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Independent End Assessment for the chef standards 27/08/15 Mike Rogers Professional Standards Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent End Assessment for the chef standards 27/08/15 Mike Rogers Professional Standards Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent End Assessment for the chef standards 27/08/15 Mike Rogers Professional Standards Manager

2 2 Agenda An introduction to Hospitality Trailblazer apprenticeship standards New approved standards for chef apprenticeships The assessment process Proposed assessment plans for chef apprenticeships Grading Forthcoming events / communications

3 3 New hospitality standards Clearly defined progression routes Hospitality Manager Hospitality Supervisor Hospitality Team Member Senior Culinary Chef Chef de Partie Commis Chef Production Chef Level 2Level 3 Level 4

4 4 A different format The new standards are made up of three sections: Knowledge Skills Behaviours EVERY apprentice covers ALL of the standard Standards are also graded, in the case of hospitality Pass / Distinction

5 5 Example section from Chef de Partie Knowledge and Understanding (Know it)Skills (Show it)Behaviours (Live it) Culinary Understand the principles of food preparation and cooking; traditional and modern cuisine; taste; allergens; diet and nutrition to produce dishes and menu items that meet business and customer requirements Demonstrate a range of advanced craft preparation and cooking skills and techniques to develop and produce quality dishes and menu items in line with business requirements Show commitment to developing skills and knowledge; trying and improving new ingredients and dishes; practicing and reflecting on a different preparation and cooking techniques Understand, for each of the food groups below, the preparation, cooking and finishing methods used to produce advanced dishes. Preparation, cooking and finishing methods to include (as appropriate to each food group) construction, traditional, classical and modern skills and techniques, culinary science and contemporary styles, including the effects of preparation, cooking and finishing methods on the end product.  meat, poultry and game, including associated products such as terrines, pates and sausages  fish and shellfish dishes and products such as quenelles, mousselines and panadas  vegetables and vegetarian dishes, including vegetarian protein sources and specific dietary considerations and needs  dough and batter products, including fermented dough and batter products  paste and patisserie products  hot, cold and frozen desserts  biscuits, cakes and sponges Demonstrate advanced skills and techniques in producing the following to dish and / or recipe specifications:  meat, poultry and game dishes  fish and shellfish dishes  vegetable and vegetarian dishes  dough and batter products  hot, cold and frozen desserts  biscuits, cakes and sponges  Paste and patisserie products Produce dishes and associated products that show skills, imagination and flair Identify how to maximise yield and quality, and minimise wastage of ingredients and other resources Develop and use effective plans which reflect the most appropriate methods for maximising yield and minimising waste when producing quality dishes and menu items in line with business requirements Promote efficient ways of working to team

6 6 Two pages of competence? The two page standard defines full competence in a job role Amplification for the standard is being developed The current review of the National Occupational Standards feeds into this process

7 7 The assessment process Three phases of an apprenticeship Initial Assessment and Individual Learner Record Learning and development on programme assessment Independent end assessment

8 8 Initial assessment Ensures that the employer, and apprentice are appropriate to start the apprenticeship journey together Designs a learning and development programme for the apprentice which is recorded on the Commitment Statement ‘Starts’ the apprentice with the Skills Funding Agency

9 9 Learning and development No prescribed route Must contain 20% off job training Could be employer training and development programmes Could be a ‘day release’ type system Could be workshops on specific elements of the standard Could be visits to suppliers – e.g. butchers Could include online training modules (but cannot be exclusively distance learning) Must be planned and reviewed No mandatory qualifications Could include a qualification if the employer choses to fund the qualification specific costs (i.e. registration and certification)

10 10 On programme assessment Method not prescribed Must be a detailed and reliable method of assessing the apprentice’s developing competence against the standard Must lead to the employer, apprentice and on programme assessor confirming that the apprentice has demonstrated competence consistently across the ENTIRE standard Confirms the apprentice is ready for independent end assessment

11 11 English and maths For apprenticeships at level 2: If an apprentice has not already achieved level 2 English and maths they must: Achieve level 1 English and maths Take the tests for level 2 English and maths For apprenticeships at level 3 and above: If an apprentice has not already achieved Level 2 English and maths they must: Achieve level 2 English and maths Must be completed prior to independent end assessment

12 12 Independent End Assessment An overall, synoptic check of an apprentice’s competence against the standard by someone who has had no part in the learning, development or on programme assessment NOT a re-assessment of the whole standard but a focussed look, using a combination of complementary assessment methods, at the overall performance of an apprentice in their role Flexible enough to work across the sector, but one national standard

