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May 11, 2016 Welcome to 3 rd Grade Curriculum Preview Night !

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Presentation on theme: "May 11, 2016 Welcome to 3 rd Grade Curriculum Preview Night !"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 11, 2016 Welcome to 3 rd Grade Curriculum Preview Night !

2 As educators, we believe that all children have the ability to meet or exceed standards by being part of a nurturing educational environment that challenges students to reach their full potential. At the Holliswood School, we promote an environment that encourages open communication among all constituents, where every staff member, student and parent is a proactive participant in contributing to the school’s success. Our goal is to cultivate a haven where students are empowered and recognized for their unique abilities. We strongly believe in strengthening our students' academic and personal behaviors. In order to prepare our students for high school, college and beyond, we help our students sharpen their SCEWP skills. What's the SCEWP at 178? Self-regulation Communication/Collaboration Engagement Work Habits Persistence/Perseverance Our instructional focus for the 2015-2016 school year will build upon our work from previous years citing text-based evidence and constructing viable arguments and strengthening student-to-student discussion, raising the level of rigor by enhancing teaching practices that will result in students taking greater ownership of their learning. CEP (Comprehensive Educational Plan) Goals Rigorous Instruction – Supportive Environment – Family and Community Ties – Collaborative Teaching CEP (Comprehensive Educational Plan) Goals Rigorous Instruction – Supportive Environment – Family and Community Ties – Collaborative Teaching Visit our school’s website by clicking here… www.holliswood

3 3 rd Grade Reading / Writing / Language Standards 3 rd Grade Math Standards 3 rd Grade Math Standards Click here to get more information regarding the standards!

4 Think Central - for Go Math Each student will be provided with a username and a password. Students can log on to play interactive games, preview a lesson, print homework, watch tutorials, etc. Please use students pretests to study for post tests.. They are very similar!! outlines all of the chapters, standards and lessons… Each student will be provided with a username and a password. Students can log on to play interactive games, preview a lesson, print homework, watch tutorials, etc. Please use students pretests to study for post tests.. They are very similar!! outlines all of the chapters, standards and lessons…

5 Student Friendly Rubrics: Used for self, peer and teacher feedback (all rubric based) Score Focus Organizatio n Development Language and Vocabulary Conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation) 4 The question is restated giving the writing a clear focus. The reader can guess the question being asked. The organization fits the purpose for writing. There is a clear beginning middle and end. Related information is grouped together. Sentences are skillfully written and interesting to read. The writer shows expression, understanding and variety through his/her statements. Many transitional phrases and vocabulary words from the text are used to create a clear message. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation is used, sentences make sense. 3 Some of the question is restated. The reader may be able to guess the questions being asked. The organization fits the purpose for writing. One part (beginning, middle or end) needs more clarity. No sentence problems exist. Sentences could be revised to show more expression, understanding and variety. Some transitional phrases and vocabulary words from the text are used to create a clear message. A few errors are made, but narrative is completely understandable. 2 The opening sentence is too general. They reader cannot guess the question being asked. The organization fits the purpose for writing but more than one part (beginning, middle or end) need clarity. Some sentences are difficult to follow. There is not much expression, variety or understanding shown through the writer’s statements. Few transitional phrases and vocabulary words are used to clarify the message. Some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation are present. Some sentences are hard to understand. 1 Situation is hard to understand, narrator and/or characters do not have an introduction. The organization does not fit the purpose for writing. Many parts are unclear or off topic. Most sentences are difficult to follow. Thoughts seem disconnected. No expression, variety or understanding is shown. Not enough transitional phrases and vocabulary words are used. Language does not make the message clear. Many errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation make the writing piece hard to understand. 0  No Response is given  Student does not write about the given topic  Response cannot be read, or cannot be understood at all. Student Glow:Student Grow: 3 rd Grade Reading Response Rubric Student Reflection: I Think I Deserve a … 1 2 3 4 IN MY WRITING, I SHOULD BE SURE TO … Include a clear introduction that restates the question. Use as much text evidence as the prompt or questions calls for. Include facts, definitions and details from the passage. Group related information into paragraphs (based on my bullet points). Use transitional phrases to introduce my evidence. Include a clear conclusion. Do the best job I possibly can to include proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

6 Check one box for each category It’s All Good!Im On the Fence…That was Painful… Your group came to the conversation with text based ideas they were excited to share. You listened to each other and responded meaningfully to build the conversation. You used your talking tents to get started. You each performed your group role. You spoke respectfully and had appropriate body language. You made a connection: text to text, text to self, text to world.


