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Objective: begin sentences with capital letters and end with the correct end marks.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: begin sentences with capital letters and end with the correct end marks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: begin sentences with capital letters and end with the correct end marks

2 Read the sentences below. Which sentence is a statement? Which one is a question? He jabbed his hands into his pockets and sighed. Why couldn’t he get his room straight?

3 When you write, you must show where each sentence begins and ends. Use a capital letter to show where each sentence begins, and an end mark to show where it ends. Run-on: Something smells good are you baking bread? Correct: Something smells good. Are you making bread?

4 Statements and commands end with a periods. Questions end with question marks. Exclamations end with exclamation marks. Statement: We like warm bread. Command: Make some bread please. Question: Do you like warm bread? Exclamation: What a wonderful bread this is!

5 How would you write these sentences? 1. take lessons from my teacher 2. have you ever seen Peggy Fleming skate 3. how graceful she is 4. she won a gold metal in the Olympics 5. we went there last year who won the contest

6 we are making dinner would you like to help do you need an apron please find the large pot pour in some ketchup did you remember to add the jelly i’ll chop the cabbage what a great stew this will be how surprised Mom and Dad will be

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