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Frances Long: May 2006 What Do CE Administrators NEED TO KNOW About ~ Managing Online Courses.

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Presentation on theme: "Frances Long: May 2006 What Do CE Administrators NEED TO KNOW About ~ Managing Online Courses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frances Long: May 2006 What Do CE Administrators NEED TO KNOW About ~ Managing Online Courses and Programs ~

2 Quick Survey (show of hands) How many people…  Offer online courses/programs themselves?  Offer online courses/programs through a partnership?  Have heard of terms such as: Moodle,, flickr, yahoo, skype, Web 2.0, blogging, vlogging?  Have participated in a Podcast or Webcast?

3 Agenda 1.The Online Education Context 2.What’s Important? 3.About Knowplace 4.I have 900 online courses for you! (or… Frances’s principles for success) 5.Resources for further investigation

4 What’s new today is ancient history in six months ! 1/5 The Online Education Context Relativity, MC Escher

5 The online world changes rapidly It is crazy making! Life Long learning Continuing Education is key

6 Different Ways of doing Business The People  People work in teams (for survival) in courses and businesses.  No one is the expert  Courses and site must be open 24/7 The Online Environment  Many systems joined together eg: blogs, photos, wikis,  Open Source and freeware replacing proprietary systems Online Management  Social marketing  Replicate what you do f2f eg: registration, custodial duties etc.

7 2/5 What’s Important?

8 There is nothing magical about courses offered online! ~ Just new terms and some new ways of doing the SAME business ~

9 Terms to Remember (My Simplistic Definitions….) 1.Learning communities? 2.Talking online? 3.Open Source? 4.Web 2.0?

10 1/4 Learning Communities are..  People work in teams  Places where people take, share and contribute information  One class or a series of interconnected activities  Vibrant, safe and intellectually stimulating I want to return!

11 Why Should I Care about learning communities?  Learning communities free the teacher  Learners more responsible for their own learning  People contribute and share information  Hallmark of a good course

12 “This activity and forum discussion is a good example of co-operative learning… if we each had to do an individual assignment and provide the results directly to an instructor, we would not benefit from learning and facilitating in an open forum with common goals. So … we are already doing co-operative learning in a structured online environment” John Saremba, Knowmate, Active Learning Strategies course, May 2006 Learning Communities & Constructivism

13 2/4 Talking Online? Asynchronous Communication = Talk in delayed time Synchronous Communication = Talk in real time

14 Asynchronous Communication Moodle, Blackboard/WebCT, to talk and manage the talk Freeware such as Yahoo Groups, Google groups, mailman to communicate Blogs, Wikis, etc. for group projects

15 Synchronous Chat programs  typed words  avatars  video, pictures  sound

16 Skype with video and sound And it’s free!

17 3/4 Open Source?  Free and available programming code that permits others to download the code, install the program and change the code to suit your interests = FLEXIBLE  Need an active programming and user community to support the software eg: Moodle  Many upgrades to meet community needs Freeware ?  Programs that are free to use but usually contain ads eg: Yahoo, MSN Proprietary ?  Programs that cost, and you can’t change the code or manipulate them eg: MS Office

18 4/4 Web 2.0 ? Web 2.0 = a buzzword Refers to the second generation of services on the World Wide Web (always in flux) Premise is…..  Collaborate and share information online.  Combines a variety of applications and techniques such as social software, blogs, wikis, tags, podcasts to create learning environment  Social marketing/networking

19 3/5 About Knowplace

20 2/3 Programs, Activities & Services (with & without partners) 3/3 People Talking & Sharing 1/3 Learning Communities (online community centres)

21 1/3 Learning Communities (the knowplace family) KnowPLACE KnowCOACHKnowMOODLE Partners’ communities KnowTIPS online conference KnowSCHOOLS

22 Each knowplace Learning Community has…. Tools  Blogs  Resources  Bookmarks  Surveys  Interactive tools  Photos  Member’s area  Control for members of features Activities  Mentorship opportunities  Courses  Discussions  Open & free,  paid, not free

23 Knowplace learning communities I want to work online I work online & want to connect with others I want to work with others online  Courses through CapCcollege partnership  Activities/Courses through BCEDOnline  Custom designed courses for groups/partners  Mentorship Opportunities  Presentations for groups, staff meetings, conferences etc.  Professional Development/Openweekends  Courses  Blogs  Knowmates host Open Weekends  Bookmarks  Resources  Mentorship  Host their courses / workshops / communities online and use asynchronous & synchronous tools  Knowplace facilities, or their own  Knowplace ‘behind the scenes’ support

24 2/3 Programs, Activities & Services (knowplace in the knowplace family) knowplace Open Weekends @ knowplace Capilano College & knowplace Partnership Our Partners’ Communities Online Conferences KnowWEEKS (proD) Specialty activities

25 3/3 Knowplace People are … 2/3 Comfortable Online (knowmates) 3/3 Live Online (knowmads) 1/3 New to Online (knewbies) Roles are Interchangeable

