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How are YOU going to pay for college? LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative Westminster Campus LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "How are YOU going to pay for college? LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative Westminster Campus LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 How are YOU going to pay for college? LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative Westminster Campus LAURA GRAY Outreach and Enrollment Representative Westminster Campus

2 How America Pays for College 2013 *Taken from the Sallie Mae and Gallup Report*

3 SchoolCO Resident Tuition (no fees) Non-Resident Tuition (no fees) Front Range Community College$3,132$12,850 Metro State University of Denver$5,222$18,859 University of Northern Colorado$6,072$17,118 Colorado State University$8,301$25,009 University of Colorado – Boulder$9,312$32,346 Colorado School of Mines$15,225$32,700 Regis University$33,110 Denver University$43,164 How much does college cost per year?

4 Each school determines their own Cost of Attendance and these are the factors that influence “what it costs to attend” Remember, there are expenses beyond “tuition and fees” Approximation of CostsResident* Resident at home* Non-Resident Non-Resident at home Tuition and Fees$3,444 $12,123 Room/Board$8,982$4,320$8,982$4,320 Books$1,800 Personal/Medical$3,546$3,402$3,546$3,402 Transportation$1,296 Total:$19,068$14,262$27,747$22,941

5 Colorado University-Boulder University of Northern Colorado Denver University (DU) CategoryResident On- Campus Resident Off- Campus Tuition and Fees$8,366 Book Allowance$1,350 Living Allowance$10,560$9,602 Personal/Transportation/ Medical $2,456$3,104 Loan Fees$40 Total$22,772$22,462

6 The FAFSA F ree A pplication F ederal S tudent A id GRANTS LOANS WORK-STUDY Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)

7 GRANTS Need Based Pell Grant Maximum award for 2015-2016 school year is $5775 Up to $3500 for the Year Colorado Student Grant

8 student LOANS Loans MUST be repaid – 6 months after graduation or – When no longer enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours Subsidized: interest does not occur until 6 months after education has stopped. Unsubsidized: interest accrues during the entire life of the loan. There are various types of loans with various interest rates!  Talk to a Financial Aid Advisor!

9 Debt accumulates quickly; only borrow what you need!! Average student loan debt for a four-year student in Colorado: $24,520 That’s a payment of $249 per month for 10 years! Don’t have to borrow all of the funds offered Can pay while you are in school or pay back early with no penalty! Student loans are borrowed money and you must pay back to the Department of Education!

10 other LOANS Parent PLUS Loan Loan is under parent Must begin repayment once funds are disbursed – Interest Rate 6.4% Alternative Loans Credit check is required Interest rates vary

11 WORK-STUDY FAFSA must be completed Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits and attend work-study orientation Purpose: – On-campus Employment – Flexible schedule with employer – Regular paychecks – Work between 10-20 hours a week

12 The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) found online at Must have a FAFSA Username and Password; write it down! Enter a school code for each institution you are considering LINK TAXES Renew FAFSA every year: 2016-2017 FAFSA will be available after 01/01/2016 and will use 2015 tax information Questions about your family, demographics, income, education plans, etc.

13 Only if you can’t answer “yes” to one of these questions…. Was born before: January 1, 1993 (for 2016-2017 Award Year) Is married Has legal dependents who receive more than half their support from student Is an orphan or ward of the court Is currently serving on active duty in the US Armed Forces for purposes other than training or is a veteran of the US Armed Forces Is a graduate or professional student

14 Sunday, February 21, 2016 from 1-3 p.m. Bring Social Security Number/Alien Registration Number for both student and parent Bring 2015 tax information (if you have filed) Great option to get FREE help to complete your FAFSA for priority consideration !

15 Each institution will award you types of financial aid that you qualify for Each student’s award will be different and based on information provided on FAFSA Notifications can come through student portal/email/actual letter Sometimes additional documentation is requested before processing your award Contact your school to understand timelines for submitting documents and processing paperwork before the semester begins

16 Academic Success is important to stay eligible for financial aid funding! Example of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy: Maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA for your time at FRCC 67% Course Completion Rate (Attempted credits vs. Earned credits) Finish program within 150% of the timeframe Successfully complete coursework in one term Each institution will monitor your academic standing to ensure you are showing academic success and maintaining progress toward completing a degree.

17 Resources for undocumented students In order to receive federal aid from FAFSA you need to be a US citizen or Permanent Resident If you are not one of these things, you can still attend college! Here are some resources: – Still able to receive in-state tuition in Colorado – There are some scholarships specifically for undocumented students! – Scholarships, Scholarships, and more Scholarships

18 Currently $75.00 per credit hour as a stipend from the State of Colorado Must be a Colorado Resident Apply for the College Opportunity Fund: May need to re-authorize COF each semester when you register for classes


20 Time=money Scholarship Award= $1000 Time to complete application= 6 hours Amount Earned per hour= $166

21 Where can you find scholarships? The college you will be/are attending




25 Where can you find scholarships? Library Local Businesses Church/ Congregation Your Community!



28 Where can you find scholarships? High School Counselor


30 Where can you find scholarships? Your Parent’s Employer Siemens – Merit-based scholarships- $1000/yearly Federal Government – Merit-based- given to more than 400 students. Ranges from $500-$7000 Verizon – $4000/yearly Intel – 400 scholarships worldwide. Up to $4000 Kroger – 2.2 million dollars in scholarships to employees’ families annually

31 Where can you find scholarships? Students- Your Job! Companies with Great Tuition Assistance – Target – DIRECTV – DISH – Many Banks (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Etc.) – Apple – Best Buy – UPS – Home Depot – Kaiser Permanente

32 Where can you find scholarships? Internet U.S. Department of Labor Scholarship Search hipCategory.asp?searchtype=category&nodeid=22 College in Colorado Fastweb College Niches College Scholarships

33 Applying for scholarships When to start: – 6 months- 1 year in advance Apply for Federal Financial Aid – FAFSA Order ALL transcripts Gather a minimum of 3 letters of recommendation – Teachers – Employers – Mentors/Counselors Develop an organization system

34 Thanks for listening! General FRCC Information: 303-404-5000 Laura Gray Outreach and Enrollment Representative 303-404-5295

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