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Vietnam War: Introduction America’s Unpopular War.

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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam War: Introduction America’s Unpopular War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vietnam War: Introduction America’s Unpopular War

2 What Do I Know About Vietnam and the American War in Vietnam??? Write 10 Things You Know About Vietnam and the Vietnam War:

3 Where is Vietnam???

4 Southeast Asia Vietnam is in Southeast Asia Near Laos, Cambodia. Thailand, and parts of China

5 Vietnam Facts 83 Million People Very Fertile Many Resources Hot and Wet Climate

6 Religion in Vietnam Most People are Buddhist Strong Minority of Catholics

7 Early History of Vietnam One of Few Asian Countries to Defeat the Mongols at the Time of Kublai and Genghis Khan. Victim of Chinese Colonialism Vietnam and China have not had a good relationship.

8 Vietnam and Imperialism Vietnamese will Strongly Resist Imperialism from: China Mongols French Japanese Many American Military and Political Leaders were Ignorant of this.

9 Viet Minh Founded by Ho Chi Minh Communist/Nation alist Group that Opposed the French and later Japanese

10 Ho Chi Minh Leader of the Viet Minh Wants Independent Vietnam Opposes French, Japanese, and Americans Trains in China and USSR Helps Rescue Americans during WW2 Communist or Nationalist

11 If Vietnam Goes Communist… Failure of Containment Domino Theory Fear of Monolithic Communist Alliance of China, Vietnam, and USSR

12 Johnson and Limited War Johnson is Afraid of Conflict Spreading to involve USSR and China. Strict Rules of Engagement Limited Targets for US Troops and Air Strikes Areas of North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos North Vietnamese Communists Can Attack, Move Supplies From and Retreat and American Troops Can Not Go

13 Tet Offensive 1968 Viet Cong Attack Every Major US Base in South Vietnam North Vietnamese Army Takes City of Hue and kills many inhabitants US Embassy Compound in Saigon is attacked

14 Ending the War/Vietnamization Vietnamization-Nixon ’ s Plan Turn the War over the war South Vietnamese Train and Equip South Vietnamese to Fight the North US Troops Withdraw Last US Troops Leave by 1973

15 Effects of Tet Major Military Victory for the US Viet Cong Devastated American Media Turns Against War American Public Turns Against War Political and Psychological Victory for North Vietnam President Johnson Will Not Seek Reelection

16 1975 North Vietnam Takes Over South Vietnam US Does not Prevent Vietnam is Unified Vietnam is All Communist

17 Results of Vietnam War 60,000 Americans Killed US reluctant to use military power American public is divided Americans don ’ t trust government Vietnam is Communist Cambodia Falls to Communist

18 Results in Cambodia Khmer Rouge/Cambodian Communist Take Power Pol Pot is Leader Killing Fields-Genocide of 1/3 of Cambodian Population by killed. Vietnam Invades and Occupies Cambodia to defeat Khmer Rouge.

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