8 Look out for…


10 Discussion Prompts: It is beneficial to hold conversations with your children about his/her books! Sample Discussion Prompts for Fiction: Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why? What passage from the book stood out to you? Are there situations and/or characters you can identify with, if so how? Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Do you feel as if your views on a subject have changed by reading this text? Have you had a life changing revelation from reading this text? What major emotion did the story evoke in you as a reader? At what point in the book did you decide if you liked it or not? What helped make this decision? Name your favorite thing overall about the book. Your least favorite? If you could change something about the book what would it be and why? Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style? Sample Discussion Prompts for Fiction: Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why? What passage from the book stood out to you? Are there situations and/or characters you can identify with, if so how? Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Do you feel as if your views on a subject have changed by reading this text? Have you had a life changing revelation from reading this text? What major emotion did the story evoke in you as a reader? At what point in the book did you decide if you liked it or not? What helped make this decision? Name your favorite thing overall about the book. Your least favorite? If you could change something about the book what would it be and why? Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style? Sample Discussion Prompts for Non-Fiction: Did you admire or detest this person? Why? (Biography or Autobiography) What life lesson can be learned from this event or story? (General Nonfiction) Did the book read like a story, a newspaper article, a report, something else? Give examples. (General Nonfiction) What one new fact did you learn from reading this book? (General Nonfiction) What was the motivation for the writing of this book? (General but great for Bio or Auto Bio) Did you feel this book truly belonged in the nonfiction genre? (Memoir) Was the point of the book to share an opinion, explain a topic, tell about a personal journey, or something else? Did the author do it well? (General Nonfiction) What part of this book inspired you in some way? Explain. (Motivational, Self Help) Will you read other books by this author? Why or why not? (General Nonfiction) Did this book change your life in a positive or negative way? Explain (General Nonfiction ) Sample Discussion Prompts for Non-Fiction: Did you admire or detest this person? Why? (Biography or Autobiography) What life lesson can be learned from this event or story? (General Nonfiction) Did the book read like a story, a newspaper article, a report, something else? Give examples. (General Nonfiction) What one new fact did you learn from reading this book? (General Nonfiction) What was the motivation for the writing of this book? (General but great for Bio or Auto Bio) Did you feel this book truly belonged in the nonfiction genre? (Memoir) Was the point of the book to share an opinion, explain a topic, tell about a personal journey, or something else? Did the author do it well? (General Nonfiction) What part of this book inspired you in some way? Explain. (Motivational, Self Help) Will you read other books by this author? Why or why not? (General Nonfiction) Did this book change your life in a positive or negative way? Explain (General Nonfiction )

11 Science Topics: Getting Ready for Science What is Matter What is Energy? Heat, Light and Sound Forces and Motion Work and Machines Students will have science lab and will be expected to complete a science project for the first year! Guidelines usually go home within the first few months of school. This is a part of their science lab grade on the report card! Classroom teachers are not coordinators of this project!

12 Social Studies Topics: Changes Over Time This is Africa (Nigeria) This is Asia (China) This is Europe (Italy) This is South America (Brazil) Map Skills ** Classroom teachers and cluster teachers collaborate to build on the current units of study**

13 Homework… Will be posted on the school website. Is given every night. Provides support and review from previous and future lessons. Is reviewed and rewarded. Should be checked at home upon completion.

14 Questions/Comments/Feedback? Is there anything else I have not mentioned that you would like to know more about? Feedback from 2 nd grade?

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