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Test Administrator Training 2016 Summative 3-8 and Science 5&8 Procedures, Highlights, Reminders, and Heads-ups 15 March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Administrator Training 2016 Summative 3-8 and Science 5&8 Procedures, Highlights, Reminders, and Heads-ups 15 March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Administrator Training 2016 Summative 3-8 and Science 5&8 Procedures, Highlights, Reminders, and Heads-ups 15 March 2016

2  Scheduling and Structure  Testing Environment and Security  Test Administration  Accessibility Resources Agenda 2

3  Principal must provide annual training.  Refresher training prior to testing windows.  All individuals involved with the testing process must be trained.  Records of training and assessment activities are retained for 3 years. Why We Are Here 3

4  Appropriately and securely administer the standardized online Summative (Smarter Balanced) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics and the online Science assessments for grades 5 & 8.  Prepare teachers (aka: Test Administrators/TA) to provide students with the best possible testing experience. Objectives 4

5 Smarter Roles RoleWhoResponsibilities Test Coordinator (TC)* Site Administrator Test Coordinator  Ensure all TAs are properly trained in security & administration  Enter and verify test settings for students; manage students  Develop test schedules; organize and manage secure materials (e.g. rosters, test tickets, scratch paper)  Report all test security issues to District; monitor sessions  Liaison between school and Department of Assessment; DRC Test Administrator (TA)* (Licensed Edu Personnel only) Certified Teacher Counselor Implementation Specialist Coach  Responsible for all testing activities at the classroom level  Ensure students are taking the assessment in accordance with specified test security and administration procedures  Sign-in/out all individuals entering and leaving the testing room  Supervise students during the test by walking the room  Distribute &collect scratch paper; other permissible materials  Verify identity; manage distribution& collection of test tickets  Report all potential test security incidents to the School TC Additional Proctors Licensed Staff Classified Staff  Assist TA in supervising students throughout testing session  Ensure students are taking the assessment in the manner in which they were instructed by the TA  Immediately notify the TA of any unusual behavior or activity on the part of students taking the assessment 5 *TC role requires a secure login access to the online assessment system

6   Manuals are available without needing a login Online Assessment Portal Page Manuals Test Coordinator Login 6

7 Scheduling and Structure 7

8  WCSD Prescribed Administration Window Summative and Science 2015-16 Test Windows All Schools April 4 - May 27 (last chance May 31)  Within each window, schools follow district testing schedule guidelines. Middle 6 ELA7 ELA8 ELA 6 Math 7 Math 8 Math 8 Science Elementary 6 ELA5 ELA4 ELA3 ELA 6 Math 5 Math 5 Science 4 Math 3 Math 8

9  CAT – Computer Adaptive Test (ELA & Math)  Multiple Choice; Multiple Select  Technology-Enhanced  Written Response  PT – Performance Task (ELA & Math)  Short answer questions provide scaffolding  ELA includes reading and full-write  Science  Multiple Choice; Multiple Select  Technology-Enhanced  Written Response Test Details 9

10 Estimated Testing Times Test TypeGradesCAT Performance Task Total Time English Language Arts/Literacy 3–51:302:003:30 6–81:302:003:30 Mathematics 3–51:301:002:30 6–82:001:003:00 Science5 & 8Two Parts: 1 hour each2:00 10 Estimated testing times do not account for time needed for start-up or planned breaks Recommended: CAT – 1 session; PT-Math – 1 session; PT-ELA – 2 sessions; Science – 1 or 2 sessions

11  The entire grade does not have to test at the same time or in the same room.  More than one grade level may test at the same time in the same room.  Students in different grades taking different tests (Math performance task, ELA computer adaptive, etc.) may test in the same room, provided the script is the same.  No portion of the CAT or PT are timed and may be continued on a subsequent day.  Each section or part (there are 2) of the Science tests must be completed in one supervised session within the same day.  There are no retest opportunities. Scheduling Considerations 11

12  Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology, including embedded universal tools.  Online Student Tutorials(Insight or DRC website)  Video directions on logging into the system, navigating within the test, and using the tools.  Can be accessed one student at a time or shown to a whole classroom  Online Tools Training (Insight or DRC website)  Access through INSIGHT browser or access through Google Chrome  Summative organized by grade bands 3-5 or 6-8; Science by grade level  14-15 questions includes all item types  OTHER: Smarter Balanced Practice Test  website  Organized by grade  Performance task Tools and Assessment Practice 12

13  Test Administration Manual for Online Testing (TAM)  Test Security  Instructions for Test Administration  Follow the script when administering each test – TAM: Summative/Science beginning page 11  Checklists (before, during, after testing)  Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines  Coming Soon  Universal Tools, Designated Supports, Accommodations  Embedded/Non-embedded Read and Follow the Manuals 13

