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Directed by: Yimou Zhang Cast: Minzhi Wei----Wei Minzhi Huike Zhang----Zhang Huike Not one less Binhai middle school : Wei Haiyang.

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Presentation on theme: "Directed by: Yimou Zhang Cast: Minzhi Wei----Wei Minzhi Huike Zhang----Zhang Huike Not one less Binhai middle school : Wei Haiyang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directed by: Yimou Zhang Cast: Minzhi Wei----Wei Minzhi Huike Zhang----Zhang Huike Not one less Binhai middle school : Wei Haiyang

2 Who is he? He is a famous director who has directed many films, When he was twelve, he made his first real film.

3 A famous director Zhang Yimou

4 House of Flying Daggers

5 The Story of Qiu Ju My Parents

6 Hero Raise the Red Lantern

7 Ju DouRed Sorghum

8 Shanghai Triad Not One Less

9 Directed by: Yimou Zhang Cast: Minzhi Wei----Wei Minzhi Huike Zhang----Zhang Huike Not one less

10 What’s the film about? (The Plot) Put these sentences in the right order : ( ) Minzhi appears on TV. ( ) Wei Minzhi takes his place. ( ) Mr Gao leaves. ( ) Wei Minzhi teaches the students. ( ) Minzhi can’t find him in the town. ( ) Minzhi goes to the town to look for Huike. ( ) Huike runs from school. ( ) Huike sees her and goes back to their village. A B G C F E D H

11 Here are the main scenes of the film. Please describe these scenes with the help of the key words

12 Mr Gao be away take care of Minzhi take his place

13 Minzhi not know how to keep …quiet try to keep … by locking them up …

14 Zhang Huike a naughty boy cause trouble go to the town

15 Minzhi become worried determine to bring him back walk into the city look everywhere

16 Minzhi ask …for help appear live wish Huike to see her

17 at last both go back to together with the people

18 Retell the story:

19 Listen to the tape and pay attention your pronunciation and tone. Listening:

20 1. What kind of person is Wei Minzhi from the story? 2. Are you like Zhang Huike? Why do you think so? kind-hearted responsible About the Characters:

21 Comment on the whole film: (1) Do you want to see the film? Why ? (2)What can we learn from the text?

22 I want to go to school! What should we do? Hope project( 希望工程)

23 “Not One Less” Part one Make comments: Many people like this film not only because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves The structure of the text: (Para 1-5) (Para 6) Tell the story briefly Part two

24 How to make comments on a film: First Tell the story in your words. Make comments on different things about the film. Make comment on the whole film. Next (If you think the film is good, you may encourage other people to go and see it.) (e.g.plot/actors/music/characters/scenes / the action/director …) Finally

25 Application( 运用)

26 Key words: 孙悟空: Wukong 沙僧: Shaseng 唐僧: Tangseng 猪八戒: Bajie 念咒语: chant incantations 妖怪: spirit 白骨精: Baigujing 大师兄: monkey brother 二师弟: second brother 出家人: monk 长生不老: immortal 西天取经: go to the west for Buddhist scriptures 慈悲为怀: kind 滥杀无辜: kill good people 花果山: Mounti Huaguo

27 Homework: Write a comment on the film you like most. (The film is about… I like/dislike this film because…)

28 Good bye!

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