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Interims: don’t freak out, circle-make a note, I will address. C10 Way Late: drop off/email C13 NEW due Thursday Fish Article due Tue I am alternating.

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Presentation on theme: "Interims: don’t freak out, circle-make a note, I will address. C10 Way Late: drop off/email C13 NEW due Thursday Fish Article due Tue I am alternating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interims: don’t freak out, circle-make a note, I will address. C10 Way Late: drop off/email C13 NEW due Thursday Fish Article due Tue I am alternating GOTS for Rumspring: matches with C14, less time before SB, and its very friendly/familiar. C10 Take Home Tests Due: extenuating circumstances should have been addressed before/outside of class. Today IA Peer Review: really important and valuable.

2 Format Word Count Ensure IB Themes/Concepts are Evident

3 1. In Mid-Page/Center: 2. Title Page: Critique 3. Student Name 4. School Name 5. Date 6. Word Count

4 In your opening, you should have clearly stated how your observation was either descriptive or analytical and did that affect your data. See Sample A, first-third paragraphs to see how the writer explained their tendency to analyze and not just describe and what effect that had on their report.

5 Criteria B: Critique0-4Goal: 2-3+  Do you clearly state how your observation contains a distinction between description (just what you saw) and analysis ( it should be the first thing you discuss).  Did you describe or did you explain behavior?  How detailed and accurate did you describe behavior-consider what you know now versus October? How you have observed/described differently today vs then?  How can you accurately explain behavior before studying the methodology of Anthropology?

6  Gender Bias: did you make analysis that was grounded in assumptions of gender roles?  Androcentric Bias : did you exclude the roles/actions of women or downgrade them in your observation.  Religious Bias : did the subjects or your religious beliefs affect your observation, description, and analysis?  Class Bias : did you value the people, behavior, and context that you observed? Did it affect your pre-conceived notions expectations?  TOK: expected outcomes determined your observation  CONFIRMATION BIAS  “Iceberg” tip of the iceberg  Materialist Bias : did your focus on the material goods people had prevent you from accurately describing their actions? Did it force you into assumptions about their class/social status?  Emic : insider point of view (its effect-assumptions). Were you too quick to assume a behavior rather than just describing it?  Etic : outsider point of view (its effect-see Sample A, did it affect subjects as well as your observation).

7 Criteria C: Focus, Assumptions, Bias 0-6 Goal 3-4+  This can be discussed in your Critique while you are explaining how your focused on description or analysis in Criteria B.  You must discuss the Nature of the Observation: Did how you conducted/set up/carried out your Observation affect negative/positively your Observation Report. Discuss/refer to where you were, YOUR POSITION, and how that influenced your Report (and subjects- and their behavior).  Consider how Lee did his Ethnography (but don’t necessarily reference him in your Critique), or Fernea or Schactman.  How did their positions/methods affect their observations?

8 Criteria D: 0-5 points Goal 3-4+  You have to demonstrate that you have gained an understanding of Anthropology over the course of this year.  This means you have to correctly/accurately/relevantly employ concepts and key terms from the text/ethnographies/class.  Show evidence of anthropological understanding and connect to your report/data.

9 Some concepts: 1. Structure : behavior is controlled/pre-determined 2. Agency : humans determine behavior free of influence or in resistance to it. 3. Identity : individual, groups, society (age groups/sets, gender, class, occupation, kinship, marriage, religion, globalization). 4. Language : Code Switching 5. Race/Ethnicity : did physical appearance determine/affect your observation 6. Conflict : subculture resistance/defiance vs. mainstream 7. Power and Authority : relevant structures conformity/non- conformity 8. Exploitation/Globalization : shopping at Walmart reinforces the low wages in developing countries and sends manufacturing jobs that were American away, thus reducing the middle class. 9. Taboos/Morals : did behavior conform or defy/break with mainstream cultural norms.

10 (B & C) Criteria B: Description and Analysis: Scored 4/4 (D) Criteria C: Middle portion of Critique discusses how position affected subjects and report, preconceived responses based on emotion, too much analysis, too little description. Scores 4/4 (E) Criteria D: refers to Mbuti, Age Sets, gender roles, separation (Gennep: separation, liminal, incorporation/reincorporation “Rumspringa”). Scored 4/4

11 Writer played hockey as a youth, game was older players, pro-game, large arena vs. youth games, watched the game too. Diversity: race/class Position: outer side, choose observe during game b/c writer would be un-noticed. Focused on two groups: ? Interesting People: Weird: class, race, crazy, woman. Groups of People: vendors- low-wage, door managers, hooligans,

12 ( C) Criteria B: How do they discuss position and nature of observation, their examples, and are they aware of biases? (D) Criteria C: How does the writer refer to assumptions/value judgments and do they indicate those are social and personal? It is discussed and examples cited/given? (E) Criteria D: How does the writer indicated anthropological understanding in Critique? Evidence of methodological issues?

13 ( C) Criteria B: How do they discuss position and nature of observation, their examples, and are they aware of biases? (D) Criteria C: How does the writer refer to assumptions/value judgments and do they indicate those are social and personal? It is discussed and examples cited/given? (E) Criteria D: How does the writer indicated anthropological understanding in Critique? Evidence of methodological issues?

14 ( C) Criteria B: How do they discuss position and nature of observation, their examples, and are they aware of biases? (D) Criteria C: How does the writer refer to assumptions/value judgments and do they indicate those are social and personal? It is discussed and examples cited/given? (E) Criteria D: How does the writer indicated anthropological understanding in Critique? Evidence of methodological issues?

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