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Published byJudith Short Modified over 8 years ago
Test Administrator Training 2016 Summative 3-8 and Science 5&8 Procedures, Highlights, Reminders, and Heads-ups 15 March 2016
Scheduling and Structure Testing Environment and Security Test Administration Accessibility Resources Agenda 2
Principal must provide annual training. Refresher training prior to testing windows. All individuals involved with the testing process must be trained. Records of training and assessment activities are retained for 3 years. Why We Are Here 3
Appropriately and securely administer the standardized online Summative (Smarter Balanced) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics and the online Science assessments for grades 5 & 8. Prepare teachers (aka: Test Administrators/TA) to provide students with the best possible testing experience. Objectives 4
Smarter Roles RoleWhoResponsibilities Test Coordinator (TC)* Site Administrator Test Coordinator Ensure all TAs are properly trained in security & administration Enter and verify test settings for students; manage students Develop test schedules; organize and manage secure materials (e.g. rosters, test tickets, scratch paper) Report all test security issues to District; monitor sessions Liaison between school and Department of Assessment; DRC Test Administrator (TA)* (Licensed Edu Personnel only) Certified Teacher Counselor Implementation Specialist Coach Responsible for all testing activities at the classroom level Ensure students are taking the assessment in accordance with specified test security and administration procedures Sign-in/out all individuals entering and leaving the testing room Supervise students during the test by walking the room Distribute &collect scratch paper; other permissible materials Verify identity; manage distribution& collection of test tickets Report all potential test security incidents to the School TC Additional Proctors Licensed Staff Classified Staff Assist TA in supervising students throughout testing session Ensure students are taking the assessment in the manner in which they were instructed by the TA Immediately notify the TA of any unusual behavior or activity on the part of students taking the assessment 5 *TC role requires a secure login access to the online assessment system
6 Manuals are available without needing a login Online Assessment Portal Page Manuals Test Coordinator Login 6
Scheduling and Structure 7
WCSD Prescribed Administration Window Summative and Science 2015-16 Test Windows All Schools April 4 - May 27 (last chance May 31) Within each window, schools follow district testing schedule guidelines. Middle 6 ELA7 ELA8 ELA 6 Math 7 Math 8 Math 8 Science Elementary 6 ELA5 ELA4 ELA3 ELA 6 Math 5 Math 5 Science 4 Math 3 Math 8
CAT – Computer Adaptive Test (ELA & Math) Multiple Choice; Multiple Select Technology-Enhanced Written Response PT – Performance Task (ELA & Math) Short answer questions provide scaffolding ELA includes reading and full-write Science Multiple Choice; Multiple Select Technology-Enhanced Written Response Test Details 9
Estimated Testing Times Test TypeGradesCAT Performance Task Total Time English Language Arts/Literacy 3–51:302:003:30 6–81:302:003:30 Mathematics 3–51:301:002:30 6–82:001:003:00 Science5 & 8Two Parts: 1 hour each2:00 10 Estimated testing times do not account for time needed for start-up or planned breaks Recommended: CAT – 1 session; PT-Math – 1 session; PT-ELA – 2 sessions; Science – 1 or 2 sessions
The entire grade does not have to test at the same time or in the same room. More than one grade level may test at the same time in the same room. Students in different grades taking different tests (Math performance task, ELA computer adaptive, etc.) may test in the same room, provided the script is the same. No portion of the CAT or PT are timed and may be continued on a subsequent day. Each section or part (there are 2) of the Science tests must be completed in one supervised session within the same day. There are no retest opportunities. Scheduling Considerations 11
Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology, including embedded universal tools. Online Student Tutorials(Insight or DRC website) Video directions on logging into the system, navigating within the test, and using the tools. Can be accessed one student at a time or shown to a whole classroom Online Tools Training (Insight or DRC website) Access through INSIGHT browser or access through Google Chrome Summative organized by grade bands 3-5 or 6-8; Science by grade level 14-15 questions includes all item types OTHER: Smarter Balanced Practice Test website Organized by grade Performance task Tools and Assessment Practice 12
Test Administration Manual for Online Testing (TAM) Test Security Instructions for Test Administration Follow the script when administering each test – TAM: Summative/Science beginning page 11 Checklists (before, during, after testing) Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines Coming Soon Universal Tools, Designated Supports, Accommodations Embedded/Non-embedded Read and Follow the Manuals 13
Testing Environment and Security 14
Inform students in advance… NO electronic devices unless a student has an approved testing accommodation for a specific permissible device Unauthorized possession of a non-permissible device is grounds for invalidation of scores Have a plan in place for collecting & securing prior to testing, and returning after the session has ended, all non-permissible electronic devices No Electronic Devices 15
Test environment guidelines from NDE state that students may use only materials and supplies specified in the Test Administration Manual. Information and resources that might assist students in answering test questions are PROHIBITED. No factual information that helps with testing or tests No posters that provide guidance on testing or tests No non-permissible materials on desks Remove or cover posters, rubrics, vocabulary lists, student work, graphs, or charts showing content for all subject areas. When in doubt, COVER OR REMOVE it. Testing Environment: Slide 1 16
