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January 2016.  Clarify what the national curriculum tests are and what they involve.  Explain the changes in the way they will be reported.  Roles.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2016.  Clarify what the national curriculum tests are and what they involve.  Explain the changes in the way they will be reported.  Roles."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2016

2  Clarify what the national curriculum tests are and what they involve.  Explain the changes in the way they will be reported.  Roles and responsibilities of school.  How you can help your child at home.

3 Introduced in September 2014 (as your child started in Y1) More challenging, with higher standards expected. Will be assessed for the first time this year – end of Y2 and end of Y6.

4  New tests will be taken in May 2016  Small groups with the teacher  Include:  A grammar, punctuation and spelling test  2 reading tests  2 maths tests including an arithmetic test.

5 2 papers  1 test and questions combined – 30 mins  1 test and questions in a separate book – 40 mins  All children will have the opportunity to take both tests.  Questions get progressively harder through the paper.



8 15 mins - Spelling test 20 mins - Questions about vocabulary, punctuation and grammar New to KS1!


10 2 tests  1 arithmetic test – 20 mins  1 written reasoning test – 35 mins



13  Each child will be given a ‘raw’ score from the test.  Converted to a scaled score  Reported as working below, expected or working at a deeper level of understanding.  Parents informed in end of year reports.

14 Teachers will use the tests, and the work children do every day, to decide whether your child is:  Working towards the expected attainment level  Working at the expected attainment level  Working at greater depth within the expected attainment level

15   Secure with year group phonic expectations – pass phonics test in Y1 or retake in Y2.  Recognise simple recurring literary language.  Read ahead to help with fluency and expression.  Comment on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories.  Recount main themes and events.  Comment on structure of the text.  Use commas, question marks and exclamation marks to vary expression.  Read aloud with expression and intonation.  Recognise: ◦ commas in lists ◦ apostrophe of omission and possession (singular noun)  Identify past/present tense and why the writer has used a tense.  Use content and index to locate information.

16  Using capital letters and full stops in most sentences, using ? and ! in some sentences  Using sentences with different forms – statements, questions, exclamations and commands  Using expanded noun phrases – adjectives  Using present and past tense correctly  Using the words ‘and, or, but’ and ‘when, if, that, because’  Spelling many words  Spelling contracted forms of words – don’t, I’m, didn’t  Adding suffixes to words e.g. – ment, -ness, - ful, - less, - ly  Joining some of their letters  Writing capital letters and digits of the correct size, in relation to lower case letters  Using correct spacing between words

17  Compare and order numbers up to 100 and use =.  Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits & words.  Say 10 more/less than any number to 100.  Count in steps of 2, 3 & 5 from zero and in 10s from any number (forwards and backwards).  Recall and use multiplication & division facts for 2, 5 & 10 tables.  Recall and use +/- facts to 20.  Derive and use related facts to 100.  Recognise place value of any 2-digit number.  Add & subtract: ◦ 2-digit nos & ones ◦ 2-digit nos & tens ◦ Two 2-digit nos ◦ Three 1-digit nos  Recognise and use inverse (+/-).  Calculate and write multiplication & division calculations using multiplication tables.  Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4.  Write and recognise equivalence of simple fractions.  Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to.

18  Quality first teaching in Year 2  Targeted interventions through triage system  Phonics and maths interventions organised by experienced Associate Professionals  Regular assessment and detailed tracking to ensure we ‘plug the gaps’ from previous years.  Focus on basic skills in maths  Golden hour – Read, Write Inc. and Reciprocal Reading  Talk for Writing approach  Additional grammar lessons for all children in Y2.

19  Make sure your children come to school....on time, having had enough sleep and breakfast  Talk to us if you have any concerns, worries or would like more information  Support children with homework  Read with your child regularly  Practical learning at home - see our ‘How you can help your child’ guide on the school website  Practise spellings and spelling rules  Help learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables


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