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Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation.

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Presentation on theme: "Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. non validés… Redirection et renvois

2 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Qu’est ce que c’est? Lorsque qu’une application web effectue une redirection en fonction d’un paramètre et accepte ces derniers sans les valider, ce qui cause de la redirection vers des sites malicieux.

3 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Raison d’utilisations 1. Hameçonnage. 2. Virus et Malware.

4 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Exemple de cas simple. Une personne met un lien sur un forum ou bien YouTube qui permet de télécharger un jeu, une musique ou « Whatever! » Si une application web possède une page «redirect.jsp», alors quelqu’un decide de vous jouer un tour… Vous recevez un Email qui vous dit que votre mot de passe a été modifier et ça vous demande si vous l’avez vraiment modifié si oui vous cliquez sur un boutton qui a ce lien…

5 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Devinez la faille!

6 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. [HttpPost, AllowAnonymous, ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult LogIn(UserViewModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //On devrait normalement hash le password... PasswordHasher passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher(); User user = context.Users.FirstOrNull(u => u.Email == model.Email && passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(u.Password, model.Password)); if (user != null) { //User found! now log in... FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, model.RememberMe); return Redirect(returnUrl); } else ModelState.AddModelError("", "Login details are wrong."); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }

7 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Solution? 1.Éviter d’utiliser des redirections. 2.Ne pas utiliser de paramètre visibles pour l’utilisateur… (ViewBag par exemple) 3.Validation manuelle!

8 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. Exemple de code parfait!

9 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. [HttpPost, AllowAnonymous, ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult LogIn(UserViewModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //On devrait normalement hash le password lors du register... PasswordHasher passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher(); User user = context.Users.FirstOrNull(u => u.Email == model.Email && passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(u.Password, model.Password)); if (user != null) { //User found! now log in... FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, model.RememberMe); return RedirectToLocal (returnUrl); } else ModelState.AddModelError("", "Login details are wrong."); } //Si le model n’est pas valide… ou une erreur… return View(model); }

10 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. private ActionResult RedirectToLocal(string returnUrl) { if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl)) return Redirect(returnUrl); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }

11 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. This animation looks best on a medium or dark colored background. The text will be hard to read on very light or very dark backgrounds. lIHIBfLQnccEAAAQASAAUNTx5Pf4_____wFgvwWCARdjYS1wdWItMDQ2NjU4MjEwO TU2NjUzMsgBBOACAKgDAaoE5AFP0NHr5cHwFmWgKNs6HNTPVk7TWSV- CDHX83dKdGSWJ2ADoZNIxUHZwjAODRyDY_7nVtpuqSLOTef4xzVxDQ2U22MNbGak3 3Ur7i2jDB8LdYt9TbC3ifsXmklY5jl3Zpq4_lP7wagVfjt0-- tNPPGTR96NGbxgPvfHMq9ZsTXpjhc_lPlnyGjlWzF8yn437iaxhGRwYLt_CymifLO2YaJP kCm9nLpONtUM- mstUSpKQrP2VjjaZkbDtuK0naLLBV37aYEY4TzWQi8fQGN47z4XgpinBCna91zQayZjn2 wxccDCl0zgBAGgBhU%26num%3D0%26sig%3DAOD64_3Qi4qG3CRVHRI5AHSkSGuL 7HJqSA%26client%3Dca-pub- Open redirect faille de Google

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