Post “ Do Not Disturb/Testing ” signs Remember anyone entering/exiting must be documented, even if they are not part of the planned session PRIOR TO the start of the testing session Prepare computers and workstations Check functionality of headphones and other appropriate technology Position devices in such a way to prevent students from viewing another student’s screen or interacting with others Put away all other materials. Establish procedures to maintain a quiet testing environment, including making provisions for students who finish early. Scratch paper is allowed (plain lined, unlined, unlabeled grid) Provide unlabeled graph paper for math tests in grades 6-8 Testing Environment: Slide 2 17
Students must be attended by licensed educational personnel. No unauthorized individuals (students, adults) present in the testing session. Parents of students testing cannot be in the testing room. All individuals who enter and exit the testing room must be documented (sign-in sheet template from Department of Assessment). Licensed and trained substitutes (typically long-term) may be test administrators. Testing Environment: Personnel 18
Test administrators must circulate and monitor all activity. Give no extra assistance, beyond repeating instructions for taking the test Do not translate the test into another language (includes ASL) Do not review student answers or test content Online tests are not to be viewed by anyone prior to the test session Only students being tested may view the content of online test materials (except to provide certain accommodations) No materials may be copied or recorded in any manner If a student asks for assistance, TA may instruct the student to select the “Help” button and choose the Test Directions tab (TAM—Summative p34 / Science p24). During the Test 19
Students may take notes during online tests using the sticky notes, or use non-embedded scratch paper. Tell students to write their name on all scratch paper and collect at the end of each session. Account for all scratch paper; must be turned in to the STC and stored securely when not in session. Scratch paper should be reissued to students if the Summative PT carries over to an additional test day. All scratch paper and graph paper must be collected, inventoried, and shredded by the STC to maintain test security. Note Taking/Scratch Paper 20
Students who finish early may read if they remain in the testing room Follow appropriate pause/exit/end rules Log out of test interface Turn off monitor or close laptop cover Paper reading materials only No writing or drawing No electronic devices of any kind (do not return devices until all students have finished and the testing session has ended) All Assessments 21
NRS 389.600 – 389.648 Test Security Plans and Training Uniform testing procedures and consistency in administration Minimize errors Test Security plans were submitted in the fall The principal is responsible for all testing activities at the school Test Security: Responsibility 22
Do not read, review, look at, copy or take notes... Online tests are not to be viewed by anyone prior to the test session. Exception: Student has read-aloud accommodation and cannot access text-to-speech; follow Test Reader guidelines. Confidentiality Agreement must be signed/retained with school’s test security documentation for 3 years. Test Security: Content Unlawful Access to and Disclosure of Test Content is Strictly Prohibited by State Law Photographing, recording, or transmitting any part of a test or testing session is PROHIBITED Unlawful Access to and Disclosure of Test Content is Strictly Prohibited by State Law Photographing, recording, or transmitting any part of a test or testing session is PROHIBITED 23
TAs: Maintain Test Security during session In event of test security incident Make note of student, test, and last item number student completed. Immediately contact the Test Coordinator or Principal TCs: Maintain and Report Test Security Notify your District Test Director immediately (348-0248) Follow the instructions given for documentation and any actions needed Test Security: Protocol 24 Test Administrator or Proctor Principal or School Test Coordinator District Office State Department
Detailed narrative Include student information, if applicable Ask questions and obtain as much information as possible Investigations conducted at school, district, and state levels (keep evidence 3 years) Department is obligated by law to conduct investigations as it deems necessary School sends completed report to District within 7 days; District submits final written report to NDE within 14 days of incident Test Security: Reporting Irreg 25
Possible Consequences for Testing Violations: Corrective action administered by the Department or District Invalidation of scores Accountability consequences License sanctions Test Security: Consequences 26
Test Administration 27
Coordinate with your TC Ensure accuracy of test session rosters and student eligibility. Identify students requiring embedded text-to-speech or other non-embedded supports and accommodations; TTS must be set in DRC prior to printing test tickets and testing. Ensure the secure browser is on all testing devices; if missing, TC must contact IT with the computers’ tag numbers (A#####). Try out headphones and other appropriate technology. Do’s Before Testing User Name Password Student’s name Teacher User Name Password Student’s name Teacher 28
User names and password information must not be shared with anyone. ETS and other classified staff are not authorized to have an account or system access (DRC eDIRECT). Sharing account information and unauthorized access is a testing irregularity. Do not allow students to begin the test until you are sure the students have signed in correctly to their own scheduled test under the correct test settings. Do not let incomplete tests linger… Expiration rules apply 10 days for Performance Tasks 45 days for CAT test Don’ts 29
If a student has an issue with a test item, such as there not being an answer DO NOT LOOK AT THE ITEM, do not attempt to assist a student with an item… Write down the following information Test name (e.g. Summative Math CAT, Science 5) Grade level Section number Test session name Student name User name Test ticket password Test Coordinator Call DRC (1-866-588-4978) Suspected Test Issue 30 Never send student identifying information via email outside of a secure network. To report student level issues, call DRC directly.
