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Monday, 8/22/11 Subtract. Show all work: 1.5,381 – 3,294= 2.24.928 – 18.659= 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100th: 6,724.895 4.Name the.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, 8/22/11 Subtract. Show all work: 1.5,381 – 3,294= 2.24.928 – 18.659= 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100th: 6,724.895 4.Name the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, 8/22/11 Subtract. Show all work: 1.5,381 – 3,294= 2.24.928 – 18.659= 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100th: 6,724.895 4.Name the value of the underlined digit: 618,245.39 5.Write all the factors for the number 28. 6.Write the first 3 multiples for the number 28. 7.Make a factor tree for 28. 8.Is this number divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, or 11? The number is 741852. Copy each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 9.The beest walked quickly but it did not ran. 10.the crowed cheered when the spech was over 11. Ratio compares two numbers and can be written as 2:3 or 2/3. Finish this ratio chart: 12. PLEXERS! 13. Which of following people do you find it hardest to be around: a snob, a practical joker, or a prejudiced person?

2 Paragraph Guidelines!

3 Tuesday, 8/24/11 Add. Show all work: 1.365.1 + 284.9 = 2.365.1 + 2.326 + 28.45 = 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100th: : 9,642.258 4.Name the value of the underlined digit: 9,847,214 5.Write all the factors for the number 30. 6.Write the first 5 multiples for the number 30. 7.Make a factor tree for the number 30. 8.Is this number divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, or 11? The number is 7852. Copy each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 9. I will call my neice, or I will right to her. 10.The wether has been crazzy all sumer 11.Combine these sentences: Kansas has many tornados. Oklahoma has many tornados. The tornadoes are dangerous. 12. Ratio compares two numbers and can be written as 1:2 or 1/2. Finish this ratio chart: 13. Riddle on next page!



6 Wednesday, 8/24/11 Add or Subtract. Show all work: 1.430.65 + 84.32 = 2.345.1 – 6.527 = 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 th, 100 th and 1000 th : 5.489 4.Name the value of the underlined digit: 29.473 5.Write all the factors for the number 40. 6.Write the first 5 multiples for the number 40. 7.Make a factor tree for the number 40. 8.Write the first 20 prime numbers. Copy each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 9. The burgler had a huge stane on his shurt 10. The theef jumped up but he could not climb the fence. 11. Create a sentence that uses a conjunction (next slide has an explanation). 12. Ratio compares two numbers and can be written as 4:5 or 4/5. Finish this ratio chart: 13. An inexperienced clerk in a baseball card store has sold you a $1,000 card for $10. You knew it was worth $1,000 when you bought it. The store owner has asked you to sell the card back for $50. What will you do?


8 Thursday, 8/25/11 Add or Subtract. Show all work: 1.46.21 – 28.5 = 2.364.25 + 8.46 + 45.25 = 3.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100th: 3,456,789.1258 4.Name the value of the underlined digit: 7,153,264.89 5.Write all the factors for the number 50. 6.Write the first 5 multiples for the number 50. 7.Make a factor tree for the number 50. Copy each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 7. this backpac has a belt that fits around my wast. 8.Can you red the words on that sine 9. Create a sentences that uses two different conjunctions. 10. Ratio compares two numbers and can be written as 1:6 or 1/6. Finish this ratio chart: 11. PLEXERS 12. Have you ever been left out of a group? If so, how did it feel? Have you ever helped to keep someone out of a group? Why? Write about either or both of these topics.

9 Friday, 8/27/11- Quiz Add or Subtract. Show all work: 1.0.64 + 32102 + 8.5 = 2.200.69 + 463.2 + 8.56 = 3.5424.16 – 365.24 = 4.Round to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10 th, and 100 th : 45,312.497 5.Write all the factors for the number 60. 6.Write the first 5 multiples for the number 60. 7.Make a factor tree for the number 60. Copy each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 8. The hite of the shelf is ten feet but my cat can reach the top. 9. sometimes my cat gets scarred and makes a sheik? 10. Create a sentence that uses three different conjunctions. 11. Ratio compares two numbers and can be written as 1:6 or 1/6. Finish this ratio chart: 12. PLEXERS 13. Do you think it is okay for someone to brag about an accomplishment or a talent? When does bragging become unacceptable?

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