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THE VIETNAM WAR CHAPTER 26 SECTION 1 Background to the War Post WW II: France seeks to control Vietnam Vietminh seek Independence USA helps France with.

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3 Background to the War Post WW II: France seeks to control Vietnam Vietminh seek Independence USA helps France with military aid China going Communist Korean War

4 Background to the War By 1954, USA paying for 80% of War USA convinced public with domino theory

5 Background to the War “You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one and what will happen to the last one is the certainity that it will go over very quickly… Asia, after all, has already lost some 450 million of its people to Communist dictatorship and we simply can’t afford greater losses. President Eisenhower

6 Background to the War Vietminh frustrate French with guerilla warfare Irregular troops who blend into the civilian population and are difficult for regular armies to fight

7 Background to the War “If the tiger ever stands still, the elephant will crush him with his mighty tusks. But the tiger does not stand still... He will leap upon the back of the elephant, tearing huge chunks from his hide, and then the tiger will leap back into the dark jungle. And slowly the elephant will bleed to death. That will be the war of Vietnam.” Ho Chi Minh

8 Background to the War Vietminh finally defeat French at Dien Bien Phu President Eisenhower declined to send troops to help France

9 Background to the War Peace Treaty between French and Vietminh signed at Geneva “Geneva Accords” Vietnam was divided at 17 th parallel Ho Chi Minh’s forces (Vietminh) controlled the North Ngo Dinh Diem claimed control of the South

10 Background to the War Dictatorial rule by Diem Diem’s family holds all power Wealth and land horded by the elite Buddhist majority persecuted Tens of thousands political opponents jailed, tortured, executed Major support was army soldiers who had served in French army during the war against the Vietminh

11 Early Protests of Diem’s Government

12 US Military Involvement Begins The U.S. aided Diem’s Government Ike sent financial and military aid 900 U.S. Army advisors sent by 1960

13 US Military Involvement Begins 1955: USA joins SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, U.K., Bangladesh JFK elected 1960

14 Solutions to Vietnam CAUSE 1. ? 2. Diem Creates Strategic Hamlets 3. ? EFFECT 1. Military “advisors” increase to 16,000 1. ? 2. South Vietnam’s Gov’t becomes unstable and weak

15 Johnson Sends Ground Forces LBJ remembers Truman’s “loss” of China Brings back Domino Theory 1964: Tonkin Gulf Resolution “The Blank Check”

16 U.S. Troops Deployments in Vietnam

17 Who is the Enemy? Vietminh (NVA) North Vietnam Army Vietcong (NLF): Farmers by day; guerillas at night Very patient people, willing to accept many casualties USA underestimated determination and resourcefulness Were supplied from the “Ho Chi Minh Trail” “The guerilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win”

18 The Air War 1965 - 1968 1965: Sustained bombing of North Vietnam Operation ROLLING THUNDER 1966 – 68:Continous bombing of North Vietnam Downed Pilots: P.O.W.s Carpet Bombing - Napalm

19 The Air War: Napalm Attack


21 The Ground War 1965 – 1968 No Territorial Goals Goal: Stop Communism in S. Vietnam War shown on TV every night Search and Destroy

22 Search & Destroy U.S. relied too heavily on Search and Destroy Missions (S&D)

23 The Ground War

24 S&D Problems Frequently led to Vietcong ambushes Too often resulted in the destruction of nearby villages Used helicopters to attack and then withdraw, leaving supporters high and dry Failed to forge relationships with villagers Result: United States lost the battle for the “Hearts and Minds” of the Vietnamese. Reliance on “Body Count”

25 “Body Count” Success was measured by the number of Vietcong killed Problems Soldiers lied and rounded the count up for promotions Everyone was assumed to be Vietcong Free-Fire Zones Inflated numbers were given to the media and sold to the public

26 Who is the Enemy?

27 VC Tunnels

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