clubs in the District by inspiring and motivating them and by ensuring continuity within the District. (Rib 15.090)

21 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 21 RI objectives at District level Common and shared #1: Strengthen Clubs #2: New generations #3: Humanitarian Service #4: Public Image #5: Online tools Internal activities #6: Quality “to support the Clubs and foster their initiatives”

22 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 22 Objective1: strengthen Clubs (how) LEADERSHIP “by example” MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT –To retain Members involving them in the activities –To look for new members of good standing DIVERSITY –Youth and women –New professions Projects that are valuable: –for professional and economic committment –for the number of Members and Clubs involved.

23 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 23 Objective 2: New Generations (how) To strengthen relationships of the Club with ROTARACT and INTERACT To develop the YOUTH EXCHANGE (15-19 Y.O.) To test of the new program (18-30 Y.O.) NEW GENERATION SERVICE EXCHANGE To focus on RYLA To renovate relationships with ALUMNI

24 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 24 Obj. 3: Humanitarian Service (how) Meaningful projects sustainable, mesurable, locals and international Cooperation with other Clubs, with the Governor Assistents’ support  Sponsorizations  Found raising  The“5 per mille”

25 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 25 Objective 4: Public Image (how) Every Member is a Communicator e 40% 40% 20% Never heard Rotary I know only its name I have some knowledge

26 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 26 Objective #5: Online tools “My Rotary” Rotary Showcase Rotary Ideas Discussion Groups An extensive use of: –Rotary Central –Members’ area of the District site

27 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 27 Self learning

28 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 28 A variety of information

29 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 29 The member learning center

30 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 30 The “Brand Center”

31 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 31 Projects displayed

32 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 32 To contribute with new ideas

33 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 33 Objective #6: Quality Effectiveness mesure simplify improve

34 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 34 To synthesize: Meaningful Projects –sustainable, –measurable, –local and international In cooperation –with Clubs –in partnership With a personal engagement of Rotarians

35 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 35 To put together: &++ € THINGSTIME & EXPERTISE MONEY ++

36 Giuseppe Perrone, District Governor 36 At your disposition Enthousiasm Commitment Generosity

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