Test Pause If you plan to test over multiple days, you may instruct students to pause their tests at a certain point, such as at the end of an item set (ELA) or screen. You may allow a pause if students need a break from testing, or if they need to leave the room for any reason. Students must be supervised when leaving the room. Whether they have been instructed to do so or not, students have the ability to pause their test at any time by clicking the "Pause" button on their screen. A countdown clock will appear on the screen. Students should click on the “Resume” button to return to testing. 31
For the science tests that have been paused for less than 20 minutes, students returning from a supervised break in testing can revisit any items in the current test and change their answers, if desired. Less than 20 Minute Pause Rule Less than 20 minutes 32
If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test. If all items on the most recently visited page were answered prior to pausing, the student will resume the test on the next page; the student can never return to previous items or pages of the test. Items cannot be flagged for review in the CAT. Greater than 20 Minute CAT Rule 33
As a security measure, after 20 minutes of test inactivity, a student is logged out and the test is paused and exited (not ended) automatically. Inactivity is determined by whether or not the student is interacting with the test by moving the mouse, or selecting answers or using navigation tools. Students will receive a warning message prior to being logged out, and must click OK on the popup to avoid automatic logout and pausing of their tests. If a student’s test is paused due to inactivity, the same rules apply as when the student intentionally pauses the test. 20 Minute Test Timeout 34
Fifteen minutes before the end of the session, warn students to complete all questions on the current screen. Ensure you have collected all student test tickets and notes and stored securely (you will return these with collected scratch paper, rosters, and signature logs to your School TC). Make sure all students are logged off the secure browser. Ending a Testing Session 35
Accessibility 36
Students with special needs may test with accommodations and/or designated supports (or may satisfy the criteria to take the Nevada Alternate Assessment) Accommodations, Supports, & Test Resources: Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations 37
Accommodations Afforded to IEP & 504 students Accommodations must be documented Allow access to the assessment without compromising the validity of the test Student counts for participation Score is valid Modifications Modifications alter the scope of what is being assessed Student is not proficient Student is a non-participant Accommodations vs Modifications 38
School submits written request to District Test Director; TD submits request to state test security coordinator (see form on WCSD Assessment website) Submitted at least 30 days prior to test administration Case-by-case, per administration basis NDE will review the request; if the accommodation is prohibited by NRS or NAC or if it is a modification the request will not be considered Special Accommodation Requests 39
Student name, grade, school Test date and subject Copy of full IEP or 504 accommodation plan Current testing accommodations Current instructional accommodations Detailed narrative of the student’s specific circumstances and the reason the student requires the accommodation Get Form: Documentation for Special Accommodation Requests 40
Use embedded text-to-speech (TTS) when available English ONLY for all content areas Math and Science read aloud = TTS designated support Grades 3 – 8; all test content (including symbols) ELA Grades 3 – 5 ELA items read aloud = TTS designated support NEVER read ELA passages aloud in any language* Grades 6 – 8 ELA items read aloud = TTS designated support ELA passages = non-embedded accommodation *Braille learners may have all text read aloud. Read-Aloud Clarification 41
Embedded universal tool available for calculator-approved math items ONLY, all students in grades 6 – 8 Accommodation: Specialized calculator (Braille, talking) may be afforded as an accommodation, ONLY for calculator-approved items, grades 6-8 math Free-standing, 4-function or scientific NO graphing or programmable features Calculator Clarification 42
Assessment Support (775) 348-0248 Nevada Help Desk (DRC ) (866) 588-4978 Assistance 43
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