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Florida Farm to School Presents… K-2. Cauliflower K-2 In Season now!

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Farm to School Presents… K-2. Cauliflower K-2 In Season now!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Farm to School Presents… K-2

2 Cauliflower K-2 In Season now!

3 Let’s learn more about this month’s Harvest of the Month! Cauliflower

4 Job: Beauty Queen Best Friend: Brock Broccoli Favorite Band: Black Eyed Peas Secret Talent: Changing Colors Quote to Win the beauty pageant: “No matter what seed we come from, all vegetables are beautiful and healthy on the inside and out.” Meet this month’s guide Chloe Cauliflower

5 Have you ever eaten Cauliflower? Try it!

6 Did you know? when you eat cauliflower, you are eating a flower! The part we eat is the head.

7 Do they look similar? Flower & Cauliflower

8 Did you know? We usually eat white cauliflower, but this vegetable can also be green, Yellow or purple!

9 Green Yellow Purple White Green Yellow Purple White Colors of Cauliflower The part we eat!

10 Did you know? Cauliflower can be eaten raw, mashed or even turned into a healthy A pizza crust!

11 Is cauliflower good for you? Cauliflower is fat and cholesterol free. Half a cup of cooked cauliflower is equal to one serving of your daily vegetables! YES

12 Let’s talk about where this Florida -Grown Produce comes From!

13 This is how cauliflower grows..

14 Where is cauliflower grown in Florida? Caulif lower is chiefl y grown in West Centra l Florid a. Caulif lower does not like super cold weathe r. Some like it hot!

15 Why is Florida cauliflower Special? Cauliflower’s growing season in Florida is from October to April with an abundant supply in March. Cauliflower became an important crop in the United States in 1925. Broccoli and cabbage grow similar to cauliflower, but cauliflower does not handle the cold weather as well as these crops. Cauliflower’s growing season in Florida is from October to April with an abundant supply in March. Cauliflower became an important crop in the United States in 1925. Broccoli and cabbage grow similar to cauliflower, but cauliflower does not handle the cold weather as well as these crops. 1925…s eems like just yester day!

16 Did you know? “Jacket Leaves” are the green leaves surrounding the head of a cauliflower. They protect it from too much sun as it grows so that the flower stays white. Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is a member of the cabbage family. Cauliflower should be planted 18-24 inches apart and must have substantial soil moisture to grow. K-2K-2

17 Cauliflower Teacher Resources K-2 Teache rs rock!

18 Morning Announcement Script Add A Joke! Where did the astronaut keep his cauliflower florets? In a LAUNCH box! “Did you know that cauliflower is March’s featured Harvest of the Month product? Did you also know that cauliflower is high in vitamin C, Folate AND potassium? Learn more about this vegetable in class and if you see cauliflower in the lunchroom, try it!”

19 Online Resources For more cauliflower resources: /nutrition-through- seasons/seasonal- produce/cauliflower For additional recipes: http://sarasota.if laFoodFare/Caul iflower.pdf Play games to learn about food safety: diseases/detectives.html Go Here! Or Here! Try This Site! K-2K-2

20 Punctuation Add the right punctuation to Fix These Sentences 1. Cauliflower is my favorite vegetable 2. Did you know that cauliflower can be purple 3. Do you grow your own cauliflower 4. Cauliflower does not grow well in cold weather 5. Do you like cauliflower dipped in ranch Language Arts K-2K-2 Answers on next slide

21 Punctuation Add the right punctuation to Fix These Sentences 1. Cauliflower is my favorite vegetable (! or.) 2. Did you know that cauliflower can be purple (?) 3. Do you grow your own cauliflower (?) 4. Cauliflower does not grow well in cold weather (.) 5. Do you like cauliflower dipped in ranch (?) Language Arts K-2K-2

22 Goods and Services in Agriculture Goods Tractor Social Studies Shovel Cauliflow er K-2K-2

23 Goods and Services in Agriculture Services Harvestin g and Farming Social Studies Packaging and Deliverin g Selling K-2K-2

24 Goods and Services Resources Goods and Services defined Lesson Plans _studies.shtml _studies.shtml sBuddies/default.htm sBuddies/default.htm Goods and Services activities us/Resources/Item/142751/first-grade-economics-goods- and-services#.VVNU6I5VhHw us/Resources/Item/142751/first-grade-economics-goods- and-services#.VVNU6I5VhHw If you Give a mouse a cookie Social Studies K-2K-2

25 Keep Tasting! Try it on your lunch Tray today! freshfromflorid ool

26 Sneak Peek at Next Month… Hey kids, stay out of trouble until April

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