26 Where are we? Freeware tool:

27 Knowplace Environment  Rarely meet in person (if ever)  Rarely hear voices  Very few photos  Talk through typed words  Talk through Internet

28 What’s Knowplace? International online learning community that….  Partnerships with other organizations to provide services  Offers professional development activities for people who are either new or very comfortable working online with others  Supports our partners, people and their organizations to offer courses and programs online  Promotes the use of open source and freeware tools  Conducts presentations for groups

29 We chose Moodle…. open source learning management system: Moodle=Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

30 Moodle gives us…. Community: Personalized member identity, learning groups, registration options for guests, cross- course/institution collaboration, etc Design and Content separate: Teacher forum, back up, restore reuse and share courses and student contributions. Multiple Layers Of Help And Support Context help (institution-wide and course-specific) FAQ, glossary, resource, and communication tools. Access to administrator support contracts. Communication Tools Private dialogues, Personal reflection journals, Chat, Variety of formats and access privileges for asynchronous discussions, Option for email notification of posts, integrated feedback/rating options for posts Assessment And Evaluation Grades recorded with customized scales, Options to grade any type of activity, Quiz tool allowing choices and combinations of quiz types, Survey tool, User logging and tracking. Flexible Customization Site branding and themes, Course organization according to pedagogical approach (topical/project-based, weekly units, etc.)

31 4/5 I have 900 courses for you! Or… (Frances’s principles for success)

32 The more that education changes…. The more it remains the same Principle # 1

33 Nothing Has changed!  Accommodates different learning styles  Uses Sound, real-time & delayed time conversations, images,  Uses a variety of tools eg: polls, discussion forums, journals, quizzes  Different assessment strategies No facilitator Remember Pizza boxes and programmed instruction? Facilitator  Low retention  Read information, do a few exercises and write an exam  Maybe get assistance by email A good facilitator makes a bad course sing!

34 Recognize a Good Course?  Same way you do f2f  Employs active learning strategies such as: games, sound, images, different tools, field trips, discussions  Accounts for different learning styles Principle # 2 Facilitated courses are best

35 Choose an online facilitator?  Hire them online  Look at rapidity of response to emails  Do they work weekends?  Do they check in 3 – 4 times a day?  Do they work in teams?  Take them on virtual field trips?  Use a variety of active learning strategies?

36 Choose a Partner?  Same way you do f2f!  You work with people that complement your weaknesses and have the same goals as you  Mutual respect  Trust relationship  Open lines of communication

37 Choose an online environment Principle #3 Choose environment for flexibility  Flexible  Posts emailed or not  Facilitator can edit/delete posts  Create content ‘on the fly’  Members area, avatars  Work together in group projects

38  Technical Person  Manager  Members  Moderator Everyone active and contributing in the course = success! Principle #4 A learning community is MUCH MORE than tools – it’s the people!

39 DON’T go into this business if you aren’t prepared to replicate all services that you offer face-to-face! Principle #5

40 Principal #6 Open Source is best

41 Principle #1 The more that education changes…. The more it remains the same Principle #2 Facilitated courses are best Principle #3 Choose environment for flexibility Principle #4 A learning community is MUCH MORE than tools – it’s the people! Principle #5 DON’T go into this business if you aren’t prepared to replicate all services offered face-to-face Principal #6 Open Source is best

42 5/5 Resources for further Investigation

43 Online Learning Communities Open Source learning environments

44 Online Conferences March 29 – April 02, 2007 Of interest to teachers & career educators Great Learning materials for classrooms

45 Open Office An open, feature-rich multi-platform office productivity suite. The user interface and the functionality is very similar to other products like Microsoft Office or Lotus SmartSuite Gimp Paint Freely distributed software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. Many operating systems, in many languages http://gimp.org Blender open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post- production, interactive creation and playback. Audacity, Jybe Tools to create podcasts, edit the sound Flickr Photos and storage Furl, Delicious bookmark sites that you share Blogs that you share with your members

46 Questions? Contact: Frances Long: Come Visit Us:

47 Who Builds these courses? PHYSICAL SCHOOL Site Builders Architect General Contractors Specialized Trades eg: Carpenters Painters Electricians, and Plumbers. Construction Workers Inspectors to ensure code compliance Course Builders Instructor Standards set by legislative body Instructional Designer Content/Subject Expert ONLINE SCHOOL Site Builders Programmer Web Designer Graphic Designer Server Administrator Server Host Site Manager Course Builders Instructional Designer Content/subject Expert Programmer Web Designer Graphic Designer Facilitator/Instructor Standards set by legislative body

48 Who Supports These Courses? PHYSICAL SCHOOL Administrative Support Members of the School/College or University Board Administration School Principal Classroom Maintenance Custodian Clerical Support Teacher Students ONLINE SCHOOL Administrative Support Site Owners Board of Directors President Site Manager Classroom Maintenance Instructional Designer Content/subject Expert Programmer Web Designer Server Administrator Facilitator/Instructor/Volunteer Moderator Participants

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