14 Testing Environment and Security 14

15  Inform students in advance…  NO electronic devices unless a student has an approved testing accommodation for a specific permissible device  Unauthorized possession of a non-permissible device is grounds for invalidation of scores  Have a plan in place for collecting & securing prior to testing, and returning after the session has ended, all non-permissible electronic devices No Electronic Devices 15

16  Test environment guidelines from NDE state that students may use only materials and supplies specified in the Test Administration Manual.  Information and resources that might assist students in answering test questions are PROHIBITED.  No factual information that helps with testing or tests  No posters that provide guidance on testing or tests  No non-permissible materials on desks  Remove or cover posters, rubrics, vocabulary lists, student work, graphs, or charts showing content for all subject areas. When in doubt, COVER OR REMOVE it. Testing Environment: Slide 1 16

17  Post “ Do Not Disturb/Testing ” signs  Remember anyone entering/exiting must be documented, even if they are not part of the planned session  PRIOR TO the start of the testing session  Prepare computers and workstations  Check functionality of headphones and other appropriate technology  Position devices in such a way to prevent students from viewing another student’s screen or interacting with others  Put away all other materials.  Establish procedures to maintain a quiet testing environment, including making provisions for students who finish early.  Scratch paper is allowed (plain lined, unlined, unlabeled grid)  Provide unlabeled graph paper for math tests in grades 6-8 Testing Environment: Slide 2 17

18  Students must be attended by licensed educational personnel.  No unauthorized individuals (students, adults) present in the testing session.  Parents of students testing cannot be in the testing room.  All individuals who enter and exit the testing room must be documented (sign-in sheet template from Department of Assessment).  Licensed and trained substitutes (typically long-term) may be test administrators. Testing Environment: Personnel 18

19  Test administrators must circulate and monitor all activity.  Give no extra assistance, beyond repeating instructions for taking the test  Do not translate the test into another language (includes ASL)  Do not review student answers or test content  Online tests are not to be viewed by anyone prior to the test session  Only students being tested may view the content of online test materials (except to provide certain accommodations)  No materials may be copied or recorded in any manner  If a student asks for assistance, TA may instruct the student to select the “Help” button and choose the Test Directions tab (TAM—Summative p34 / Science p24). During the Test 19

20  Students may take notes during online tests using the sticky notes, or use non-embedded scratch paper.  Tell students to write their name on all scratch paper and collect at the end of each session.  Account for all scratch paper; must be turned in to the STC and stored securely when not in session.  Scratch paper should be reissued to students if the Summative PT carries over to an additional test day.  All scratch paper and graph paper must be collected, inventoried, and shredded by the STC to maintain test security. Note Taking/Scratch Paper 20

21  Students who finish early may read if they remain in the testing room  Follow appropriate pause/exit/end rules  Log out of test interface  Turn off monitor or close laptop cover  Paper reading materials only  No writing or drawing  No electronic devices of any kind (do not return devices until all students have finished and the testing session has ended) All Assessments 21

22  NRS 389.600 – 389.648  Test Security Plans and Training  Uniform testing procedures and consistency in administration  Minimize errors  Test Security plans were submitted in the fall  The principal is responsible for all testing activities at the school Test Security: Responsibility 22

23  Do not read, review, look at, copy or take notes...  Online tests are not to be viewed by anyone prior to the test session.  Exception: Student has read-aloud accommodation and cannot access text-to-speech; follow Test Reader guidelines.  Confidentiality Agreement must be signed/retained with school’s test security documentation for 3 years. Test Security: Content Unlawful Access to and Disclosure of Test Content is Strictly Prohibited by State Law Photographing, recording, or transmitting any part of a test or testing session is PROHIBITED Unlawful Access to and Disclosure of Test Content is Strictly Prohibited by State Law Photographing, recording, or transmitting any part of a test or testing session is PROHIBITED 23

24  TAs: Maintain Test Security during session  In event of test security incident  Make note of student, test, and last item number student completed.  Immediately contact the Test Coordinator or Principal  TCs: Maintain and Report Test Security  Notify your District Test Director immediately (348-0248)  Follow the instructions given for documentation and any actions needed Test Security: Protocol 24 Test Administrator or Proctor Principal or School Test Coordinator District Office State Department

25  Detailed narrative  Include student information, if applicable  Ask questions and obtain as much information as possible  Investigations conducted at school, district, and state levels (keep evidence 3 years)  Department is obligated by law to conduct investigations as it deems necessary  School sends completed report to District within 7 days; District submits final written report to NDE within 14 days of incident Test Security: Reporting Irreg 25

26 Possible Consequences for Testing Violations:  Corrective action administered by the Department or District  Invalidation of scores  Accountability consequences  License sanctions Test Security: Consequences 26