13 13 It’s a bit like… Learning to drive: You can learn in which ever way suits you best When you and your instructor (or in the case of apprenticeships the employer) decide you are ready you contact the independent assessment organisation and book your test Everyone takes a standardised test, albeit each in a different vehicle, on different roads and with a different combination of manoeuvres, but meeting one national standard

14 14 What are the assessment methods? Similar through the levels, building on content, level and time Assessment activities include An ‘on demand’ test A project An observation in the working kitchen environment An observation of culinary skills A professional discussion

15 15 Duration of end assessment Commis Chef 7 hours (plus project) Senior Production 8.5 hours (plus project) Chef de Partie 9 hours (plus project) Senior Culinary 12 hours (plus project) All within an end assessment window

16 16 Commis chef Activities can be completed in any order 90 minutes Multiple choice questions On demand test 3 hours Real kitchen environment during prep and service Practical observation 2 hours Preparing pre-set dishes following one given and one researched recipe in a controlled environment Culinary observation Minimum coverage: One from each: Fish Meat / Game Poultry 9 basic food groups 6 prep and cooking methods

17 17 Chef de Partie Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 90 minutes Multiple choice questions On demand test 3 hours Real kitchen environment during prep and service Practical observation Research and design 3 x 3 Table d'hôte menu Cook three course meal (from menu) From raw state (e.g. whole fish) 3 hours Culinary project & observation Structured discussion Apprentice, Employer and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional discussion Minimum coverage: One from each: Fish / shellfish Meat / Game Poultry 7 wider food groups 6 prep and cooking methods

18 18 Senior Chef Production Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 2 hours Multiple choice questions On demand test 4 hours Real kitchen environment during prep and service Practical observation Proposal and research project with recommendations for implementation Must show a potential business improvement Presented to assessor with Q&A Business challenge Structured discussion Apprentice, Employer and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional discussion

19 19 Senior Chef Culinary Arts Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 2 hours Multiple choice questions On demand test 4 hours Real kitchen environment during prep and service Practical observation One set dish One prepared dish One ‘on the spot’ invention test dish 4 hours Culinary observation Proposal and research project with recommendations for implementation Must show a potential business improvement Presented to assessor with Q&A Business challenge Structured discussion Apprentice, Employer and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional discussion

20 20 Grading Each assessment activity will be graded Pass / Distinction / Fail The combination of grades for each activity then prescribes the overall grade achieved Grading methods suitable for assessment method – e.g. Grading boundaries for on demand test Grading descriptors for business challenge Grading differentiators for observations If one assessment activity is failed it can be retaken without delay, however if two or more assessment activities are failed a period of two months further learning and development must be undertaken before retakes can occur

21 21 Commis Chef Provisional grading table On demand testPractical ObservationCulinary ObservationOverall grade Pass DistinctionPass DistinctionPass DistinctionPass Distinction Pass DistinctionPassDistinctionPass Distinction

22 22 Chef de Partie Provisional grading methodology Section ASection B Practical observationOn demand test Culinary observationProfessional discussion To achieve distinction overall: Both assessments in section A must be graded distinction At least one assessment in section B must be graded distinction, the other pass If any one of the assessment activities is failed the apprentice has not yet completed the apprenticeship

23 23 Senior Chef - Production Provisional grading methodology Section ASection B Practical observationOn demand test Business challengeProfessional discussion To achieve distinction overall: Both assessments in section A must be graded distinction At least one assessment in section B must be graded distinction, the other pass If any one of the assessment activities is failed the apprentice has not yet completed the apprenticeship

24 24 Senior Chef – Culinary Arts Provisional grading methodology Section ASection B Practical observationOn demand test Culinary observationProfessional discussion Business challenge To achieve distinction overall: Both assessments in section A must be graded distinction At least two assessments in section B must be graded distinction, the other pass If any one of the assessment activities is failed the apprentice has not yet completed the apprenticeship

25 25 When will all this happen? Aim to submit September 2015 once outstanding questions have been answered by BIS People 1 st is leading an implementation plan to ensure all stakeholders are informed and ready to begin delivery Late spring is likely target as long as submission and approval milestones are achieved

26 26 Funding New guidance has just been released: to-2016 Consultation launched on the proposed levy for large employers – have your say, closes 2 nd October 2015 Sign up to our monthly policy digest to receive full details and ways to respond:

27 27 Forthcoming People 1 st events 10/09/15 Webinar – Trailblazer updates Hospitality, Retail and Travel 15/09/15Webinar – NOS review 01/10/15Workshop on NOS review – Hospitality House, London (Invites to be sent soon)

28 28 Communication plan Calendar of engagement and forum activities being planned for the next 12 months to ensure employer and provider readiness Webinars Forums Information sheets Infographics Case studies Ideas about content very welcome –

29 Thank you

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