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Year 2 SAT’s Standard AssessmentTests Summer Term Monday 16 th May- Friday 10 th June.

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1 Year 2 SAT’s Standard AssessmentTests Summer Term Monday 16 th May- Friday 10 th June

2 Changes to KS1 SAT’s in 2016 New style SAT’s in 2016. Overhauled to reflect the changes in the national curriculum, which were introduced from Sept 2014 Your pupils will be the first to take the new SAT’s in: Reading, English grammar, punctuation and Spelling & Maths

3 Mandatory. Every child has to sit at least part of the tests as they are set by the government. BUT We don’t have to use the results as the main focus for assessment is TEACHER ASSESSMENT.

4 English The reading test involves 2 separate papers. Paper 1 consists of a selection of texts totalling 400-700 words, with questions interspersed Paper 2 comprises a reading booklet of a selection of passages totalling 800 to 1100 words.

5 Each paper is worth 50% and should take 30 minutes The text in the reading papers will cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, and will get progressively more difficult towards the end of the test. There will be a variety of question types: Multiple choice Ranking, ordering Matching Labelling Find and copy Short answer Open ended answer

6 English Example of reading test ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/439482/Sample_ks1_Englishr eading_paper1_promptanswerbooket. pdfExample of reading test ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/439482/Sample_ks1_Englishr eading_paper1_promptanswerbooket. pdf

7 Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation Children will sit 2 separate papers in SPAG Paper 1: a 20 word spelling test- 15minutes and will be worth 10 marks Paper 2: Grammar, punctuation and vocab test in 2 sections of around 10 minutes each- worth 20 marks. Selection of multiple choice and short answers.

8 SPAG Example of KS1 SPAG test : ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/439443/Sample_ks1_EnglishG PS_paper1_spelling.pdf ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/439443/Sample_ks1_EnglishG PS_paper1_spelling.pdf

9 English Writing will be teacher assessed.

10 Mathematics The maths will comprise of 2 papers Paper 1: arithmetic- worth 25 marks and taking around 15 minutes Paper 2: Maths fluency, problem solving and reasoning, in 35 minutes and worth 35 marks including: Multiple choice, matching, true/false, completing a chart, drawing a shape and showing how they solve problems and explain their method. Children will not be allowed to use any tools.

11 Mathematics Example of Test paper:Example of Test paper. ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/488597/Sample_KS1_mathem atics_Paper_1_-_MLP- _top_sheet_PDFA.pdf ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/488597/Sample_KS1_mathem atics_Paper_1_-_MLP- _top_sheet_PDFA.pdf

12 Moderation Teachers will then mark and moderate all the papers and the tasks and the results are sent to North Somerset by June for publication. Results will be reported at the End of the Year.

13 Marking Until September 2014, children’s progress was assessed using national curriculum levels. The government has now removed ‘level descriptors’ from the National Curriculum and schools are expected to establish their own assessment systems to suit their children and parents.national curriculum levels

14 The Department for Education felt levels were too vague and complicated for parents and not very good at helping them understand their child’s progress; there were also concerns that the levels system could contribute to children developing a "fixed mindset" about their ability and potential for growth. Until September 2014, grades were used in school to grade pupils from ages five to 14. At the age of 11, when children left primary school, they were expected to have achieved at least a Level 4 in English, maths and science.

15 From summer 2016, there will be more challenging SATs tests to reflect the new curriculum at the end of the Key Stages. Children will now receive a scaled score instead of a level. Their raw score - the actual number of marks they accrue - will be translated into a scaled score; this helps to allow for differences in the difficulty of the tests from year to year so that pupils' results can be compared accurately. You will be told your child's raw score, scaled score and whether they have reached the national standard for that subject. The score that equates to the national standard has yet to be announced. Children will also be matched against ‘performance descriptors’ (in other words what pupils are expected to know and be able to do at the time of testing) when being assessed by their teachers in non-SATs subjects at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2 to see if they’ve achieved the expected standard.

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