27 Test Administration 27

28  Coordinate with your TC  Ensure accuracy of test session rosters and student eligibility.  Identify students requiring embedded text-to-speech or other non-embedded supports and accommodations; TTS must be set in DRC prior to printing test tickets and testing.  Ensure the secure browser is on all testing devices; if missing, TC must contact IT with the computers’ tag numbers (A#####).  Try out headphones and other appropriate technology. Do’s Before Testing User Name Password Student’s name Teacher User Name Password Student’s name Teacher 28

29  User names and password information must not be shared with anyone.  ETS and other classified staff are not authorized to have an account or system access (DRC eDIRECT).  Sharing account information and unauthorized access is a testing irregularity.  Do not allow students to begin the test until you are sure the students have signed in correctly to their own scheduled test under the correct test settings.  Do not let incomplete tests linger…  Expiration rules apply  10 days for Performance Tasks  45 days for CAT test Don’ts 29

30  If a student has an issue with a test item, such as there not being an answer DO NOT LOOK AT THE ITEM, do not attempt to assist a student with an item…  Write down the following information  Test name (e.g. Summative Math CAT, Science 5)  Grade level  Section number  Test session name  Student name  User name  Test ticket password  Test Coordinator Call DRC (1-866-588-4978) Suspected Test Issue 30 Never send student identifying information via email outside of a secure network. To report student level issues, call DRC directly.

31 Test Pause  If you plan to test over multiple days, you may instruct students to pause their tests at a certain point, such as at the end of an item set (ELA) or screen.  You may allow a pause if students need a break from testing, or if they need to leave the room for any reason. Students must be supervised when leaving the room.  Whether they have been instructed to do so or not, students have the ability to pause their test at any time by clicking the "Pause" button on their screen. A countdown clock will appear on the screen. Students should click on the “Resume” button to return to testing. 31

32  For the science tests that have been paused for less than 20 minutes, students returning from a supervised break in testing can revisit any items in the current test and change their answers, if desired. Less than 20 Minute Pause Rule Less than 20 minutes 32

33  If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test.  If all items on the most recently visited page were answered prior to pausing, the student will resume the test on the next page; the student can never return to previous items or pages of the test. Items cannot be flagged for review in the CAT. Greater than 20 Minute CAT Rule 33

34  As a security measure, after 20 minutes of test inactivity, a student is logged out and the test is paused and exited (not ended) automatically.  Inactivity is determined by whether or not the student is interacting with the test by moving the mouse, or selecting answers or using navigation tools.  Students will receive a warning message prior to being logged out, and must click OK on the popup to avoid automatic logout and pausing of their tests.  If a student’s test is paused due to inactivity, the same rules apply as when the student intentionally pauses the test. 20 Minute Test Timeout 34

35  Fifteen minutes before the end of the session, warn students to complete all questions on the current screen.  Ensure you have collected all student test tickets and notes and stored securely (you will return these with collected scratch paper, rosters, and signature logs to your School TC).  Make sure all students are logged off the secure browser. Ending a Testing Session 35

36 Accessibility 36

37  Students with special needs may test with accommodations and/or designated supports (or may satisfy the criteria to take the Nevada Alternate Assessment) Accommodations, Supports, & Test Resources: Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations 37

38  Accommodations  Afforded to IEP & 504 students  Accommodations must be documented  Allow access to the assessment without compromising the validity of the test  Student counts for participation  Score is valid  Modifications  Modifications alter the scope of what is being assessed  Student is not proficient  Student is a non-participant Accommodations vs Modifications 38

39  School submits written request to District Test Director; TD submits request to state test security coordinator (see form on WCSD Assessment website)  Submitted at least 30 days prior to test administration  Case-by-case, per administration basis  NDE will review the request; if the accommodation is prohibited by NRS or NAC or if it is a modification the request will not be considered Special Accommodation Requests 39

40  Student name, grade, school  Test date and subject  Copy of full IEP or 504 accommodation plan  Current testing accommodations  Current instructional accommodations  Detailed narrative of the student’s specific circumstances and the reason the student requires the accommodation Get Form: Documentation for Special Accommodation Requests 40

41  Use embedded text-to-speech (TTS) when available  English ONLY for all content areas  Math and Science read aloud = TTS designated support  Grades 3 – 8; all test content (including symbols)  ELA  Grades 3 – 5  ELA items read aloud = TTS designated support  NEVER read ELA passages aloud in any language*  Grades 6 – 8  ELA items read aloud = TTS designated support  ELA passages = non-embedded accommodation *Braille learners may have all text read aloud. Read-Aloud Clarification 41

42  Embedded universal tool available for calculator-approved math items ONLY, all students in grades 6 – 8  Accommodation: Specialized calculator (Braille, talking) may be afforded as an accommodation, ONLY for calculator-approved items, grades 6-8 math  Free-standing, 4-function or scientific  NO graphing or programmable features Calculator Clarification 42

43  Assessment Support  (775) 348-0248   Nevada Help Desk (DRC )  (866) 588-4978  Assistance 43

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